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How could someone misunderstand the point of a story so much?


go draw cartoons you fucking retard


Who is this retarded chink? You need to be really stupid to not understand joker, no wonder they get diseases from eating bats

raindrops keep falling on my head

kek, seething Jokerfags

He is right though. It's an ok movie albeit a bit simplistic, predictable and in your face but a horrible presentation of the Joker. Arthur is a literal retard in the movie how would he ever be anything more but a pawn or mascott

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Reddit loves Joker though.

>not muh joker!!!!!!!!!
Try having sex incel, maybe they'll give a golden lion to marvel that way

friendly reminder that unironically enjoying any form of anime makes you a subhuman

No, they don't

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so black people are not evil?

>Try having sex incel, maybe they'll give a golden lion to marvel that way
Ironic in two ways. The first irony is that you are implying that I am a Joker and a Marvel fanboy at the same time. The second irony is that you call me an incel while defending a movie that panders to incels and was incredibly hyped and praised by them

>Second most number of votes out of any movie there
The capekiddies watched in droves


>number of votes
Hello cope department?
This is what a BTFO looks like kiddo

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incels are more sad and pathetic than scary or evil


Well they just proved they're not from this site who the hack in OP is

Every single work he directed is better than the Joker.

have sex

>that guy saying it would be a flop

I wonder how he feels now

>out of intelligence comes evil
I guess he has never watched a cat play with her food, they are not super smart but can be pretty evil.
Or I guess he has never looked at some of mugshots for rapists and murderers who are almost always not especially smart.

Hes right. It was a solid movie that I enjoyed, much better than it had right to be honestly but its not some groundbreaking cinematic achievement.

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It doesn't pander to incels. The media made it about incels. Try taking a break from CNN, resetera tranny.

>It doesn't pander to incels. The media made it about incels.
No. Both is true, stop coping.

One thing I like about disneyshill is that they CAN'T stray from their shill script until their managers decide so. Look at this fella, this post is back when it was clear Joker was going to be one of the most succesful movies ever, but he kept going until he was forced to start making these threads. Disney is artistically bankrupt that even their shilling is made by committee lmfao

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Coping with what? I have no emotional attachment to this movie.

Those guys are not evil, just misunderstood or oppressed by society. :^)

>joker is not even that good
Lmao he's the one making these threads right? Get a real job you fucking loser disney is about the get bailed out

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>It doesn't pander to incels
The marketers from WB tried to use it here to push the movie as 4chancore yet as soon as it came out EVERY single board dropped it
Notice how gamers rise up and the clownworld stuff vanished too?

there is something to that. phoenix's joker clearly has massive brain damage and if i had to guess an iq around 80, and is too disturbed and dysfunctional to actually be intimidating at any point.

>Mamoru Oshii loves Basset Hounds dogs

>Frozen 2 at number 5
what the fuck

Watching joker made me feel like I was watching a fucking retard get super lucky Over and over. Anyone could stop that guy he is dumb as fuck. Every other joker has displayed atleast some level of intelligence both in mannerisms and in schemes

based retard gook

>Or I guess he has never looked at some of mugshots for rapists and murderers who are almost always not especially smart.
This, niggers are particularly evil creatures and their average IQ is like 85, I don't know who this random gook is but he should not going full retardo next time

This is already well known. I believe what he meant to say is the film is lacking a lot of dimension regarded for it to be considered art. It's a shallow blockbuster hiding behind some good cinematography.

Reddit must be infested with disneyshills, think about it logically. If this board gets this antijoker thread everyday think about that place, redditors are the target audience for most of the shit they make

Your capeshit will never have a scene this kino

why isn't DBS:BROLY higher

I love that whenever I read quotes from nip artists they say stuff like
>to me x is y, that is why z
they actually base their comments on values which they acknowledge, instead of just spouting ignominious platitudes.

>I believe what he meant to say is the film is lacking a lot of dimension regarded for it to be considered art
Like what

All the mexicans are on this site now

A film isn't simply a series of events that are caputred or created on camera. Even documentarians know this. There needs to be elements like themes and metaphors among other things. Of course subjectivity plays a role in terms of how much this stuff should be involved. Joker managed to keep stuff extremely surface level despite having a more nuanced approach to camera work. It was, as the jap said, more just about a dumb guy and shit luck. It wasn't making a statement or even an observation in regards to anything.

