Id suck on her clit all day.
Id suck on her clit all day
For the chance
> her
A bit too large for my taste, but care to comment on her larger body of work?
Id suck and bite every part of her body. Here ass, thighs, calves and FEET
Ohhhh absolutely
I'd let her use my face as toilet paper
Where does the enjoyment of pussy eating comes from for the man?
probably having your face in her naughty place user
damn right fellow tranny yea pussies are overrated lol
Gilbert gets paid to make the same jokes I made in 7th grade
being a good simp lamping her meatflaps
Leave zoomie
yikes, roasties are so disgusting.
stay angry dilator
based simp
If she is clean and has a pretty pussy then it can be kino user. Also she will give you better head.
It's probably one of my favorite things to do during sex.
I love how doing it long enough causes her to tense and squirm more and more until her legs start shaking uncontrollably. She then starts to moan louder and louder and you have to hold her warm, smooth thighs to keep her steady enough. Her clit gets harder and harder and you can feel her wanting to cum more and more. Then finally, she does and her whole body spasms as she lets out a bunch of loud moans and says your name.
I love the reaction so much. Gets me rock hard and by the time I'm done she is so horny that fucking is like 10x better.
Imagine being so insecure about your masculinity that the harmless act of pleasuring your woman gets you all worked up about being a homo. Ask me how I know you've never interacted with any woman besides your own mother who despises your existence?
eating pussy is submissive. Any man that eats pussy is a cuck. You are putting your mouth where a double, triple, or quadruple digit amount of dicks have been.
incel virgin detected.
>beta male: the post
I have never had sex
Reminder, disney cancelled the Lizzie McGuire reboot because hillary duff refused to get paired with that black dude
Racist bitch.
I have. Don't let anyone tell you it's overrated. It's really one of the greatest joys in life desu.
Lol so putting your dick where a hundred dicks have been before is alright but God forbid you put your mouth in there. By that logic kissing a woman is pure faggotry cause you're putting your mouth where a hundred mouths/dicks have been before too. Retard.
pepe you got something in your eye
the internet ruined your mind, virgin
How is that even possible in the modern world? Women today are the sluttiest they've ever been, there are some that make it their mission to ride as much dick as they can in their 20s. Are you an ugly freak or a turbo autist or something?
I got laid 2 weeks back with a girl who approached me in a pub I went to with my friends. Wasn't even trying, it just happened itself. I have serious difficulty imagining how people can't get laid these days. It's like saying you've never drank water or seen the sky or something.
I will probably never have sex in my life
Did I get it
try flicking a bitch's clit randomly while you go down on her. I love the reactions
Eh, it's alright. Gets a bit tedious after about ten to twenty minutes or so, and then you're just chafing your dick and constantly switching positions for an hour to see if you can coom in any of them. Usually it just ends in an awkwardly long jerk over her face until you can finally bring yourself to coom on it. Lying in the afterglow next to that person, with their legs and arms wrapped around you and their hair in your face, is a far greater pleasure than the act itself.
yeah you got it
We're talking puffing and we're talking all day
american society is disgusting
Yes I am a turbo autist
I don’t go to bars or pubs
my only friend is my mom and I can barely manage to hold a conversation with her
you realize over compensating and trying to sound like a chad on an anonymous forum pretty much confirms you're the most beta, incel fagot on here right?
Is she twitching her foot on purpose? Are women consciously aware of the power that their feet hold over men?
you can wear a condom. Would you rather get shit on your cock after fucking a chick in the ass with a condom on, or would you rather get shit in your mouth?
When I have got poop on my wiener with a condom on, it wasn't too big of a deal for me. Its not like the poop was in or near my wiener hole. Its just poop on skin. Shower after and you good.
why do women fuck up their bodies like that?
women have standards, yes even the turbo sluts, they all bang the same group of successful men
most men don't reach these standards, but can still get a gf every now and then if they work real hard
some of these men are disabled, mentally ill, autistic, deformed, and never go outside, they just gave up.
its a shame she had sex with a black dude on her show Younger
fuck man...what a goddess
Look at those cankles
I think the idea is if you do it well she will suck your cock well too.
They definitely know
>Are women consciously aware of the power that their body hold over men?
Very true. If you show you are trying to meet her needs in bed (and actually do) she'll do anything. Going down on a girl and making her cum pretty much means she won't say no to most of your requests. It's been the most surefire way to give her anal too.
She’s hideous
If I saw her in public I would bash her face in
no one's talking about anal you repressed homo
fell for the porn industry jewop
She just has to resort to those kinds of tricks now.
>claims that eating pussy is gay
>to prove it, he talks about getting shit in his dick hole
how to recognize a virgin:
>lol caring about what women think
this is how a virgin cope with the fact of being sexually inferior, cant deliver pleasure so he convinced himself that "he doesnt care"
>oral sex is for cvcks and betas
he dismisses even the most elemental sexual practices, he tries to act like an alpha and admitting his sexual inexperience at the same time, fascinating
>lol thots and sex are overrated ,find a virgin u degenerates
this is the tastiest cope, he basically excluded himself from the dating pool, purity spiraling its a common jewish psyop aimed to weak disenfranchised boys
Women always lie about how many dudes they have had sex with. Someone needs to come up with a function to calculate how many people she has actually fucked.
This will be for childless women only.
/* The user will input integer values in all fields into stdin.
race: 1 white, 2 black, 3 asian, 4 hispanic, 5 native
income: 1 wealthy, 2 middle class, 3 poor
int sex_calculator(int HerReportedNumber, int age, int race, int income);
Anyone else got ideas for more parameters to factor in?
imagine typing this out
fuck them and dump em
drop your calculator and grow a pair sperg faggot
Fuck, kill, marry
>fuck them and dump em
Not your reply, but I honestly think that would make me more depressed than I already am.
lift weights, take niacin, meditate, help other people
if your depression doesnt go away
take pills,
with a condom on its still more sanitary to put wiener into a butt, than your tongue into a vagina.
I said eating pussy is for cucks, not that its gay.
Eating pussy is submissive. Fucking a chick in the ass is dominant. If a chick actually likes you, she will let you fuck her in the ass. Alpha fucks, beta bucks. When women get with betas, she would never let him fuck her in the ass. Women make rules for betas and break rules for alphas. If a woman doesn't fuck you within 2 dates, she thinks you're a beta. Either that or shes actually a good woman that has a low body count. Most women have fucked on the first or second date, so if she don't fuck you, she thinks you're a beta.
Spoken like a true virgin.
for me, its big butt on the right
Nice incel screed faggot.
>eating pussy is submissive. Any man that eats pussy is a cuck. You are putting your mouth where a double, triple, or quadruple digit amount of dicks have been.
>projecting this much
Jesus Christ. Imagine being this insecure. I kinda feel sorry for you desu user.
>just bang random slut
virgins don't want sex, they want to feel wanted
>anchor tattoo
naw, she only fucks seamen. No little land lubber cockss for the Duff only giant seafaring masts
so your alpha status is destroyed once you eat a pussy
lol beta
>Are you an ugly freak or a turbo autist or something?
I might be the first one. It makes me feel like shit a lot of the time.