Did the Star Wars toys suffer sales losses from how bad the films were?

Did the Star Wars toys suffer sales losses from how bad the films were?

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kids are naturally based and hate diversity
they know when they're being lectured

Much worse. Basically nothing from the sequel trilogy is selling.

I'm pretty sure it's because the new designs and characters suck.

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that figure is racist

The problem is that not a single one of the characters from nu-Wars is interesting or likeable.

Be honest, what was your reaction when you first saw this in the trailer?

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Cool factor strongly affected Star Wars toy sales. Nonwhites uglier than aliens and bad ship designs didn't sell.

You mean you weren't around for the threads? Chimping out was appropriate.

/toy/ here. It's really bad. There are mountains of Rose Tico figures still in packaging being sold for a penny each.

Once in a while someone will try to claim that "kids don't want toys anymore" to justify the low sales, but sales for currently available OT characters are much, much higher than the NuWars toys.

its true the last star wars character anybody cared about was yoda from the ESB. Nobody cares about ewoks or BB8 or queen amadala.

It was the final death blow to Toys R Us.

Yep, and not having enough C-3P0

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exactly. say what you want about the prequels, but they moved merchandise because of sheer designs.

I just laughed at how transparent their agenda was. The way it was completely designed to create a "surprise an odd looking black man! Bet you didn't expect that, did you losers?" which in itself requires an inherently race aware mindset to create. The hypocrisy was just humorous.

>dude what if Darth Revan but worse and more generic looking

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That it would be an infinite source of butthurt on Yas Forums for years

And despite that being the case, it was still the only somewhat decent looking thing from all 3 films. Actually incredible how badly they managed the series.

What annoys me is that Rey had the same look in all three films. Look at Luke or Anakin, they all go through wardrobe changes, all iconic in some way. Rey still has the same boring desert scavenger look even though it makes no sense why she would still wear these, specially in Rise of Skywalker, she sticks out a lot compared to other resistance members.

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True. Holy fuck that's depressing.

I was and still am baffled how they managed to find such a niggish caricature of a person.

kinda this, had it been done another way, it would have passed as nothing. But nu-hollywood is a joke.

It reminds of the hilarious skit in Strangers with Candy

>Yes I'm an astronaut, and I'm black! Didn't expect that did ya?

That gorilla grodd action figure looks cool

Reminder these three were the main candidates for the role, the execs wanted Jesse Plemons, but it was Jew Jew that insisted on casting Boyega because he wanted more diversity.

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Star Wars OT was head and shoulders above any other children’s property at the time. Nuwars comes to a fractured market and Marvel has captured everyone’s attention. On top of that, The designs were rehashes. The main characters weren’t “cool” enough. Appealing to children is complex business and while the films were mediocre, the main reason is Marvel owns the film based toy market

Also, these were considered for Rey, but they ended up casting an unknown. I think that was a good decision, even though I love Saoirse to death, she dodged a bullet there.

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The entire NuWars saga takes place in the span of months, not years like the other trilogies. That’s the first problem.

I thought the chick in the purple spandex and gold helmet in RoS was kind of cool.

Would Todd have still gotten fat if he was in star wars?

Keri Russell? I like her

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What do you mean? Kids don't love the awesome characters of Finn and Captain Phasma? I can't believe it

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>but they ended up casting an unknown.
For money reasons, signing a- or even b-listers up for a trilogy is expensive.

lmao what a shitty toy

I still can't believe that was Kerri Russel and those barely two scenes is all she was used for, but yeah I'll give you that character, it was an alright appearance.

I doubt that was the reason, I think they wanted to replicate the effect of the OT with their own cast who would be remembered as iconic faces associated with their Star Wars first and foremost, whatever else they go on to do.

>thinking Boyega was part of the problem

It was just Jew Jew giving his friend a job. He was the creator of her breakout show Felicity

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I don't remember Phasma having a nuclear reactor on her back.

He definitely was, although in large part due to script itself. I think Driver was the only one who really stood out despite the absolute shit Kylo Ren had going for him.

The writing is the biggest problem, but c'mon, Boyega can't be a action star. He looks too fucking goofy, my dude. Have you seen Pacific Rim 2? It's pathetic.

I rate her, it was basically the only aspect I was mildy curious about before watching RoS and even that managed to disappoint.

This, trailers are meant to generate buzz and choosing to begin it with a black stormtrooper was a calculated move. Frankly it just confused me because I was under the impression most stormtroopers were clones, but I guess they had that throwaway line in TFA "explaining" why he isnt a clone afterall

He was legitimately very good in the last film, the only positive to have come out of it whilst at the same time emphasising how much they wasted a good actor.

