Why can't it get a good series in the modern day?
Why can't it get a good series in the modern day?
Jews. And their diversity pets.
Because you didn't like Enterprise.
But it did.
The people who have taken over writing the series don't understand what made trek good in the first place, they just see a famous sci-fi series and know the tropes (Vulcans like logic! Picard is popular! Cranky Klingon fight thing!) and apply them. It's the same with Star Wars, the people who make them are incompetent retards who want to push their agendas all the while ignoring the history of the series.
I've posted this pic a few times today, but fuck it I'll post it again. These are the people who are making nuTrek.
Anton Yelchin and John Cho and Q's son and Wesley Crusher and Icheb are relentlessly handsome.
Picard was good
First Season was great, after episode two when the idiotic humour settled down. So much potential. Second season was ultimately forgettable.
Very much this. Anything to make a fast buck. Maybe the same set of clowns who think the Star Wars prequels were good will latch onto new Star Trek next.
>implying Trek hasn't been pushing its writers' agendas since Day 1
How low IQ do you have to be to think that part has changed? Or are you making a bad faith argument trying to correlate ideas you personally object to with a drop in writing quality?
>Maybe the same set of clowns who think the Star Wars prequels were good will latch onto new Star Trek next.
Different demographics, new star trek isnt memeable enough.
But Picard is actually good, not everything has to be slow-paced, no-action TNG .
>Picard was good
No, unironically, jews. Star Trek had jews before sure, but it has reached critical levels and taken over the ownership completely.
Trek always had a political side, but it was nuanced and involved a lot of discussion and communication between people of different worldviews. The shows were always about people with different ideologies learning to work together to lead humanity and the whole galaxy to a better place. Picard on the other hand destroys all the lore and spirit of the series in order to have heavy-handed messages about the refugee crises.
I would not mind if an episode of trek dealt with refugees in the way that TNG would handle it, but I do mind a post-scarcity society that values peace and coming together for all suddenly doing a 180 and saying fuck these people we have been trying to be friends with for years and fuck peace and optimism, we're a negative horrid dystopia now.
Do you get paid to shill?
I didn't realize how much I wanted a Riker TV show until this.
It's like Kurtzman never watched one of the best episodes of the entire series.
Do you get paid to be bitter all the time? A lot of people like Picard.
The Orville is dripping with love and admiration for Trek and I enjoy it for that but it's at most well written Trek fan fiction. I know people are always desperate to create a versus thing between similar media but it's not a good replacement for actual Trek probably never will.
Trek was never fucking nuanced. One of the biggest and long standing complaints about TOS and TNG were just how utterly lopsided the portrayal of any other ideology other then the Federation's was.
DS9 was the first Trek to really try to show real discussion between different world views, instead of making any opposing force a almost racist caricature like some old WW2 propaganda posters
It's basically out of character for the federation in every way, also just not logically consistent considering the romulans have a ton of planets losing one isnt gonna cause a crisis.
>That music from 0.26-0.37
>we're a negative horrid dystopia now.
I really hate how people utterly misuse the word dystopia. There is fucking nothing about the Federation in Picard that is a dystopia at all.
>also just not logically consistent considering the romulans have a ton of planets losing one isnt gonna cause a crisis.
Tell that to the Iconians, the T'Kon, the makers of the Mudd android, the Fabrini, and numerous other Trek species that were space faring and utterly collapsed the moment they lost their home world.
How many of them controlled the territory the romulans did?
But that’s terrible
No one likes Picard.
Pretty much. Ever since the 2009 movie I have been floored by how stupid it has become. Lasted 4 episodes of STD, maybe less. It became a blur after the Orcs lit a really bright light and everyone FROM LIGHTYEARS AWAY saw it immediately. Oh! That's right! After that they ripped off a video game from Steam's Greenlight page. Anyway, it's gotten stupid exponentially. Jews always shoot for the lowest common denominator and their pet diversity hires are just stupid people with no imagination.
-The Iconians ruled over the galaxy
-The T'kon had a population in the trillions over dozens of worlds(The Federation's population is less then 1 trillion)
-The makers of the Mudd androids were from the fucking Andromeda galaxy, and had the tech t move between galaxies, and set up colonies in other galaxies
Why are all the actress in nuTrek so fucking ugly compared to all the other shows?!
Ok so a case of writers not understanding the scale of a galactic civilization.
Because having attractive actresses in current year is sexist.
>A lot
Define "a lot". The few people who post here and on other sites that do seem to like it appear to be either idiots with short attention spans or people who never really liked Trek in the first place. Where's all the youtube videos discussing it the same way TOS/TNG/DS9/etc have?
It's from this
One of the best movie soundtracks of all time
because we are living in the future the 60s Star Trek had hoped for but realized the future we project now won't be as hopeful
I just started watching Enterprise
It's new to me and 10x better than this nu trek trash.
Because none of the writers have any experience in the military.
Star Trek always had politics, the problem is politics today are cancer and politics isn't everything Star Trek had, there was more than a fair share of episodes that were philosophical without being political
>He doesn't like Discovery or Picard
Sure they're a little different and disrespect the canon a bit (Disc's Klingon design ffs), but they're still good fun shows.
there is nothing fun about either, they're just empty shows run by empty men who have already shown complete contempt for the franchise before ever working on it. They're not worth any ones time or money
>good fun shows
Only if your year of birth starts with 2 and you haven't seen any previous trek
Fuck yeah dude, Enterprise is underrated and took me by surprise. Season three and four are a treat.
24 and seen everything.
They're weak but I still enjoy them.
I hope you get a bonus for finding the general that wasn't labeled properly. That's gotta be worth about $3.50. meanwhile some of us watched it all the way thru with full faith of the heart and we're pissed off. By all means post your polling data tho.
Lack of optimism post 911.
Higher budgets resulting in flashy cinematography.
Serialization of TV like Game of Thrones has forced all competition to imitate it.
Fuck off, jewish people have been in Star Trek since it's conception. Whining about multiracial casts marks you as an outrage fag who actually doesn't care about the shows.
I haven't bothered to watch Trek lately because I saw a couple scenes from STD and Picard and reviled in sickness. But I have to know, have the dumbass writers just totally abandoned the navy aspect the show was centered on? Like do they even use ship terminology for example? I always felt like that was something important to the core that was lost sometime in TNG or after and was never recovered.
Because modern media is used as a vehicle for propaganda and agenda rather than good story telling.
Did picard tank that bad threads kinda dried up?
star trek has never understood its own strengths which includes a utopian futurism;
the recent shows are filled with procedural bullshit and petty animal behaviors
its fucking annoying
A Captain Riker or Worf show in the style of TNG would have more sense than a Picard: Mass Effect type show.
Who thought jamming that many ships into a the frame would look good? Why are they all so close together?
>Picard himself gets turned into a Jewish golem puppet at the end
>who thought jamming that many ships into a frame would look good?
The same people who made the same scene in Rise of Skywalker
>Why are they so close together
Fuck, imagine if one explodes. The damage the debris would cause would be massive.
Because the type of people the population has produced cannot make good sci-fi or even good star trek.
>Picard himself gets turned into a Jewish golem puppet at the end
That is not even an exaggeration is it?
faggots like you are the problem.
Dunno I just want a new series where they visit a new planet, encounter an alien civilization and are facing a problem that they then solve by their pure moral superiority.
Is that too much to ask
Because Jews completely took over, and while Star Trek was always plagued at the flanks by underlying social justice nonsense, now they have made the writing primarily focused on modern identity politics so it is nonsensical and not geared towards science fiction.