Tom Hanks was one thing but this one feels too close to home
Tom Hanks was one thing but this one feels too close to home
Bitch look like a velociraptor. Godspeed..
OH MY GOD! did the virus do that to her face? i finally get why everyone is losing their shit like frightened toddlers. i'd do just about anything to avoid looking like that.
I still would. You know what they say about gingers...
good fucking riddance
how great would it be if she died
Lmao Trumps gonna be liking this
Poor little fella
Damn bros big brother just won’t be the same
No mercy Corona Chan.
>with possible coron virus symptoms
So not only is it not confirmed corona, which isn't always fatal, it is POSSIBLE symptoms related to corona virus.
Didn't hanks just recover recently?
what the fuck happened to her? she used to look somewhat hot in a bikini in 2012
high definition cameras
hopefully its fatal
I feel sorry for the virus
What's the likelihood of a celebrity dying of corona? I can't see it happening to anyone that's 'important'.
she just wants people to talk about her, shes literally the type to pay someone with coronavirus to infect her for the clout.
this kek
he never had it
China was paying him to show that the virus wasn't that bad
Didnt some old singer already die?
Lil Peep wasn't that old
Wat the fuck, the last time I saw her (might have been years ago, don't remember) she looked fuckable still
She's fucking disgusting now
is she transitioning to a bogdanof?
Based last nigga, you have my blessing homie
she unironically is already a transitioned MTF....
if you found her skeleton 100 years from now you'd clearly say "Oh that's a man."
this is how she was already lubricated when Fred Stoller came to "her" house
He fucked her crotch wound...
Salute king
She was released with a diagnosis of having a case of the shits after a vacation in Mexico, and didn't qualify for corona testing, lawl.
Once an attention whore, always an attention whore - and now she's using it to attack Trump that there's not enough testing because SHE didn't get any, even though she didn't have any symptoms of it. She had the runs. From Mexican water.
She's just pissed because she's not a big enough celebrity to get fast tracked to getting testing, lol.
She's just taking up space in a hospital because she has a cold. What a bitch
bitch is a fake news zombie. bet she woke up with a light cough and got so freaked out that she had her chauffeur drive her to the hospital and paid thousands to be hooked up to a ventilator even though she didn't need it
Why didn't the cartels brutally violate her?
She didn't even have a cold. She literally had the shits from being in Mexico.
Of course the media is all "Oh, that poor woman, how COULD they be so horrible, they didn't even TEST her, ORANGE MAN BAD THIS IS A NATIONAL TRAGEDY".
Would love to have video of her furious hen clucking when she left the hospital FUMING because she wasn't treated like royalty.
Trump always wins
She was in Battle Beyond the Stars
dumb nigger lover
almost feel bad for asap
She looks like Ronald McDonald fucked Lucille Ball's corpse and then pushed it down a flight of stairs.
She’ll die of tds
yeah, because he was on 5 ventilators at once, all taken from 5 old men who are now dead.
Based. He also fingered a young boy on his way out of the hospital.
asap rocky is literally a homo
>Abdominal infection
Same but it's the dolled-up gilf thing I go for.
Trump curse strikes again
Humpty Trumpty also has Corona though.
They have to give up a few so it doesn’t look too obvious
... damn... i guess the chink flu is real now...
Already confirmed chinavirus free my liberal friend
We have standards señor.
She made a video where she said it was all Trump's fault
LMAO give the virus a medal of honor.
I hope he’s staying away from crowds and washing his hands. Not having it yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t get it today
who cares
He was trying to kill Kathie Lee Gifford
Whatever her limitations, she was no worse than any random female you'd pick up off the street before the plastic surgery. What possesses anyone to go under the knife, I'll never know.
blackballed is real
I agree. I just wish I could be there to watch her take her last. Then drop a deuce on her corpse.