Previous: heaven sent edition
/who/ - Doctor Who general
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>muh Clala
FUCK Capaldi
seething river
Shit episode.
More like Heaven Pseud lol.
The Fiveish Doctors Reboot was cute and fun.
I have a four-hour round trip (more like 3:30 but whatever) drive tomorrow. I have Scherzo downloaded for my first half listen but what should I listen to on my way back home?
elongated no isn't an opinion lol
no no no you just don't understand
he does somethings that enables him to do the same things again
Curator/Narrator series when?
GENIUS. Capaldo does it again.
>4th doctor - 10th doctor reboot is the only way they can win back all the fans they've lost
Reminder Wilf used to sell SPOONS
Don't see what that means. Those characters are all different.
I wonder why he was so fond of her?
4th Doctor brings back the classic fans, people who grew up with the show, old people demographic.
10 brings back the modern fans.
This looks like a JAV cover.
He used to narrate Paddington books.
No, I mean what does a 4th to 10th Doctor reboot actually mean? You want to split the difference and bring back Peter Davison? I don't really get it.
Bros so lemme get this straight
Doctors 1 through 8 aren't real characters? Is it their lack of gravitas or excessive flailing?
I mean like two doctors only with 4 and 10.
I figured if I put 4/10 it would look like I was saying either/or, so I put a hyphen to mean both.
Curator and Metacrisis Doctor spin off featuring Clara and Game of Thrones
It's because they never turn to the camera and explain the character development that they're supposed to be having.
>a hyphen to mean both
>Later Capaldi starred in Paddington
Coincidence? I think not
Why are there so many /who/ threads considering there won't be a season for 2 years?
get cancer - die
Gotta do something when we're all under house arrest.
Wasn't John Cleese also in an old Tom Baker episode?
for me it's masturbate to camille codreanu
These threads are so comfy. Had an interesting discussion with user last night on why Hell Bent works/doesn't work for us
It took Chinballs killing the show to revive /who/. It's more active now than it was during the last Series of Doctor Who.
I think it's BECAUSE there won't be a season for 2 years - we don't have to suffer through the torment of watching Chibnall destroy it in new and exciting ways.
What are the chances Whittaker is going to leave next series? Whether it's the finale or holiday special.
I literally got engaged with the show again because of how much I was seething. I went from enjoying it but not caring too much during Capaldi, to almost completely losing interest in Jodie's first series, to being absolutely obsessed with it again after the timeless children.
I think she'll be pretty old by the time the next series comes out in 2045.
It was beyond time for Clara to get off the show but it was a bit out of character for them to want to separate. After he time-extracted her, why didn't they just run away somewhere, agree to not get into situations that can kill her, and take her back to Gallifrey some day once they're both ready? Then once she's really dead and if he's too sad to cope, he can just wipe his memory.
Likely will leave, it'll be wise for her to regen during the 60th maybe.
>chibnall 60th
>it's an hour of preaching about "how far the show has come" with david "make stormfront look like antifa" bradley playing 1 as a bigot again
City of Death
>Why do I keep appearing in fewer and fewer episodes, Steven? And who's Clara, why are you giving her actress my chair?
wine aunt was too smug
>Who are you again?
Was a good chuckle.
i don't mind it desu
despite moffat's crush on jenna, clala was a lot more convincing as the doctor's waifu than river was
I don't fucking know, man. What criteria are you using to gauge these things? Does the character have to change and develop to be good, and if so why?
Ok, let's try this discussion again but in good faith.
This began with a post stating that 9 and 10 were the least Doctor-like Doctors. I made a post in response saying that this was because they were the most like actual characters.
I'll explain my reasoning. Firstly, it seems to me that any dislike of 9 and 10 is based on the fact that they are the most human-like of the Doctors - the most vulnerable, flawed, and at times, unlikeable and unsympathetic. They are the Doctors that are most likely to display ignoble emotions - rage, spite, pettiness, self-pity, entitlement, petulance, angst, and resentment.
The dislike of these characteristics seems itself to be based on the fact that these traits are an offensive betrayal of what the Doctor's characterisation should be - that the Doctor should not be like THAT. However, the criticism of these traits is not based on 9 and 10's characterisation being internally inconsistent with the personalities, histories, and arcs of the Doctors in question.
So what should the Doctor be? There seems a strange and puritanical belief in the Doctor as someone who should always be heroic, always admirable - his flaws, if he has them, should be appealing flaws, flaws that really display his power, intelligence, superiority, and perhaps, strength of character - a habit of callousness and manipulation, for example, in 7's case does not seem to offend these peoples' sensibilities, nor does 12's scathing abrasiveness put people off, because it's demonstration of his alien superiority. Superiority and nobility seems to be what people are pre-occupied with. Ignoble, unnattractive flaws - i.e, actual flaws - appal people.
They're addicts. They both knew they wouldn't be able to resist.
These same people seem to prefer the classic Doctors. The classic Doctors, I'd argue, were always intended to be alien enigmas - elemental figures, fundamentally unknowable. This doesn't mean that they didn't have personalities - you have cantankerous, paternalistic 1, you have devious trickster hobo 2, you have romantic, Sherlockian dandy 3, you have off-kilter bohemian 4 - it means that by nature, their characters are going to be limited. These are not characters that are meant to be known, understood, related or empathised with, and so much of the character remains undeveloped. They lack emotional range, i.e, there are certain emotions we would never expect to see the Doctors display, not because they are deliberately masking them, but because they would never be written as feeling them, and they are, to an extent, predictable - we know what the Doctor will do in any given situation. This doesn't mean they don't have any identifiable human characteristics - it means that those human characteristics they have show are going to veer towards the archetypal, the likeable, the heroic, the non-controversial. They are going to be, in short, two-dimensional, rather than three-dimensional.
and the shepard's boy SAYS--
To use a poor comparison, you could say Classic = DC and Revival = Marvel.
Characters like Superman were, originally, people we were supposed to admire and look up to.
Characters like Spider-Man were people we were supposed to relate to and sympathise with.
The Manlet in the Fireplace
Curse of the Black Manlet
what the fuck does bohemian mean
i've never understood the term and i say that as a native english speaker
It's what they called hipsters back in the day.
My God.
If anything I think it's the opposite. The new series is when they really started to hammer in the idea of the Doctor as some kind of absolute moral center. Classic series Doctor was just a guy, more often than not. See any episode where he doesn't want to help his people out, not because he morally objects to the job, but because he thinks they're dicks, and he resents them interfering with his fun. When a classic Doctor had a character flaw it was something like being cowardly or fat or bullying his companions because he thinks they're annoying. Now he has tragically heroic character flaws, that usually stem from his war PTSD somehow.
Padding. Got a topless somewhere here of Jenna, she's pretty flat.
off-beat poor artists, and possible drug addicts.
lol no