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Does she live in New York? It seems like everyone there will probably die

but if he dies than I can finally marry her

>ballet dancer husband

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>ballet dancer husband

Imagine all da pee poo

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Ballet dancers are ripped dude

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>ballet dancer husband
What the fuck Hershlag.

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Men in ballet slay by the act of sheer numbers.

Someone I knew from HS became a ballet dancer and is like a Greek statue in his physique. Also he drowns in pussy.

>t. a faggy ballet dancer

fake news, israel invented the coronavirus and all jews have already received the vaccine in secret
why do you think no jews have been infected yet?

I can see how fat you are from all the way over here

we dont give a fuck about your friend, incel

What you think happens to all those thousands of missing people every year in every country?

A lot of ballet dudes are actually super fit/buff as fuck somehow and get a lot of pussy.

>Been weak and tired since last Wendesday
>Achey for the last 4 days
>Dry mouth
>Had frog in throat
>Wheeze when hard exhaling
>Developed fever today
>Would still be turned away if I wanted a test because I'm young, healthy, and don't have respiratory symptoms yet
>Meanwhile, literally everyone in Hollywood asymptomatic or not has been tested

I'm not normally a faggy class warrior right now, but I really fucking hate Hollywood even more. I feel like half of them are getting tested in the hopes of the publicity over them having it.

You realize OP's image is fake, right?

New York and New Jersey, Miami and San Francisco, even Chevy Chase Md are all under corona assault. Jews will be impacted more than most as they tend to wander the globe as well


They basically do aerobics / plyometrics all day every day, nothing mysterious about it.

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Call a doctor and list your symptoms and if they believe it necessary they'll get you a test. The US is testing tens of thousands of people a day

Let's pray for that.

I was looking at a state by state map and most states had a few hundred or maybe a few thousand and New York had 40,000 cases and this is all concentrated in the NYC metro area

Former ballet dancer Kip Winger

Attached: Kip Winger 1989.png (688x1024, 1.15M)

his donation? more bodies.

he donates money to holocaust?

Watch white knights, male ballet dancer is a female romantic fantasy arch type

this stops the herzschlag

white nights*


yeah but it's to support the next one

oh shit - they're so old they're prolly gonna die

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Just tried to rewatch this for the first time since high school. Am I being trolled? It didn't used to be so fucking cringy, did the original movie get destroyed or something and replaced with a steaming load of shit? I'm so happy I grew out of my childish anarchist/marxist/anti-american holy shit

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>becomes rebelious againts certain thing in the jewish community
>she gets the corona

I wonder who could be behind it??

Hey man, we're first, you're next

What area do you live in? I'm right outside of DC and knew we were going to get walloped eventually but it's not so bad right now

Brooklyn, we're in the shit right now, I legit haven't left my apartment in 5 days

worst part is, this is only the beginning and the hospitals are already buckling

I left Queens the minute I got my WFH order and went to my parents in Pennsylvania lol

The Corp of Engineers hospitals are going up around NYC and a few other cities, this will bring up the bed count a lot hopefully

Good move, Queens is even worse than Brooklyn, apparently. People here just haven't taken it seriously and are still out and about. That being said, there really isn't any running from it. Hopefully you've got some space to move around outside at least. Hard to stay six feet away from people here
They are, but each emergency hospital takes about a week to build, and is only like 1000 beds, and those beds are just a token without ventilators

what, really? that's kip winger? i worked in a guitar store in pgh in early 2000s and met him and winger a few times.

Yeah I spend all my vacation time here since it’s out in the country. I would have left the city under any circumstances where I didn’t have to go to the office, virus or no
I worry about a couple of elderly family members still in the city though

oh man, they only have a 99.9% chance to survive!!!

My friend is 22 and fit and he got tested, take some initiative you big baby.

>I worry about a couple of elderly family members still in the city though
godspeed to them user, hope they make it through

Oh no guys

I'm starting to get worried

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i lived in nyc during grad school, it is a filthy, filthy place

Constant dancing is constant exercise.

You just grew up user

wtf is Holocaust charity

They’re rich Jews. They’re guaranteed to service.

That's fake

Ew, is it really?

LMAO SHE HAS A BEARD. I always knew she was a dyke

Here's the next fun bit. People are still allowed to fly out of New York and are fleeing in the millions.

Let's just list the utter retardation of our country. Our stock market is completely fake, 30% of our work force is unemployed, corporations and businesses big and small are going bankrupt yet the DOW went up 2k points today. It's clear the fed just keeps pumping money into it, it isn't real.

Next thing, our entire country's IQ average is what? 100-110? Standard Deviation dictates that at least 66.67%-70% of our population is sub 90 IQ. We can blame trump all we want but the truth is our entire country is so fucking stupid, our leaders so ineffective and incompetent that this has been a long time coming.

Our education system is so eroded that anyone who gets taught in it ends up significantly dumber than before filled with drugs, media garbage and sedentary lifestyles with horrible diets.

I mean fuck guys tell me I'm not the only one seeing this? Our entire countries response to the virus has been one catastrophic blunder to the next. Nothing that is happening anymore makes sense. FUCK.

We make all this country's money you working class redneck rural hick hillbilly piece of shit.

Yes I'm mad. Not because you hate "rich liberals" or whatever, but because you think the US losing NYC would be a good thing. Dumb fuck.

She's jewish, so she must be telling the truth.

>fuck guys tell me I'm not the only one seeing this?
You're not

Shut up and donate. You're not a nazi, are you?

60% of Americans are full on retarded

You need to relax man, watch a movie or something, crack open a cold one without the boys (or with them if you social distance)

That's a yikes from me pal

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Nah the time for relaxing passed a long time ago. When the riots begin in 1 month or two and people are going apeshit I'm going to be right there with them. I'm fucking sick of this nonsense.

THIS. Without NYC - whether you like it or not - actually working at full capacity the economy is going to suffer. Is it true people are still laughing it up at beaches in the South? Has everyone gone full retard? This thing is NOT a joke.

There won't be riots dude, don't get your hopes up. Don't you have a girlfriend or anything? You just need to get laid

Alright lady Thor will die in real life too

>I always knew she was a dyke

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The important and productive parts of New York are fine, the vibrants and leeches are being forced to stay at home, that's literally all that is happening

Lmfao man, look at history. Millions of americans are unemployed, evicted or getting sick every fucking day. Virus or no this shit has to stop, and I believe the people will make it so.


>Standard Deviation dictates that at least 66.67%-70% of our population is sub 90 IQ.
this is because of niggers and spics lowering the average

And? What's your point? Are we supposed to high five because it's not whites that are bringing down the average (and trust me we are getting fucking stupid too lol). Do we get a consulation prize and a pat on the back that at least we aren't niggers while our country collapses? What's the endgame here?

they met durin black swan Ithink

If the guy is a straight ballet dancer the dude most certainly has been slaying puss left and right