I still dont know how they failed so hard at coming up with new designs that they resorted to hyping up red stormtroopers that show up for maybe 30 seconds

Another was the toys pretty much consisted of the human leads and very few aliens which is what drove the toy sales. Instead of getting toys for every alien that popped up in the background for 2 seconds we got 57 version of Rey, Finn & holdo and kids don't want toys that look like their mom & her black bf

>very good

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Surprisingly, no. This time around they didn't bother giving Rise of Skywalker its own line and just packaged it with the OT/PT stuff. On top of that the Mandalorian-related sales made up for any losses from the lower ST sales.



It's complicated. They basically want something that LOOKS familiar to the stuff fans know and like, but is DIFFERENT enough so they can re-brand it and avoid paying merchandise royalties to Lucas. It's why everything looks like Star Wars knockoffs and few brand new designs absolutely clash with everything else.

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The last Jedi toy sales plummeted off a cliff, they apparently were one of the causes of Toys R Us going under.

Rogue One toys sold more than The Last Jedi

This, I can't remember a single cool alien from the back of my head. Only thing I can remember were those retarded racing creatures from TLJ and the horses from TROS.

Based Baby Yeed single handedly saving Disney's toy sales

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why was lady gaga in star wars?

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Maybe. Definitely because none of what they introduced was cool like this guy mentioned Prequels did a good job on the design aspect on characters and ships, which made it very easy to sell to the kiddos. I know I had my fair share of toys and Lego kits for the prequel trilogy when I was growing up.
Felt that way when I played EAs Battlefront 2. Cared more about playing Supermacy because it was entirely Clone Wars related. Much more interesting than whatever they tried and failed to use from the ST for the other gamemodes that had you using characters from the sequel. Because theres nothing that great design wise from the new films. It doesnt pop out or is in any way memorable. Just boring.

None of the characters were interesting. Who the fuck wants to play as Poe, the guy who gets shut down by women all the time and breaks at the end saying he failed everyone? Or Finn the black guy who's just there and could be swapped with literally any resistance fighter and it wouldn't make a difference so they had to make him know literally everything about the FO despite being mostly a janitor (his own words in TFA) and at the last moment of the last movie made him Force sensitive? How about Rey, the person who is never wrong, always gets things on the first try and basically a force demi-god i.e a person anyone can easily relate to?

That he would be nothing more than a diversity hire and it showed.

I meant Adam Driver.

I kinda wish Rogue One had more time to flesh out its characters because they were conceptually far more interesting.

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Oh my bad

Donnie Yen and the robot were cool, the others not so much. If Jyn had a personality she would have been GOAT but she doesn't. Cassian Andor (I legit had to look up his name) is just a generic Han Solo knockoff.

>cold blood executes the informer who risked his life to bring the resistance info
I guess it's kinda comical it took until a spin-off movie to legit confirm that resistance was also pretty dirty grey.

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But if you give a female character a personality, then she'll have to have flaws as well. We can't have that

Didn’t care one bit.

Most people that actually buy toys these days are actually adult collectors, check /toy/ if you don't believe me. The only Star Wars stuff that sells is OT (I'm including Rogue One with OT because it's closer to the OT than the ST and that's how collectors view it), PT, and the new Mandalorian stuff. A lot of collectors will only buy ST characters if they are exceptionally well detailed or well made figures, but many are boomers and only buy OT figures or are zoomers and only buy PT/Mando stuff.

>Save the Rebellion. Save the dream.

Weird casting choice, though.

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The guy was bleeding out and being chased down by Storm Troopers. He was a liability to keep alive.

My fault, I wasn't clear.

And kids gave a fuck and enjoyed the movies.

based crpg party
>ranged fighter

>Pacific Rim 2
wait that already came out? sheeeeeit

>they were conceptually far more interesting.

>generic britbong protagonist #84327849753
>forced diversity spic
>CCP-pandering chink
>CCP-pandering chink
You forgot to add the sand nigger guy who, ironically enough, makes weapons.
Only the droid was likable and memorable. He was more human than the actual human characters.

oh, boy. don't. just don't.

>no white men allowed


it's actually a compliment, those are the scum that do the dirty work

I wouldn't mind a Quip Bot figurine

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General Grievous always sucked as a character. It was literally "please buy my toy: The Character"

What would happen if these two met?

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I think it's some kind of massive vibrator for couples