Why are you people so against black people in media?

Why are you people so against black people in media?

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Blacks in media? They are fine. Its just when races are swapped that really grinds my gears

Why do you care?

Finn was the best character in the new movies

The real question is why aren't Blacks more against this shit?
It's so pathetic and embarrasing that the white man and the "white"man treat them like actual children

We don't care that they are black. We care why blacks were chosen and why blacks over other races. If they want diversity where are the other races? None of us gave a shit that live action Ariel was Hawaiian.

I like Idris Elba

Some of the best characters of all time were black. Modern characters just suck ass all around. The only good characters these days are the "toxic" villains.

I had no problem with blacks in media in the 80's and 90's. It wasn't until token forced diversity became a thing and the necessity for "woke" social engineering to be present in fucking EVERYTHING in modern times that I began to hate it.

Modern media only exists to socially engineer the public. Entertainment is only the vehicle with which to deliver that brainwashing.

John Wayne was right when he said a black actor should only be cast if the role specifically calls for a black character

To bad they shafted him into comic relief or just barely gave him any scenes.

This. Or when a character is a certain race that wouldn't make sense in the setting or for the character, like a black woman being the Queen of England in medieval times, or a white guy being the Chinese emperor.

because it's forced

Running around screaming Ray and generally being a loud mouth didn't make him the "best character"
He is the black Shia Lebouf

So that makes him slightly better than pure shit?

There's a difference between token minorities and respectable African-Americans giving us kino, like /ourguy/ Denzel.

Why do they always have to choose the ugliest, though? Why not more actors like Will Smith or some shit.


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How do you red pill someone with facts/logic?

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This, he was the best actor in the series by far.

I unironically love black people

That's not TR-8R

What do you mean?

my brain sees black people as talking pieces of poop and poop is yucky

Well I have a scat fetish and I still think black people are gross

Jews have brainwashed liberals so hard.

Racist brainlet

If the goys accept the ugliest (which they will) the less ugly ones will seem much more palatable and thus it's easier to further the agenda.
Hit the bullseye and the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. It's Checkmate.

it's not the jews fault you can't have sex

>not being racist

Why do asians and whites have inverse trends to blacks and hispanics?

emasculated inbred cucks hate anything that's not exactly like them because it makes them feel insecure

It's goyim you retard.

>being a racist
Virgin detected

Asians and whites are dignified. Unfortunately for the POC Jews are trying to destroy whites so they make natural pawns in this war of civilizations.

I'm not. I dislike when there is race-swapping or pushing a message by intentionally casting a black person.

That says more about how bad the other characters are than how good finn is.

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nobody is trying to destroy whites besides whites, who drown themselves in opioids and fried food. It's not the jews fault this happens either

Asian-American women are shock troops in the social engineering project, but Asians are otherwise honorary whites for facing discrimination.

>honorary whites
this is why whites are dying. 150 years ago, Germans weren't considered white. 100 years ago, italians/irish weren't considered white. 50 years ago, slavs weren't considered white. Now you're saying asians are white. In 50 more years sub-saharan africans will be white. You're such genetic abominations that you keep degrading what whiteness is in a desperate attempt to keep it relevant.

Well, Jews do control the media. Since television is the sole authority in American life it's safe to say they're controlling everyone's mind. Back when America was controlled by Anglo aristocrats whites weren't killing themselves en masse. Only once the Jews took over did these problems overtake America.

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it's not the jews fault that whites have no self-control and destroy themselves with drugs and fatty foods. Have some self-responsibility.

blaming smarter/more successful groups for your race's pathetic state is the same thing nigs do. So cope.

I'm against ugly people in media. Cute blacks are fine. Stop shoving these pug faced bog creatures in my face.

it's not the jews fault you can't have sex

>Its just when races are swapped that really grinds my gears
normal people don't care, redditor.

I've never seen or heard of anyone crying about blacks in a movie who wasn't an incel. Discuss.

