what does the S stand for?
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March 27, 2020 - 20:53
Slut She's taking the word back from bigots
March 27, 2020 - 20:55
God I wish that were me on the ground
March 27, 2020 - 20:55
Hot. The S stands for Hot.
March 27, 2020 - 20:56
Stinky! Stinky poo poo haha, a stinky dinky
The S? It stands for stinky dinky poopie doopie!
ha ha
March 27, 2020 - 20:56
S is for Step on my balls
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March 27, 2020 - 20:58
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March 27, 2020 - 20:58
>OP's pic
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March 27, 2020 - 20:59
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March 27, 2020 - 20:59
It stands for
March 27, 2020 - 21:00
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March 27, 2020 - 21:00
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March 27, 2020 - 21:09
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March 27, 2020 - 21:10
On my world it means excuse me
March 27, 2020 - 21:11
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March 27, 2020 - 21:11
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March 27, 2020 - 21:12
This was waste, what waste.
She just got zap & died.
March 27, 2020 - 21:13
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March 27, 2020 - 21:13
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March 27, 2020 - 21:14
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March 27, 2020 - 21:15
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March 27, 2020 - 21:16
March 27, 2020 - 21:16
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March 27, 2020 - 21:17
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March 27, 2020 - 21:18
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March 27, 2020 - 21:19
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March 27, 2020 - 21:20
Every time I see a Supergirl thread I want to watch it because she's gorgeous, but I'm trying to suppress my simp tendencies. I know it would be a massive waste of time, even now. Plenty of better things to watch.
March 27, 2020 - 21:20
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March 27, 2020 - 21:21
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March 27, 2020 - 21:21
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March 27, 2020 - 21:23
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March 27, 2020 - 21:24
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March 27, 2020 - 21:25
the webm maker of the first few seasons is a hero
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March 27, 2020 - 21:31
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March 27, 2020 - 21:33
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March 27, 2020 - 21:34
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March 27, 2020 - 21:43
S stands for Femdom judging by the picture
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March 27, 2020 - 21:44
did she fuck lena yet? if the answer is no then the show is shit
March 27, 2020 - 21:49
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March 27, 2020 - 21:49
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March 27, 2020 - 21:50
no idea
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March 27, 2020 - 21:51
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March 27, 2020 - 21:52
who knows?
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March 27, 2020 - 21:53
I hope they recorded secret home sex video
March 27, 2020 - 21:54
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March 27, 2020 - 21:54
It's not an S On my world it means Slut
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March 27, 2020 - 21:55
>mfw jerking it to her instagram video where she recounts her boyfriend smashing her face with a phone, then lovingly wiping away the blood in the bathtub
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March 27, 2020 - 21:56
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March 27, 2020 - 21:57
What’s happening in this screenshot from supergirl the cw show?
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March 27, 2020 - 21:58
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March 27, 2020 - 21:58
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March 27, 2020 - 21:59
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March 27, 2020 - 22:00
based tho not blackpilled yet
March 27, 2020 - 22:00
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March 27, 2020 - 22:01
Damn she got fat in this season
March 27, 2020 - 22:01
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March 27, 2020 - 22:01
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March 27, 2020 - 22:02
just shut the fuck up and show her being a nazi
March 27, 2020 - 22:02
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March 27, 2020 - 22:03
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March 27, 2020 - 22:04
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March 27, 2020 - 22:08
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March 27, 2020 - 22:10