Final Friday thread! Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we...stop posting for a while
/hmmm/ Dark Crystal
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Reposting user's note that skekSo is once again temporarily available. Git him American anons.
Based gay birdposters
The artist skekSa made a little Tek doll. Too cute.
Yeah, international shipping is a bitch.
I wish I could make stuff like this. But I wouldn't know where to even begin
I will have a gelfling wife.
Which clan?
This is important. It can decide whether your waifu a shit or not.
Mystics are beautiful especially urVa!
Trips for truth
That's cute as fuck. Wish I could make stuff like that.
Best to go with Stonewood. Their women seem like they would be able to handle a human dicking. Vaprans are too close to the Skeksis so you have to be better than a triglaive railing.
Something tells me Drenchen girls are kinky
Maybe they like it rough, telling you to just manhandle them whenever you feel like it
Drenchens are the biggest gelfling race
Is his arms wrong?
Nice. At least one of us has him.
Hell yeah
I feel bad for him because he died and the show gave him so much personality
I bet Spiriton women are either like those devout religious girls (so they are probably complete degenerates) or like a ranch girl so they're full of energy at all times
He is truly a tragic soul, only the beautiful die young
You mean the little arms?
whats his endgame?
To spend the rest of his nights in between the Emperor's bedsheets
he seemed pretty happy to watch him die
They're in the wrong direction
Everything was going just according to keikaku. He had his fun, now he going to get his prize
They should have decided to assault the castle and put their other half in their place, pinned right under them
>ywn trek across thra with your spriton waifu
>she won't exhaust herself flying to maintain eyelevel
>you won't carry her light body as she rests
urZah No!
We're one day closer to the season 2 renewal announcement!
Tek confirming he's the cutest.
urZah Yes!
I've always seen this pic, where did it came from?
It's from Rocket League, took a while to find out myself
Whoever decided to have that emblem with that picture of Sil is a masterful troll.
Be a skeksis
How do I become a skeksis?
Duct tape 2 dildos to yourself
Be Hup
Filthy Grottan!
What a bitch
Podniggers deserve nothing from superior Gelflings
They're so damn ugly and have freaky hands
Listening to the OST again bros as I revise my own attempt at a kino.
Fuck writing is hard.
It really is. But don't give up, user!
I have to do some writing today too, but it's technical writing so it's easier. Fiction is too hard.
What are you writing about?
That would be me. Also my clan tag is SKEK
I shan't! I've actually been writer's blocked for the better part of a year now, but I've finally fully restored my mojo, I think. Tonight went pretty well, actually.
What kind of writing do you do?
It's a screenplay I've been working on for the past few years or so. Since late 2017 at least. I hate to describe something I've written as a comparison between other things, but I guess you could say it's "The Terminator" by way of John Hughes.
It's about a girl in a small town who gets wrapped up in a sci-fi conflict between two opposing characters. Big difference here being she actually forces herself into the conflict.
>It's about a girl in a small town who gets wrapped up in a sci-fi conflict between two opposing characters. Big difference here being she actually forces herself into the conflict.
Yas Forums will HATE this. Nice.
I wonder. I actually wrote it so that a huge part of the story is actually her character having to grow up. I like to think she's likeable, but she's absolutely a bitch. She basically forces herself in to the sci-fi conflict to avoid dealing with real concrete issues in her actual life and both end up kind of blowing up in her face.
But then also like, I was just trying to write a good story. Not trying to play for or against any feminist and/or incel pandering.