True. White is a controlled opposition fake identity created by Jews in the black-white-black dialectic of the civil rights era. White was doomed from the beginning. White is pure and divine and clean. To grant connotations like that to people, especially in contrast to the ominous "black," is an obvious trap into Christian guilt. Hence white privilege and diversity/race ideology.

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the transparent ultrapill is that this site is filled with incel racists and the unironically mentally ill, so you either have to ignore them or leave. We know they're retarded, do go to their bait threads and engage with them like a faggot, like now.

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>Implying reddit doesn't love that shit

>jews invented white people now
lmao my sides. they truly are the master race

I'm calling you a redditor because it's a colloquialism, not a direct comparison my zoomtard fren. You people came here from reddit after the election and I hate you regardless.

Jews invented the notion of "white" as a racial identity, yes. Caucasians never understood themselves as such because they were all just Christians until Jews told them otherwise over the course of the 20th century.

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Because they are consciously over-represented.

sounds like jews are based to me. Literal 900 IQ super geniuses that can get dumb whites to do anything

>Jews invented the notion of "white" as a racial identity, yes.
Do you actually believe this?

True enough.

Victim blaming. Jews are abusing us worse than their genocide of Arabs.

Incel doesn't even have a meaning anymore. It's just a generic term used for people who hold politically incorrect opinions from a leftist perspective

this cuck needs sex ASAP

you're not a victim, you're just fat and socially awkward which is why women hate you. Your lack of sex isn't a result of jews.


>muh genocide!
stop losing wars ahmed

But the studios always specifically call for a black actor. It may have no material impact on the plot, but they'll call for it all the same.

Jews did 9/11 too. Remember Iraq? Yeah, Jews needed Saddam dead so they enacted a new Pearl Harbor as an American casus belli. Zionists control American foreign policy and it's written in blood from Libya to Sulaimani.

>Incel doesn't even have a meaning anymore. It's just a generic term used for people who hold politically incorrect opinions from a leftist perspective
I'd post a crying or seething wojack but I'm not a faggot.

yes fatty, did everything. we know.

>jews invented whites
>jews invented blacks
>jews invented race
>jews did 9/11
>jews are the reason, you, personally, are a virgin
wtf they sure are smart

>da zionists are just LETTING Muslims kill them hahaha it's part of the 20th Dimensional Chess you know ;)

Jews control my country and my mind. Jews are brainwashing everyone and have been doing so since they invented our religions in the middle east.

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is there anything they can't do? Seem like the master race to me doing all these ridiculous comic book villain-tier master plans that work out flawlessly and NOBODY but fat virgins on the internet are onto

do you believe brits are the same as italians? are greeks the same as russians?

if jews control your mind then they want you to cry about all this. only solution is to kys.

You can almost pinpoint the exact moment the JIDF discord discovered this thread.

this mental illness is just sad by this point. This guy needs some therapy to learn to socialize with real people.

I'm not an insane person, so what exactly is your example supposed to prove?


I weigh 200 pounds.

>jews invented whites
Invented Christianity. Christ was Jewish.
>jews invented blacks
Obviously. Everyone knows that even the Nation of Islam. Jews controlled the slave trade at the end when Anglos were trying to shut it down. Jews also supported South Africa while everyone else was boycotting.
>jews invented race
Not exactly. Race is biological but Jews invented American race ideology in the 1960s and it's well-documented.

can you answer the question?

cope tranny

>Jews controlled the slave trade
no they didn't

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>OH NO, my poorly made Yas Forumsreddit arguments are being challenged. Uh...I'll mention discord! That will get them! I'm not a newfag.
Yet Jews can't elect a single Jew President or stop basic trash bombs from killing their Israeli kids...

But yes user, they orchestrate an elaborate global conspiracy.

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What I dont like is Lizard people who are disguised as blacks in media. Its pretty insulting

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No, they are using the U.S. military to destroy their national enemies. One-by-one. Now Iran is on the chopping block.

You can pinpoint the exact moment pic related entered this thread and had a meltdown

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This. There’s also an issue of over-representation and the fact they barely have decent characters because libtards in the industry write them as boring mary sue types. Bravo, OP, for being a simpleton.

