What the fuck is wrong with these people?

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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Unironically satanist. They believe their will is god and want nothing but constant acknowledgment from the populace. Mock celebrities constantly. They’re prostitutes.

>people persuing careers in hollywood are narcissists

who knew

Useless people that have fallen for their own bullshit.
Can't wait until these charlatans get hung from streetlights.

Pretty much every chick as well. I look forward to any real, enforced isolation, they will be clinically insane in 2 weeks.

>mfw celebrities are tulpas

Isn't there at least one confirmed case of a roastie taking her life already?

thats because they haven't gotten their adenchrome

They're in my territory now. Let's play.

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not this fedora shit again../

Can you spoonfeed me on that term pls


Kill yourself zoomer faggot

Yeah lel

Legit lol'd at this post.

It's very likely.

My god, madonna got a bog overedose.

>They’re prostitutes.
Words of truth.

There is a good reason why people in the past considered actors to be lower than prostitutes

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>After a suicide attempt


Madonna is now Chinese

its it not an attempt if it worked?

Successful attempt

doesn't count.. she already had reported suicide ideation and had seen psychiatrists before self-isolating.

Tortured baby juices

Seems to me like a success suicide more than an attempt


Was this a success or a failure of an attempt?

Hope more bongs attempt it

So it should be "succesful suicide attempt"?

the corona on a silver platter kek

She tried to commit suicide, and they took her to a British hospital where she contracted coronavirus and died

this is obv just a depressed person who became more depressed in the isolation. that's not the same as "killing yourself because of quarentine"...
sad story :(

Someone should tell madonna to stop receiving calls from the bogdanoffs

'ate the brits not racist jus dont like em

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fuck you, mutt

They are certainly whores.

this kinda made me realize that i'd probably do just fine in jail
maybe i'll go risk it after all.

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sort of like a tripfag?

Those celebrities in the first video were simply attending Gal Gadot's request

if you want sex just use grindr

maybe she'll adopt herself

Accurate af tbqh

Is this true? This shit was her idea?

>imagine no possessions
>imagine no greed or hunger
They sing from their estates with high walls, security teams, and years' worth of food and water at their disposal.

>Listen here little baby...

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I just LOVE famous people; they're so much better than the real thing!

>he doesn’t know

Actors and musicians need to be kept in traveling circuses and begging for food.

Shut up, crowlyite.

pretty successful attempt


Stopped reading there.

Whenever I hear the "actresses were literally just regular prostitutes" thing I imagine watching some quirky Zooey Deschanel movie and then creampieing her afterwards while she has to stay in-character as the autistic retard she played

damn I’m an unoriginal bastard lol


Wish I could have saved her by licking her feet in isolation and ensuring that everything was gonna be OK bros...

I unironically don't, I took a break from some of the under the iceberg surface for a bit

she only cares about poor defenseless black people
aka all black people, as leftists see them

Hello, based department? You're gonna want to get down here quick

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I kek’d

yes, people only reacted to the edited video that cut off her intro apparently


>he doesn’t know that google is a thing