Who was your favorite pro wrestler as a kid?

Who was your favorite pro wrestler as a kid?

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None because wrestling is fucking gay.

Chris Benoit.

Sting because he was an edgy faggot and dressed like the Crow


I keep telling you it was Hacksaw Jim Duggan


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mate said edge

Then why do you have a problem with it?

Edge, of course

LOL no way, I mean your favorite, are you even serious?

Stacy Kiebler

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Macho Man Randy Savage

Val Venis

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Shawn Michaels

Triple H
I still remember that time when he and that faggot Randy Orton had beef
Fucking faggot cuffed Triple H and kissed his wife in front of him

Fuck off, Christian was based

Peep 4 life

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More like teenage years but yeah still a kid then. Ruthless Aggression Brock was the GOAT.

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It never made sense that Triple H and Stone Cold were a tag team

He was a decent midcarder..... your favorite though?


How is it decided who's going to win? does anyone knows how any of this works?

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They most likely have writers like any other TV show

Brett Hart, most kino theme of all time


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Macho Man is my spirit animal

Taker should've gone heel, not Austin. First and only bikertaker heel run was amazing.
>bully gimmick that picked on the midcarders
>underrated feud with flair
>went over hogan
>one of the best triple threat matches ever with kurt and rocky

Because he was a normal looking dude at a time when the roster was full of jacked-up bodybuilders, that and the way he wrestled made him come off as a scrappy underdog. Also he could work a great match with anyone and was underrated on the mic

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My favorite wrestler as a kid was unironically
American Badd ass Taker

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Rob Van Dam was based

With his 'BOOM BWOMP' heel theme.

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hitman gave my friend his glasses at a show
still pretty jealous

Damn that's sick. I would frame them asap.

I wonder whose idea that was

Excellent choice.

I still remember that time when he and that faggot Jericho had beef
Fucking faggot cuffed Triple H and kissed his wife in front of him

I still remember that time when he and that faggot Kurt Angle had beef
Fucking faggot cuffed Triple H and kissed his wife in front of him

I may no longer be a kid, at least in my physical suit, but inside my imagination, I am just as big of a wrestlemaniac as I was when I was a wee boy. Although the mastodons of yesteryear are far and few between, there are some truly captivating performers such as Danielson and Black (non wrestling fans will have to read through the lines as to who I am talking about....I want to provide a bit of a barrier to entry). Some people argue that the quality of the show has gone downhill for several years, but I argue to the contrary.....I find as time goes on, the more engaging and real it becomes. The more I find myself leaping out of my seat, not for the colorful comic book hero like Terry "Hulk" Hogan, but for the every man. The guy just like me. I even purchased a ticket to Wrestlemania, but it has been cancelled. Even though I am left without a refund for my $2000 ticket, I will still be partaking in the festivities at my house, screaming my f*cking lungs out for my fan favorites. WWE. Then. Now. Forever.

Stings return to the ring in crowface was peak WCW.
Macho Man and Rowdy Roddy Piper if were going classic WWF. The rock during degeneration x was maximum comfy.

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yeah, I probably would too
they're in some box right now

People like are you are what finished off wrestling and killed it completely.

Jake the Snake. Up until he turned heel on Ultimate Warrior. It made no sense to me, and made me realize it was all fake.

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Big sexy Kevin Nash

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Is this pasta?

1. British Bulldog
2. Dynamite Kid
3. RVD
4. Scott Steiner
5. Bret Hart
6. Ric Flair
7. Hulk Hogan
8. Randy Savage
9. Shawn Michaels
10. Stone Cold


t. Tyrone posting from the sweltering summer of '92

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Golden era of wcw. Nwo red and black storylines were kino.

I saw him cut a promo on AEW dude is still leagues above everyone else in that company.

Stone Cold and Kane when he couldn't speak.

Also based
Not remotely based one bit

Everybody has favorite but which one did you hate? For me it was Jeff Jarrett, I can't stand that guy and all his shitty gimmicks.

This kid has fuckin issues. What percentage of your infancy was spent getting molested?

i developed my sexual fetish from wrastling

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Same here, I hated that mother fucker and he is one of the main reasons late WCW sucked...

Jaime Lannister of WWE

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not him but this reads like you're projecting

Hall was always the best founding NWO member

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His incarnation of the nWo was fucking awful, pure channel change fuel


Rick Flair.
I thought the figure four leglock was the coolest shit I had ever seen.
Then I put my sister in one and wasn't allowed to watch it anymore.

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I heard about that, I need to check it out.

Chris Benoit.