>It wasn't making a statement or even an observation in regards to anything.
It was though, it's a clear statement on society's treatment of the mentally ill among other minor ones. You haven't seen the movie, have you?

No, I don't watch the movies I talk about.

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Yes I've seen the movie. It didn't make any statement about the mentally ill. It showed that they can be mistreated and that's about it. By your logic even the dumbest movies are making statements.

Ok define "making a statement" then just so we know you're not a disney shill grasping at straws

That reminds me

>budget: $55-70 million
>worldwide box office: $1.074 billion

>Rise of Skywalker
>budget: $275 million
>worldwide box office: $1.074 billion

if it's with you then I will

Based boy

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>It showed that they can be mistreated
>It didn't make any statement
Damn, I guess if they don't do a dramatic voice pause moment and ask for donation for the mentally ill, the brainlet masses won't understand any message.

>By your logic even the dumbest movies are making statements.
>There needs to be elements like themes and metaphors among other things.
Isn't a theme or a metaphor simply a message thus a statement? Are you contradicting your own logic?

>larp as patricians for months and say they know what kino is
>no idea who mamoru oshii is

What a fucking idiot. The vast majority of "evil" in society comes from very, very fucking dumb people.

The movie wasn't asking for a donation for the mentally ill. You are mentally ill if you believe it was.

>Isn't a theme or a metaphor simply a message thus a statement?
No. What the fuck? Stop talking about movies and just continue your shit posting.

Here I'll shortcut you. Disney movies are fucking trash. BvS is extremely underrated. Suicide Squad is shit. Joker was ok. Harley Quinn was The the best super hero film in years on a technical level but people are too hung up on politics

Shhhh don't push the shill to hard or he'll run away. Give him rope slowly

Why is the non-white pretending to be an authentic german replying for someone else?

What am I shilling again?

Sure, why don't you elaborate on what do you mean by making a statement?

>The movie wasn't asking for a donation for the mentally ill. You are mentally ill if you believe it was.
This guy takes everything at face value and doesn't understand implications. Dumb fucking shit.

Just because they earn very little, doesn't mean they don't have to work for it user.

Patlabor 2 > Joker

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If you are genuinely interested look up director's statement. There's so much more that goes into a statement than a simple cog in the machine of the movie. Joker had no actual statement. It was just things happening compounded by possible views of things. It was unfocused. I'm not saying it was shit. Just extremely mediocre. Possibly the most visually appealing mediocre film I have seen if I ignore the fact that it was borrowing so hard from a director i shall not name to avoid the shitposts.

No you just don't understand how english works. I'm refuting what you are saying and not strawmanning you. You argue like a literal retard.

>Harley Quinn was The the best super hero film in years on a technical level but people are too hung up on politics

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Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah you said that again, but what do you mean by "making a statement"? Joker clearly had a message, some people even thought it was a little on the preachy side of things

I literally just told you to google it. A 3 second google search would reveal to you that you have a profound misunderstanding of what a director's statement is. It's not something like "oh bad unfair stuff happens to mentally ill guy thats bad we need to change that!" If you can't wrap your mind around that this is futile.

>I literally just told you to google it.
So you can't explain it, but you're convinced joker didn't do it hmmmmmmmmmm. Why should anyone trust such a lazy disney funded antishilling again? Sell me what you're doing here, come on

Holy fuck you low IQ subhuman don't you ever in your life dare call anyone a retard ever again. Not even down syndrome diagnosed people. The message of Joker was that mentally ill people are treated badly by society, and we, everyone watching, being part of society, after becoming aware of this fact, should do whatever we are able, whether being more emphatic or even talking about this issue. I said the donation part to call you out that since you didn't have a loud call to action to get any message, it didn't mean that it have any, you badly programmed npc. The message was implied. The donation part was what you needed to understand the message, which being subtle and not a direct one, obviously skipped past your tiny processing power. Kill yourself and I'm not even joking that you must do it.

How do I know you guys aren't the disney shills that you can't even do a 3 second google search and see you are wrong? You are making fans of this film look like double digit IQ retards.

>i can't explain it you have to google it
>trust me bro that's the reason joker is mediocre i just can't put into words
You're aware Disney has collapsed like half of its value in two weeks right? This could very well be the last thread you're paid to do against Joker, do you really want it to go down like this?

>yeah this is my opinion but I can't put it into words just look how someone else said it
You must be cleansed for humanity to progress.

More like MEDIOCRE!