How does Yas Forums feel about this YouTube film reviewer?

How does Yas Forums feel about this YouTube film reviewer?

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he should be kept away from animals.

Attached: i'm 16.png (1056x847, 706.33K)

He fucks dogs. He also doesn't know what he's talking about. Personally, I think the part where he fucks dogs is worse.

i like him
better taste than Yas Forums
best litmus test to see if someone has good taste in movies is if he thought joker was actually good

literally who

but joker was mediocre hyped up by normies

I think he created a podcast so he could literally listen to himself talk while simultaneously having two other more interesting people listen to him talk allowing them to say just enough to qualify them as co-hosts but not enough to prevent him from really getting to listen to himself talk.

>two other more interesting people
In what world is ralph interesting?

taylor swift?

>In what world is ralph interesting?
This. Adam is a degenerate furry faggot, but that's much more interesting than, a guy who likes movies and went to film school, and who hasn't struggled with too many things in life

cringe redditor, he fucks dogs

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His favorite movie is The Holy Mountain so i guess he's a little based. Just a little tho


Dog rapist.

>I’m 16 and my taste in dogs is so fucking superior


I like Adam for the most part, my biggest issue is that he pretends that he is unbiased, but like every reviewer ever, he is.

The podcast is just cringe. Alex is fine on his podcast but he's really quite on this one. Ralph just sucks Adams cock and will 180 his opinions to match his and if he does fight back his argument is stupid. It would be nice if someone would call Adam out on his bullshit or just speak more.


go home, stuckmann

stuckmann is based my guy

Attached: stuckmann the fuckmann.png (241x264, 158.25K)

As much as I hate Stuckmann, I do respect the digits

Dog abuser

my sources say he sucks dog cock

>His favorite movie is The Holy Mountain

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He's retarded

God damn I hate this fucking faggot tool. Every movie that’s popular he gives good reviews and every movie that’s already universally agreed is bad he gives negative reviews. If he was in prison he’d literally be everyone’s rape bitch.


what's great is you'll always see him desperately claiming that he isn't mad whenever one of these videos goes up on this tiny youtube channel

Douge is the only based YouTube reviewer
everyone else including MauLer and RedLetterMedia is cringe

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I'm happy he's all the way over in Canada away from civilization

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That dude is the definition of cringe. Trying so hard to be funny when acting like an obnoxious autistic child

oh lawdy

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Oh embarrassing.

cute puppers :3

>Citizen Kane was the first movie to have a complex structure
>Said by the guy who has admittedly seen less than 10 films made before 1941


Gotta suck dog penis fast

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Basically anything popular

Anyone who cares about the fucking dogs part is gay or pretending to care because they just don't like him.

>t. dog fucker

stay the fuck away from my dog

Be more subtle next time, Adam,


why is PTP on there? that would imply theyve had an interest in cinema for more than 3 months

i really enjoy his personality and respect his opinions on film, unfortunately hes a serial animal molester and i cant support him

Poodle pumper. Hound hitter. Pooch puncher.

forgot to add every frame a painting

Every frame a painting are based OGs. Shut the fuck up

gotta go all the way bruv
if you won't then I will
brother and father abused him, and he took drugs when he was a kid that fucked him up permanently

yo that's my monitor

how can i take this guy seriously when he doesn't even take dental hygiene seriously?

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That doesn't make fucking dogs okay adam

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I've seen this image shilled here for years and never bothered to find out who it is and I certainly will never watch it, mainly because the OP always has an extremely gay energy.

One of the better youtube reviewers. Not perfect, but generally his reviews are pretty reliable

>One of the better youtube reviewers
Even if that were true, that isn't saying much