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Fuck yeah, WE DID IT BROS!

>we still number one
Yall niggas better pick up the pace

the EU countries added together is far far worse

id rather die an american than live as a euro

How much of this was because people are retarded and do things like:
>go around and spitting on grocery store items
>told not to go out and party on the beach but do it anyway

So if you add multiple countries together it's worse? Cope.

It needs Japan on the list to complete.

are you actually retarded? italy alone is just Florida.

people are saying lockdown and quarantine is gonna last til october. is it true bros?

Not too surprising cause of USA’s open borders, but China has people dropping dead in provinces that have 0 recorded cases. I think China’s holding back.

>the EU countries added together is far far worse
Go back to tranny discord and not be white mutt!

Why do people post off topic threads in Yas Forums often, isn't that just asking for a ban?

3-4 weeks until USA is #1 for deaths and undisputed champions.
Shit's gonna be kino.

do you have any idea how big the US is?

>China has people dropping dead in provinces that have 0 recorded cases.

you mad because its true? Italy is a european embarrassment!

Australia is going to overtake every country on this list. There were literally 50,000 people on Bondi beach a few days ago. Schools aren't being locked down and parents are being told they can pull kids out of school "of their own will". Why are Australians so brainless?

Let's get through this. Weed out all the faggots that cant handle a flu. Let the other limp wristed counties hide like cucks they are.

maybe this virus is a somethingburger after all

Punishment for voting Biden

is this because US has more cases or because US is testing way more than other countries? My country will not test unless you feel like you are dying (need to be admitted to hospital). Otherwise you are just told to isolate at home for 14 days


12-18 months is most likely assuming a workable vaccine gets into mass production.

the flu has killed ten times as many people over the same time period

fuck off newfriend

Friendly reminder that even if you don't die from Corona itself in certain EU countries right now, it's counted as a Corona Virus death.


no way is it gonna last that long m8

By just adding FIVE european countries, the death toll is 17,000


USA #1 you dumb eurocuck

Wait til they get a hold of me

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>americans so retarded they don't even realise most of the US numbers are from the past WEEK alone
>all of the US deaths are literally incoming
so this is... the power of amerishart education...

are yuropeons weak? how do 50-70k people die at temperatures that are normal every summer here? Third world much

Attached: yurop.png (471x469, 186.5K)

Wow a biological weapon designed to harm the US did just that. Who would have guessed?

>I think China’s holding back.
Of course they are. What possible incentive does a communist country have to be honest with outsiders.

Why aren't you mentioning Iran?

>euros who don't even get corona kill themselves anyway
Fucking kek

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italy and germany have smaller populations than some of our states, it's you who is the coper

Yuros never invented a/c

>i-its all over for us

At least our leader doesn't have it like you limey fucks.

>but eight consecutive days with temperatures of more than 40 °C (104 °F)
LMAO. it gets up to 120F in arizona and nevada and its business as usual.

europeans are mostly old people

America is a much freer country and we aren't going to let this destroy us long run. We will go back to work, take the disease head on. The costs are tiny, a few old people die, the benefits of ding nothing actually outweigh a total shutdown.

Australia is going to be fine.
The media here is doing a better job of fearmongering and encouraging panic than just about any other country's media, which is likely the reason you believe this.
The current lockdown measures have already started to have an effect on flattening the curve, when recorded cases are still only

Naw there will probably be flares up in different regions for the next year but in 3 months the world will mostly return to normal.

arizona is literally (aside from florida) the retirement capital of the USA

you get what you deserve

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>Yuropoors get killed by the sun


the benefits of not going on lockdown:
the benefits of going on lockdown:
>a lot of people don't die

Americlaps are literally soulless

Flu vaccines exist. If dummies want to get sick, they can.

Per capita cases?
>lmao Europoors do not realize the US has more population than all of EU

>what is 'per capita' and chink lies
Neck yourself, Chang.

Japan is lying

because dry heat is nothing compared to humid heat

It's like they are literal snowflakes.

>he thinks China is giving out real numbers
I feel bad for your body being stuck with such a stupid brain.

AC removes humidity from the air. Oh wait europe is third world and centralized air is unheard of in their 2nd century buildings.

>italy and germany have smaller populations than some of our states
wrong, mutt

I can believe Japan because they didn't interact before this.

That's a crock of shit

This is what freedom looks like

Yes I Would also like to see numbers displayed as per capita instead of just total numbers. Is the entire world a brainlet? I don't get why they talk about total cases instead of cases per capita. Does the media think the average idiot of the world doesn't get what per capita would mean?

or white


>2 months to prepare for Covid
>still fuck it up


china is literally 2 billion and has less than the USA lololololololololo

your fault for actually believing numbers reported by a communist state

Itally. Population 60m
Spain. Population 47m
China. Liars
US. Population 330m

Imagine being retarded enough to not weigh the numbers.


by listening to trump and not actual doctors

nobody took it seriously
I was talking to a friend of mine, he's even pretty bright, he's in law school at least. When they canceled the NBA season he was saying that it was ridiculous and people were overreacting and going crazy for no reason
I had to explain to him that they should have canceled it weeks ago and that we should be self-isolating as soon as possible

So you honestly think that since the last report, China's only had ONE new case? Are you actually completely retarded?

>t-they're lying
what a massive cope haha americans are actually egotistical monsters

So when is 21 million Americans gonna suddenly lose their mandatory cellular subscriptions?

>believing anything bat eating chinklets say

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Waiting patiently for the collapse of Muttmerica.

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