
Eight fucking samarian sunsets edition


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I am not gay and I still like trek.

>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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/trek/ is moving so fast, even Tom Paris in the Delta Flyer wouldn't keep up!

In SPIC they say:
>from long before our ancestors first arrived on vulcan
Am I being a lorelet or am I wrong in saying that Vulcan is the homeworld not Romulus?

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I want to hold Elnor's hand and maybe his penis !

/trek/ is smart!

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How many episodes of TNG did the writers and producers of STP watch?

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the movies

They just watched measure of a man then talked about ways to fuck it up.

Vulcan is the homeworld, it's really obvious in ENT if nowhere else.

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THEY WATCHED Datalore and Nemesis.

Romulans were originally Vulcans who left Vulcan and settled on Romulus. Fuck knows what jibber-jabber Onions Gevalt was yapping about, seriously, that line has to be the most egregious example of NuTrek writers' ignorance by far.

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temporal agent porthos reporting in

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>DS9: the Federation is faltering
>Picard: the Federation is collapsing
>Discovery S3: the Federation is gone

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from least to most
Picard, Kirk, Archer, Janeway Sisko

i think i would gladly much rather accept star trek online's canon over all the slop that's been served to us these past few years

pic confirms

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after my shipment of Saurian brandy arrives.

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We are all immigrants

Vulcans and Romulans lived on Vulan together until they decided to kill each other because of differences. Vulcans embraced logic and Romulans embraced their emotions and left because they got BTFO. Hence why they both look similar.

Trek is for REAL men.

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>Andromeda: *sigh* somehow the Federation has returned

>When STO is doing Picard tie-in missions despite Picard overwritting its backstory.

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at best we're all the children of immigrants, at some point we're supposed to drop the prefixes and focus on being american. White black asian arab, we all drop the modifiers and accept our connection through being proud americans, the destruction of that pride has been whats killed our country and everything it stood for

Didn't expect to see Data at the end, the moment the scene came up I imagined it would be Q.


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Hearing the ds9 actors again on that gamma quadrant campaign was pretty comfy I must say.

>star trek online
There was a story? I just remember a bunch of NPCs feeding me errand quests.

Yeah, the DSN actors did a great job there.

That's a stupid question.

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>star trek online's canon
My Account got hacked out of it quite whiile ago.
Right after the Undine (Species 8472) invasion and that lore was quite well thought out and fun.
They could´ve just made fucking TV eps out of it and it would´ve been a winner.

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They actually put in a lot of story content over the years.
It's not great, but it's way more star trek than any of nutrek.

>every STO starter pack is 2000 gold
>STD starter pack is 1500 gold
gee, I wonder why...

fuck off

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there is a lot, STO is already 10 years old.
and compared to STD and STP, it is star trek.

tough question.
who's better?

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Who's Q? I don't remember seeing that character in the movies.

I've always hated the game every time I get bored enough to try it so I stop around level 20

For one thing, pic related was canon to STO.

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Adama obviously.


I wanna FUCK Vash

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>stop around level 20
you stopped after one evening?

Why do all the Romulan & Starfleet ships only have one design in SPC?

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mfw never met a sex hungry genius mutant bitch that lies on her back all day waiting to get knocked up..

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looks like shit

Very funny. It takes 5 days to reach lvl 20.

Yeah STO fucking sucks
Gameplay is shit
Uniforms are shit
Ships are shit
Whole game is shit

Like the other user pointed out you can get to 20 in an evening, on a double xp weekend you would be there in like two or three missions.
The real time sink doesn't come until you get to all the shit that's gated with 20 hour cooldown timers like reputation.
I wouldn't be playing it either if I wasn't bored as fuck from corona isolation.

but star trek


8.ST animated

Not any star trek I recognize


EJO never had to deal with space muppets though, it was in his contract IIRC.