No, because it's fucking stupid?

>Yet Jews can't elect a single Jew President
Trump supports Israel and is very fond of jewish people.

They can trick people using language. They aren't very athletic and failed their mission to the moon but they're otherwise pretty smart. They invented language with the Phoenicians and make good technology today the thing is they use that ability to control people. If you deny that such people are capable of something like that you're pure cope.

>No, they are using the U.S. military to destroy their national enemies.
oh yeah? Like Saudi Arabia you dumb faggot?

>I weigh 200 pounds.
very bad given you're probably 5ft like the half-spic genetic mutts that go on Yas Forums.

>and failed their mission to the moon but they're otherwise pretty smart.
but they control the world, so mankind going to the moon was them


I'm a genius giga-Chad like Plato.

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and yet the only openly practicing Jew was sabotaged by fucking neoliberal retards. Why didn't the magic Jews stop the DNC from doing that?

>trick people using language
so...they're smarter? Cope, you're dumb cattle by your own admission

>normal people don’t care
Yeah that myst be why bullshit like the BBC’s
Troy flopped hard and even in Facebook people regularly call this “diversity” agenda out. Reddit love this shit too, they got triggered because Ezra fucking Miller is playing a character in a weeb shit thing that is being adapted for Anerica.

Point taken.

You’re a disingenuous liar, no discussion needed. I’ve had shits more honest than you.

1. they stink so bad you can smell them through the screen, If I’m eating dinner my appetite is ruined
2. they turn every movie they’re in into planet of the apes
3. I’m forced to turn on subtitles every time they speak

Are you honestly crying about some fucking dumb Troy (greek myth) film that nobody watched as if that's some sort of linchpin to your IDpol shit nobody really cares about? Nobody even watched it. That's apathy retard, not seething...like you.

>tfw be Jewish
>wake up
>Some fat slobbering moron waddles in, gives me my bagel and cream cheese
>"good goy"
>Throw him a few oxycotin pills as he shrieks in delight
>Siri, Open Front Portal
>Front Wall opens up, revealing my massive window view of Manhattan
>Hold wine glass between my fingers, sip some scotch
>Throw my snotty tissue out the window and watch a nigger and mutt fight over the contents
>Goy, bring me my Jew Pad
>Another fat, barely sentient mutt servant brings me a secret piece of quantum jew tech
>Begin to manipulate the touch screen
>Ah, Switzerland's market is a tad too high today. We can't have that
>Press a frowny face and snicker
>Sit back in my chair and light a cigar. It's a secret jewish brew that doesn't have any of the cancer causing properties of goy-cigs
>Well, now while we wait for the fun to start...
>clap clap
>Row of 10/10 goy sex slaves come walking in
>Press button on my chair
>All their breasts begin to inflate

GODDAMN I love being Jewish

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Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies you moron.

and yet they have sex and you don't


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>Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies
this amazing doublethink from Yas Forumsniggers is something to behold.

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name me 1 white supremacist in 2020 who is successful, intellectual, etc and isn't some goblino schizo nut or socially awkward incel.

I’m your real dad so I had to have had sex once

They control the United States so they control the western world. They don't control China or India though India is threatened by Islam which Jews created. American foreign policy, the media, popular entertainment, public relations and the money supply are all it took for them to control America. You're mad because the levers of power aren't that complicated so it's actually rather easy for such a people to control authority in America especially since the fall of the Anglo-American Aristocracy.

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Not only this, but if you have black people/minorities who serve no purpose in the story.

So, imagine if Rose Tico was black.

The AVERAGE verbal IQ, i.e. language acumen, among Ashkenazi Jews is something like the typical college professor. Jews come from the same region as Phoenicians who invented written language. Jews are using their insane ability to control everyone else.


>be Wolf Blitzer or Ari Melber or whomever
>wake up
>manipulate gentiles by the million

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So you don't know what you're talking about...

Ignorance really is bliss when you live in a world, a reality, controlled by Jewish people. That is until they come to your door demanding your foreskin.