Was it rape?

Was it rape?

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Shaggy is gay.

Bretheren before wenches.

Women coming onto you like that are whores. Horrible idea to go along with it. Shaggy made the right move.

Just think how many other men she did this to

Shaggy is exclusively gay for the knot

This but unironically

Well it's not technically rape, but what Shaggy is doing is as bad as rape. Rejecting a woman can cause serious harm to her self image.

She literally tells him to get rid of Scooby or they can't fuck in that show. She's a bitch.

this just connect the dots
>white boy mid 20's
>has a big dog
>seems like he smokes weed (fucks up with your brain and ultimately makes you gay)
>is skinny
>can't grow a full beard or shave his embarrassing shitti facial hair
He is gay

Anyone who makes someone choose between them or their pet is scum

Apparently they're actually together in the show.

That's hot as fuck

Men don't get raped.

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he's saving himself for something better

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Just pump and dump, it's not hard.

Is that even legal ?

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Isn't she also a Doo?

I doubt she literally tells him that

shes a Dee, 2nd cousin from the south.

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Isn't he fucking Daphne in the new one? How does Shaggy get around so much?


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Amazing what a single inch can do

That's what your girlfriend said

what the fuck

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>Just think how many other men she did this to
she's 14 and these are her only friends who aren't' online
she's begging this midwit to take her Velma card and all he can think about is his dog's anus

Why else do you think he goes by shaggy?


>not knowing shaggy's name
you're supposed to be 18 to post here

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Well wife whatever

I watched this shit and was disturbed by hot Velma and her mannerisms

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Serious question: Was it ever established on this series that the two were actually dating? I think this is important for the context of OP question. I haven't watched the whole series so I'm not sure, but i got the sense that Shaggy was kinda stringing her along, so her sexual frustration seemed like it was earned.

>Was it ever established on this series that the two were actually dating?
Yeah but he was too lazy to make a proper job of it.

People always call Shaggy out for being a fag or Velma a bitch for trying to get rid of Scooby but on a rewatch, Scoobys behaviour is fucking out of line. He's easily the neediest one of them, and without his cockblocking Velma would get a dicking and settle the fuck down.

Velma only had to cook for him, "The way to mans heart is through his stomach".
Isn't she the one who made scooby-snacks?

More like the virgin hunchback. Fred as the posture of a total chad.

lanklet cope

Guys, what do the boobs, hot breath, sultry gazing, caressing fingers, and body heat of a member of the opposite sex feel like?
Is it as bad as it looks?

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lucky for you, I'm a dog lover

>Scooby was out of line

Scooby was such a asshole in this series, he does the same thing to Shaggy when he dates dog and ignores him. Only one who wasn't a asshole was Daphne, legit felt sorry for her dealing with trap autist Fred.

Shut up faggot.

If Velma is wearing a cashmere or angora sweater and no bra it's really nothing you could ever believe fellow user.
Also, uncovered thighs.

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Also the skirt, there is only one layer of breathable silk conducting pheromones from the source.

Daphne is a mess of a person.

Attached: Daphne chocolate addiction.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

An emotionally vulnerable person such as yourself shouldn't expose themselves to such thoughts and flights of fancy if they aren't prepared to deal with the pain that comes after

>Dislikes: Being so young

Our girl

berries and cream berries and cream i'm a little lad who loves berries and cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is chocolate code for bbc?

Well, she warned. Beside that, i think Daphne is the nicest character in the series.
>Velma is a nerd thot
>Shaggy is slow and his personality is reflected on his dog.
>Fred is just... Fred.

The fact that she manages to hang out yet with them is wholesome. They are friends, for sure.

Also, she is mommy af.

after she's done i would come up to the seat and sniff it

Hey, get out of my backdoor!

>YWN be raped by Velma
Why even live?

>tfw 28 soon and virgin
Whats the most painless way to an hero lads? If I wasnt concerned about my family I would have done it already

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>Fred: 17
>Velma: 15
>Daphne: 16
>Shaggy: 17
Wtf they look 20

heroin overdose.
it feels like cumming but non-stop for hours on end.

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Hmmm, i wonder why 'female sexual frustration/lack of attention' was such a big theme in terms of character development on the show. Its pretty weird. I mean it was hilarious, but yeah...

Velma smuggling some big ol meat melons under that sweater

who cares about what women think

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>Just get herp and derp, it's not that hard.

Velma has some strong legs.

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Wait for sexbots with artificial intelligence, the future is ours bro

Dude just spend some at a brothel

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Life isn't painless. If you would only accept this fact, then you can cope with rejection. And in turn actually try to get girls.