Patton Oswalt

Is he the best comedian since Red Foxx?

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How did he get away with it?

he killed his wife

i know you schizo incel simp will show up and defend him

>Redd Foxx didn’t kill his wife
>Take your meds, schizo

little bitch thought he was entitled to pass judgment on cosby
say what you will, but at least cosby didn't kill his women when he drugged them

He became an insufferable faggot

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He didn't kill his wife, he murdered her

He was always one

Redd Foxx didn't kill his wife

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Can you guys please stop saying he killed his wife, it's insensitive, the word is murder

Jesus user
this threads go for way to long

It's amazing how low you Trumpanzees will sink to smear someone who doesn't like your fascist president.

Take your meds, Paul.

Reddit is calling. Go back.

Comedian? When has he ever said anything funny?

With what? Being funny?

I don't even like Trump and know he killed his wife


Since OJ Simpson for sure

Libel. Wanna get sued?

I hate his fucking face, smug dwarf fag

Why did he do it guys?

Imagine a rich man suing you for libel. You'll have to work extra shifts at Mcdonalds.

Man? When has your father ever had a job?

So proven innocent in a court of law?

I see your confusion but Foxx's sets killed metaphorically whereas Oswalt literally killed his wife.

You're not proven innocent, it's just not guilty

Who hurt you?


Prove it or this is libel.


Why don't we exhume the body? Or did you destroy the evidence?

What's it like being a schizo?

not as bad as being a cold blooded murderer

On Justified season 4 he gets beaten and tortured by mafia guy. I like to jerk off and watch Patton get beaten

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You must be fun at parties


Having a normal one

Unpunished murderers thread?

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He's such a repulsive little dwarf.

rent free

His patience for his wife expired. He wanted a new one, but without going through the hassle of divorce and alimony.

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i hate that this stupid 'killed his wife' meme shit gives you all an excuse to post this unfunny fat fucks ugly fucking face all the time. fuck you

Go back

Is it Patton himself that compares him to established comedians? Because it's pretty ridiculous.

It's not a meme

they look the same

good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies

One is significantly more hot

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What's the difference between him saying murder and the other anons saying killed? Why would the one saying murder be sued and not the others?

Was he really unpunished? Have you seen him in any good movies in the past 20 years?

i like his old specials, he really was just a drunken unhinged nerd. i miss comedy that was just supposed to make people laugh.


Patton you sly dog

murder implies malicious intent, which i suppose was not the case in court. murdering is killing, but killing is not always murder.

but "killing" suggests a malicious act anyway, killing isn't always murder but his wife died from an accidential overdose and nobody is saying he had anything to do with it, so saying he murdered or killed her is pretty much the same thing no?

murder is premeditated

What kind of absolute cuck would actually walk around wearing that