Is this the future of "television"?

Is this the future of "television"?

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no this is Yas Forums

sure is the future of my dick

Yes and the future is bright and slanty eyed

obviously not

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I found a cute girl on there who is so fucking obnoxious and unfunny I can’t look away. She never stops talking about buttholes because she thinks it makes her quirky and funny. It’s such a train wreck.

Quiby is

Who is she? Females talking about butts and shit turns me on.

No this is

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shut up zoomer, nothing on tiktok is sexy. what is this the 1990s when i was forced to jerk off to women on tv in low cut tops with big tiddies and the sears catalog of swim suit models?

who is even watching these clothed thots in an era of free porno at the click of a button on handheld computers even third worlders can afford?

tiktok is for vapid narcissistic with no talent, both male and female, and that's exactly who watches this shit as they look for their next idea to copy in the hopes they can garner just a couple more likes to fill the void in their soul.

Niggers here actually downloaded and have used tiktok? Go back to Ieddit faggots

It ain’t like that

What the fuck is this trash

tiktok is for cunnykino and you can basically go suck a dick

How is zoomers giving up their privacy to the Chinese television?


Attached: tiktok.webm (540x960, 1.95M)

>who is even watching these clothed thots in an era of free porno at the click of a button
porn gets boring after a while. i like to mix things up every now and then by jerking off to fully clothed attractive women

Straight gay cabaret for zoomers that's some how gayer that gay cabaret performed by drag queens?

I'll be stunned if we don't have a Tik Tok reality competition show on Fox by 2022.

>download tiktok
>spend hours of research on application
>99% of white women dating and making videos with white men
We got too cocky BLACKEDbros

Literally 3D waifus. what more could you ask for?

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a cute

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Ban evasion

Elliwilliams01 deleted her account bros...


There are a lof of cunnies on Tik Tok like countless.

It's not gay man it's guiltless intimate human interaction and beyond craven sex exploitation, your sexist boomer ass just wouldn't get it


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Attached: ThiccTok.webm (720x1280, 2.82M)

>looking at cute girls is gay

>look up first name on the list
>its blatantly false and full of cherry picked people
so this is the power of Yas Forumscels

nope its back up

You're not just looking, you're simping

the new boxxy

no probably not

>can't get a white gf himself
>live revolves around black people
Your brain on pol everyone

Who was the old Boxxy?

whats up with all these 1 min video apps ?
>early life
BTFO bitch

china owns tiktok, dont underestimate the lengths they will go to to spread this shit wider than corona

Yes. And soon Tencent will be your new overlord.

How come vine came and went while this new tiktok thing came out of nowhere and dominated teenager's attention span?

what's pol?






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I fucking hope not. The app is just horny teenagers shaking their asses and tits.

Actually, maybe it's not so bad...

Attached: hehehe.jpg (474x474, 42.62K)

I didn't know you could post kino on tiktok

they're underage, plenty of 10/10 14yos and

based coomer

Zoomers have accepted Chinese superiority. Notice how all iconic Zoomer companies are Chinese. TikTok, Tencent, Epic, Reddit, AMC...

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I’m 31 and tiktok is based. There are literal boomers and elderly people on there and they make funny shit.

post her new lewd tiktoks

I wouldnt think of it as a cabal of jews, more like a cabal that happens to have a lot of jews

>I suffer in France

Keep in mind zoomers lurking
This is a pedo parasite trying to "get in" with you

yeah, pure coincidence

Reddit is from China?

what difference does it make if they already lead public lives on other platforms

It will be soon. Based Tencent.

Attached: tencent-logo-810x476.png (810x476, 142.45K)

Nope. It’s solid entertainment if you follow the right people. I was a huge Vinefag.

yeah. humans aren't known to form groups and then exclude others because of some superficial attributes like race or religion. it's a coincidence that 99% of the people in power are jews

Who do you follow?

No, but it is the future of music

Look at the scum trying to cover it's tracks
He's Joe Lo Truglio character from Superbad or even Octavia Spencer from Ma(except he wants to rape you)

jews dont control anything, but they convinced americans to mutilate the dicks of their kids lol.

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it has some pretty kino little girls on it ngl

Anyone ITT defending or using Tik Tok is a confirmed pedo

I don't know about any of that other shit, but I do use a Xiaomi phone. It's just better quality for price than any american (or other country) manufacturer.

If other companies could learn how to price competitively then no one would be buying from China. Can you really blame china for this?

post some @


Mods proving their bias by leaving this up too
are they chinkoids employees?

no fuck off

A lot of music theory and naturefag stuff, but comedians and some former viners.

Did your ex bf watch a lot of tiktoks or something?

someone find the video

Attached: Indian Jokah (2).webm (540x480, 2.84M)

>her boobs are bigger than her head

ok jealous roastie

Exactly why people started buying Jap and Korean stuff. Because they were better quality and cheaper. Nothing wrong with it.
