What the fuck was his problem?

what the fuck was his problem?

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he just wanted to come home, but never could, sad.

It wasn't his war. He didn't ask them, they asked hi.

He just wanted a Pepsi

fucking boomers

He was in charge of billion dollar equipment in 'Nam. Can't even pump gas back home. Many such cases.

They drew first blood, not him.

he literally couldn't deal
>breaks down and tells his colonel how everything was ordered and people trusted him with million dollar equipment
>starts sobbing as he admits that he doesn't know how to hold down a job and that nothing makes sense any more
women will never understand this film

Couldnt keep his job parking cars

should've just fucking moved on.

creepy drifter

t. bootlicker
that sheriff was a draft dodging faggot


He had come to see a friend but he was too late. His friend had died in pain.

He was in Korea you retard
that's central to the whole conflict

The fuck that has to with anything?

you will never be a woman, at least bilogically, you fucking whore

Yfw Stallone actually let them beat him for real in the police station

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He was butthurt about being pumped and dumped by the government.

>Ho Chi Minh for decades begged for American support against the French in Vietnam
>Americans ignored all the pledges
>China and USSR spets in support
>Americans autistically screech

They deserved everything it went wrong for them.

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You fag

This, we should have helped the French when they were begging us. If nothing else a few air strikes would have helped turn the tide at Dien Bien Fu. Stupid boomers letting their mistakes get out of hand then blaming everyone else for them.

Also they were real police and they didn't know they were being filmed

For me, it's the ragtag ARVN.

Loser shit bag ex-military who does not want to go home. San Diego is infested with the Redneck version of Rambo.

They should have supported HCM back in 1920's so Vietnam wouldn't even become Communist in the first place.
Ho Chi Minh's another great mistake was letting Le Duan to be the leader, which turned the country into a complete shithole, while HCM had more nationalist views than commie.

he didnt like being pushed

>They should have supported HCM back in 1920's so Vietnam wouldn't even become Communist in the first place.
It was a little bit interesting learning that HCM was fighting the Nips during WW2.

The guy was traveling the world when he got exiled from Vietnam.
I think he worked at a restaurant in Boston and then done some other stuff in Paris.

Then after he went to undergo a training in USSR and got sent back to Vietnam, then he created the Viet Minh.

Mfw my mother loves all the rambo movies

he was in washington

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What are some other comfy things PNW forest kinos?

I seriously cannot imagine that in america you can get arrested by simply walking

What a fucking joke of a country.

Well he had a weapon too surely you can relate.


He's seen some shit.

>what the fuck was his problem?
It's a long road
When you're on your own
And it hurts when
They tear your dreams apart

It was autism.

I think you mean, what the fuck was HIS problem?

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RIGHT OUTside your FRONT DOOR (I'll tell ya)

this, fuck the sheriff

It's so central they didn't even put it in the movie.

He did literally nothing wrong. He was just gonna finish his meal and then leave the towm, sheriff never gave him a chance.

the jews



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He claimed to be in Nam fucking smoothbrain and Rambo knew he wasnt

He had no choice but to kill them all

>First film is about a veteran with no place in the world breaking down from PTSD, loneliness and displacement caused by the horrors of war
>Latest film is him dunking on Mexicans and gunning them down by the hundreds

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At what point did Stallone sold out?

doesnt he produce all the rocky/rambo movies himself? can he sell out to himself?

obligatory kino hobo yt playlist. he's dead now, hit by an Amtrak in Baltimore. played the piano covers himself.


Killed literally one person, unintentionally, in self-defence.

all those people with holes in them lived? didnt some of those guys get stabbed with like a 3" diameter branch?

Should've killed more really

Remember the scene in the tunnel where he was attacked by rats
what was that all about?

obviously ptsd.
now some real talk what the fuck were the officers' problems? doin some psycho shit on a vet for no reason

it's in the book

that's cool and all, but we're talking about the movie, not the book

they represent the vietcong

He said at the end but I honestly to this day can't understand what he was saying.