>Massively successful after 17 yr hiatus
>BTFO out of RDJ Dolittle
>May end up being one of the highest grossing of the yr at this point


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who cares?

based black boomers making 90s action kino

Kek, embarrassing cope tranny

Is it as good as the first two?

>no baysed


kek the direction in this was better than anything that hack has shat out in 20 years or more. Imagine being such a brain damaged contrarian you actually defend the guy who made 6 transformers movies LMAO

I thought kinoplexes were closed?

neck yourself you lazy cunt

>box office 9.3 million
They were just in time to cash in before the pandemic

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>no bad boys all female remake
>back to old school 90s kino formula


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While they were making BB3 Bay was filming this absolute piece of shit so I'd say they made the right choice not bothering to get him back

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>tasteless capeshit tourists don't like bay
of course

god this was such a piece of shit

>if you dont like this brainless cgi shitfest you must like the other
kys zoomer tranny

>W-who cares

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>is bloodshot for 2 minutes in the finale
this movie was terrible

6 Underground was terrible. Not even the contrarians on here could mount a defense for it.


Explain whats wrong with it without fucking buzzwords? Fucking thought so

>hates bay
are you sure you're not a zoomer tranny, Yas Forums cinephile?
see? literally a capeshit pleb

II is still peak action, it can't be topped


Approximately 418 million dollars worth of ppl zoom zoom

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It didn't feel like true Bad Boys because no Bay. It was Bad boys for people who don't like Bad Boys. The twist that the bad guy was his son was slme fucking retarded fast and furious muh family shit.

short hair policewoman is my ultimate fetish

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As a late 20s nigga from ghetto as goulds florida who grew up watching bad boys with the dudes. It absolutely felt like bad boys. Maybe minus a few direct ass shots. Mike felt like mike. Marcus felt like marcus. Captain felt like captain. Amd they carried it as they should. Try again you fucking faggot

So you only like talking about black people when its negative

Outside of the twist, it was kino. Better than most old school throwbacks. The whole "it didn't feel like bad boys" comments comes from contrarians who never actually watched or cared about bad boys before this flick came out

Nah they harped bays style while leaving out his embarrassing humor

Hard pass I don't want to watch some old guys running around shooting people like they're in their 20s, they lost their window.

>a fun action movie with two black boomer actor-comedians who are reliving their youth and palling around is something people want to see
Reee how is this allowed I thought we agreed fun was problematic now

>most successful one in the franchise

Think they found their window retard

Shut up bitch

i cant believe i fucking went and paid to see this in theaters
this is without a doubt the worst fucking movie i have seen in my life go fuck yourself you stupid nigger for even thinking of posting about this film here

That statement would hold weight if it flopped. Sorry zoomer

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most successful means fuckall these days you turd eater. Captain Marvel made over a billion with a negative female ass.

>i cant believe i fucking went and paid to see this in theaters
this is without a doubt the worst fucking movie i have seen in my life go fuck yourself you stupid nigger for even thinking of posting about this film here

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It has almost no plot to follow characters feel like cardboard and bayist directorial touches are noticeable to the point of annoyance without ever being signature or memorable. It’s like transformers last knight but with robotic people instead of robots

No, but its def worth it if you like the first 2.

Embarrassing. Never commented on the quality of the film retard. The claim "they lost their window" is factually wrong if this particular outing at their age was more successful than their younger turn. This shit isn't hard to follow brainlet. I need you to keep up while I correct you. Understand?

>the last knight was bad

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>OG Bad Boys
>establish Mike is a spoiled brat
>BBFL retcon
>Some Mexican witch pussywhipped him into a spoiled brat
Every fucking time

so you admit you like to eat shit, gotcha.

How can Sonic and Harley Quinn compete?

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Concession accepted. Get your shit together and watch your words before you speak round here faggot.

Nah, sorry bro. You got BTFO

>watching decrepit spoiled blacks

Kek not in a million years.

Since China won over Corona they would reopen cinemas now and Sonic would steamroll everyone?

no bay no buy

No this is the Mike Lowry

You missed the news? China re closed them again

it starts out good but the twist ruins everything about the movie

the mexican mom was hot tho

Based boys for life


>90 MILLION Budget

hey retard, this thread isn't about whether the movie is good. we're here to gloat about large numbers.

i actually did watch this and they set up another movie in the fast and furious theme of making your enemy your friend

ill laugh my ass off if this ends up being the number 1 movie of 2020 and wins an oscar lol suck it marvel fags!

Yikes somebody is booty ravaged lmao. Im guessing you got btfo earlier in this thread

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