Any apocalyptic films where women are so sex starved from isolation they start fucking incels because they have no other choice?
Any apocalyptic films where women are so sex starved from isolation they start fucking incels because they have no...
we live in kino times
She's like the guy in Dunkirk who drowned himself because he had to sit on a windy beach for a couple days. Why are Brits so weak bros?
No, those do not exist.
sad. i guess if chad won't fuck you for fear of getting coronavirus the only option is suicide.
all bongs should fucking hang
i'd love to shve my cock down her throat to pacify her in these trying times
women are children with tits that vote
I like this virus more and more
Her lips look fucking ridiculous. I will never ever understand why women think botox looks good.
It's incredible how much more disgusting her accent makes her look in my eyes. Without talking she's like 7-8, with talking she's like 3-4
imagine the class of '20 cunts necking themselves because they missed prom and graduation.
Sad, this is what governments don’t realise with lockdowns, or don’t care because they’re old themselves. They are going to have millions of suicides if they close down society for the rest of the year, all to spare a few 80year olds who have only a few years left regardless
botox is injected in the face not the lips. you're prob thinking of collagen.
i will kys myself if i don't get an asian gf after this blows over
They would rather die
Fuck boomers
Be honest, is there any average young woman in this god damn world with over 80 IQ? because i personally have never found one
It's true, people are weak. They just don't tend to notice it because they're usually never out of their element for this long.
>dat feel when I've made literally ZERO changes to my life even with lockdown
>Be honest, is there any average young woman in this god damn world with over 80 IQ? because i personally have never found one
all women are stupid and whores
holy shit she is BASED. we truly lost one of our own basedbros... (AND basedsisters, of course!)
>died after a suicide attempt.
Id call that a suicide success.
I’m graduating this year and was butthurt that I was too incel to ever go to prom but now none of the normies can either. God is real
Are you going to refute or project?
Incels get ass raped by hungry black cock during the apocalypse
fuck. after you made my text green, now thinking about it, i find women very smart and mature
>more people will die from suicide during this than the virus itself
I'd love to see the numbers here. We have to have at least a tens of thousands of deaths worldwide by now right?
Hope she sees this bro
She had autism and did the gene pool a favor
ok roastie
It takes great courage to drown yourself. Many people are too pussy to do it. Its horrifying. Drowning yourself because you cant face 48 hours of temporarily inceldom is literally the Chaddest move. Incels wont understand. (Have sex)
God, I would have loved to see her get BLACKED.
smarter than you
iktf bro. honestly work has slowed down a little bit which actually gives me more energy to lift and time to eat a better diet, so my physique is actually improving noticeably. thanks coronachan
>world closing in
>plans being cancelled
>being stuck inside
my everyday life?
chang's razor
so if you try to kill yourself but dont die immediately, just later in a hospital they call it a suicide "attempt"?
seems kinda strange
>the thought of not posting pics of her ass in thailand drove her to extreme measures
i don't care if you're being ironic stop fucking posting you retard
It's time for incels to show off their refined ability to spend months without leaving home.
normies before wuflu
>we have to open the borders, everyone deserves to live in a first world country!!
normies after their playdates get cancelled:
>gas the chinks, race war now!!!
I do not recall hearing of such a film. It would be an interesting exploration on love, sexuality and society in general. As a social species, it is in our nature to be in the company and to want to be in the company of others.
>Holy heckers! Based! Fuck normies! DAE think that the coronavirus will finally make everyone beleive that living at home with mommy and playing video games all day just like me is actually the ideal way to live! Based!
looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays!
>normies before wuflu
>>we have to open the borders, everyone deserves to live in a first world country!!
No they weren't, normal people do not care about politics.
The people who do are always, and have always been autistic freaks.
There's no lower creature in this planet than an idealist.
You first kike.
I hate women so fucking much haha
thanks Jontron, i owe you my mother's life.
Honestly she must of had some mental disability to kill herself, or must have had a lot of other bad shit going on. Otherwise you would have to be almost impossibly weak and stupid to kill yourself just because you had to stay indoors for a few weeks.
>couldn't even last a week in her own home
She truly is a fucking cuck. Imagine paying thousands a month for a home/apartment and killing yourself because you have to use it. What a fucking loser.
Why the fuck would you kill yourself over being stuck inside for only 2 weeks...
I can't tell if she's insane for going that extreme or if I'm insane for not being bothered by it.
Not a film but a similar storyline was on an episode of Sliders.
This. Normal people literally either don't give a fuck or how views that an antithetical to the current establishment but won't speak up
Actual SJW's are in a very small minority unless they're non white or jewish
>only two weeks
lmao, no one's leaving their homes for the next 3 months.
nah, twitter isn't irl
majority of normalfag whites in western countries couldn't give a shit about other races and whether or not they're able to get citizenship
He didnt purposefully drown himself. he tried crossing the channel
Died in the hospital most likely.
>when the trash takes out itself
It's due to most people really never coming to terms with themselves which means they're dependent on external stimulus or they become uncomfortable. Introspection has sadly become a lost art. Not to mention these people are acting as if communication has been cut off or something. You can still communicate with people just fine.
Yeah. It is sad when you put it like that. Also depressing that people's first response is to laugh or to make asinine jokes.
I cut off contact with my mother because she wouldn't stop pestering me about how I had to go to vote and all that shit.
Almost had to do the same with my father, but some yelling and has finally shut the fuck up forever about le ebin politics.
People who rely on the government for living are failures and deserve to have whoever they didn't vote for rule.
what? I acknowledged that's what happened in my post, but just because she didn't die immediately and the doctors failed to save her, she still died from the suicidal action she took. You'd logically think they'd still call it suicide
So... We're still going with the ate a bat story?
I like the china made it in a lab and it accidentally leaked out, before they could transport it to the US Story.
I know you faggots will make fun of her but I wish I had her drive to relate. This is what fuels everything
kek, what a faggot
that's what they get for beign so over-dependant of social media and other shit
bat story is funnier, and unironically inspires more hatred for chang.
read Necromancer by Lish McBride
wolfgirl in heat is locked in a cage so she ends up fucking the first loser they throw her way.
oh no she has a paper ! Shame things like photoshop doesn't exist...
have sex
I'm hoping amazon finally shuts down so I get time to do this. right now coronachan is fucking me sideways because overtime
Those people have something very damn wrong with their heads
My sister is kinda autistic, she's spend all confinement so far masturbating with her pillow.
If this does last longer than a few weeks it will be interesting to see how extrovert normies deal with it
social media did not go anywhere.
best source on why it came out of lab: