
Comfy spot edition

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temporal agent porthos reporting in

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>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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Why did O'Brien lose his commission?

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this shitty general killed trek discussion, fuck all yall

what's your favorite shuttle class? Explain your answer and use your own words.

They can't keep what they've established on their own show straight, never mind old Trek.

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>What're you gonna do about it faggot?

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>all yall

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What the fuck was his problem?

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He raped a cardassian woman

Dukat did nothing wrong

Why did they keep calling her GENERAL?

I wish this new show had just been Picard going on an old man's archeological journey, three seasons in a row they've ended on some nonsensically huge space battle, why is it always a galaxy-ending threat?

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>I'll blast you into dust.

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>implying trek 2009 and everything after didn't
yea keep blaming the fans
and yea mila is most likely the real star trek poster girl

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because Star Trek is more valuable as a generic sci-fi action series than anything else.

>I wish this new show had just been Picard going on an old man's archeological journey

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Wheres his penis

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Because they don't understand subtlety on top of having no understanding of trek or dramatic pacing. It took four episodes for them to get off earth, the best criticism of the show was from the hollywood reporter "Long form storytelling is where terrible writers go to hide the fact that they don't know how to tell a satisfying story"

With Patrick Stewart having a say it would be some over the top Indiana Jones bullshit.

Rape you with strap-on dildo

>Computer create a room filled with selected girls of 21st century Japanese Animation

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Datas Day and then The Wounded? TNG seasons 3 and 4 are the best television ever produced, prove me wrong

It's the 20th century. It's always the 20th century, pleb.

>21st century
poor taste, Barclay

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>prove me wrong
I literally can't

All the best anime girls have big 80's hair

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>Computer, lock transporter on all the people I have saved in category "Pleb"
>Beam them to holodeck five
>Lock door, authorisation "Barclay- Red-Two-Delta-Blue"
>Now put ten copies of Commander Riker in the room, enhance stamina and sexual desier by factor ten.
>Disable safety

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I really want to like ST:Picard. But the finale was so fooking weird. Essentially JLo is now a robot? So a copy of the original? WTF. Also - a total asspull and a Shepard Manouver with "killed, but now now unkilled".

Overall. It was... weird.

>Computer, lock transporter on all the people I have saved in category "Pleb"
Confirmed. Beaming you to holodeck five.

Shit now devil's due? Dear god they're just hitting home run after home run

>I'll sic my killer robot on you. Attack robot!

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Living witness on voyager was pretty kino. How did they get away with all the antisemitism that was in voyager?

I prefer season 6

no, it isnt. now nobody cares about the brand anymore

It was on basic cable so no one was watching, so they could tell a deeper truth

>Computer. Create Deanna Troi 10 inch Futa.
>Create six copies in holodeck two
>Lock doors
>Disable safetes

Attached: barclay.jpg (125x95, 2.13K)

>It was on basic cable
you must be over 35 to post here.

>Computer, create a partition in the ship's replicator storage banks.
>beep boop, partition created.
>Computer, Harvest all faecal matter and other bodily secretions from any Holodeck users in the future.
>beep boop, biological matter reclamation protocol in effect.
>Computer, set use of matter in this partition to be used exclusively for Commander Rikers sustenance requests.


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I'm currently watching through using this list (though I watched movies 5 and 6 in release order to give me a bit more variety) and it makes all of trek after this better since it mixes voyager and DS9 pretty perfectly.

Hell I even watched the prelude to DS9 at the battle of wolf 359 at that point in best of both worlds it made it all better

>I'll sic my human on him. And he has something that your robot has never had. Faith of the Heart.

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>tfw starting TNG S7 finally
Damn, feels bittersweet that I'm almost done with TNG. But then I'm off to DS9 afterward, should be good.

>Damn, feels bittersweet that I'm almost done with TNG
TNG had one of the most perfect endings of any show. Always makes me cry.

by the founders

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Trek needs more crazy sci-fi Indiana Jones-style shit. Although I wouldn't trust nuTrek writers with that shit at all.

I honestly feel like S5 and S6 are much better, though 3 and 4 were fucking great still.

Nice try, Commander.

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This and this.

>muh dementia

Nothing wrong with a bit of Indiana Jones adventure flavor in trek, but it absolutely should not be Picard to do it. He is a diplomat first and foremost, and shouldn't be running off on half-cocked adventure, that goes against his character.


I'm plowing through them right now so I'll let you know, but after the mid season two parter in season 5 I start to watch DS9 alongside TNG

I just love the idea of xenoarchaeology in general.

>tfw I was outlining my own sci-fi novel with that premise

Fuck, I need to get on my writing already.

>spending retired years doing archeology with some university
>during the dig something is discovered that creates conflicts with the locals
>picard has to do his thing and fix the situation
>maybe a romulan spy tries to steal something
>his sidekick gets in a fight
it writes itself as an episodic series. You could even introduce a small overarching story if you like and link the episodes together


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That wouldn't work because Stewtard still imagined himself an action star

>muh 3/5ths tugboat captain
sometimes I think these rankings are just beachballs

>Captain, what does the muscular organ in your chest have to do with the human concept of belief? Basic biology suggests that "faith" as you call it would originate first in the human brain. It seems unlikely that the heart would have much influence on faith's development.

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That part in devil's due where Ardra turned into Diana to try to tempt picard into fucking her, you can absolutely tell how much Marina thought about fucking patrick in that one line

>I'm plowing through them right now so I'll let you know, but after the mid season two parter in season 5 I start to watch DS9 alongside TNG
Same, I'm on S7 right now.

Although after looking through S3 and 4 episodes again, I do have to admit, those listings are way more in their favor than I remember.

I actually might be wrong there. S6 is definitely up there but S5 may be worse than 3 and 4 after thinking about it.

Sorry, original poster here. I mixed up my order. It's actually:

Archer >>> Sisko > Pìcard > Kirk >>> Janeway > Others

just like a prostitute I don't much care what the actor thinks. If he does not want to do it fine don't make the series then. Plenty of other characters old or new you could make exciting stories with.
The adventures of ambassador Worf or who knows what. Maybe an Ezri Dax and 7 of 9 buddy cop style show. Emotional Ezri and cold rational 7 to play the straight man.
Anything but the shit they are doing now.

Well with everyone stuck indoors you've picked a pretty good time for it.

>going up against 2 ton robots that can remotely fire satellite laser weapons
what's that little knife gonna do, Priss?

Season 5 is when they started funneling writers on top of making TNG a bit darker to pave way for DS9 but they level off for season 6 7 is alright but I do wish they decided to just do a crossover with the original crew and saved all good things as the first movie

Actual op here


Klingon GF

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Kirk = Picard > Janeway > Sisko | Archer doesn't get ranked because he wasn't a Federation Starfleet captain.

>tfw you get to die and join your series that's been dead

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Except the writers likely love the character (at least the ones who have seen and actually give a shit about the character) and thus really appreciate the actor. Back when Berman was in charge the writers were making Trek history, but now the writers have to deal with the fact that Stewart is a Trek veteran. Do you honestly think any of them have the balls to tell him "no"?

>but I do wish they decided to just do a crossover with the original crew and saved all good things as the first movie
Man, as much as I LOVE Yesterday's Enterprise, the original idea of it being a crossover with the TOS crew would've been so much better, at least on paper. Oh well.

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