ITT: ridiculous/controversial scenes that you actually like

ITT: ridiculous/controversial scenes that you actually like

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Fuck you I liked it. Didn't even know this scene turned into a meme until after I came home from the theater. No wonder everything sucks now, because retards pick apart and over analyze everything and run it to the ground with countless video essay cringefests. Is it so hard to just leave stuff alone?

Plebs were baffled by this scene

I haven’t seen the movie but watched the clip. Is the context just that both of their mother’s have the same name? That’s it?

>Batman wants to kill Superman
>Superman has to stop Luthor
>Batman fights Superman, and prevents him from stopping Luthor
>Superman tries to explain the situation, but Batman doesn't listen and just kicks his ass
>Batman about to kill Superman
>Superman, delirious, says his mother's namr
>Batman thinks he is talking about his own mother
>demands and explanation
>Superman tells him about Luthor's plan
>They join forces to stop Luthor

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Kino ending. I never heard many people complaining about it

>Martha? Das my mams name Duurr

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Everyone liked this scene. Her tits were god tier 10/10.

>Pick apart
It's just fucking dumb on its face you puffy cunt. Here's my five second analysis: You're a faggot.

Agreed, but it is hilarious how much they focus on her tits. It’s so over the top and blatant

That was based Miguel Sapochnik directing, he knew what we ought to see in lurid detail.

Can't complain.

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Is she white?

How is this controversial at all? Everyone I know loved this scene.
This is unironically shit, how can you even excuse this, kill yourself.

yes, she got a tan for the show to look more exotic, she's paler usually

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The Anakin/Padme dating scenes in Attack of the Clones
It's clearly meant as a joke and it's legitimately funny, I don't know why people sperg out about it

Her dad is full on Italian and this is her mom from back in the day

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It'd also make sense due to PTSD of the first island.


Yeah, it kind of reminds me of the Spider-Man 3 scene with the “cool” Peter in that people laugh and call it so bad but they miss the point entirely

that looks white to me

What if Doomsday's mom was named Martha too?

Tied for best tv tits with Daddario imo

The answer depends on what is convenient at the time.

And Marvelous Ms. Maisel.

You're right about that. The based trio.

>tfw chad boss at work went to high school with her and probably fucked her too

shame it was so dimly lit

Spain is white, so yes.

She's Italian-American though?

Daddario’s are amazing but don’t belong in the same tier as Maisel and Badpoosy.

It's melodramatic, at least in Captain America Civil War the mother reveal wasn't just a bunch of people yelling

Not anymore anyway, since she lost weight ;_;


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Can't believe we live in a world where this made it past a test screening. Capeshitters are the stupidest people alive.

The ultimate plebfilter

Reverse pleb filter.

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Now this thread is good

Wew. I feel really lightheaded all of a sudden. I think I'm getting the corona. Been nice knowing you lads.

its a retarded scene because batman has already been shown killing people so him realizing superman is a person with parents shouldnt affect batmans stance on the issue. superman should still be too powerful in batman's eyes. the only reason batman should change his mind is if he realizes that superman is so good in his heart that there is zero percent chance that he would snap or use his powers for evil.

No matter how cool you think this scene was, the damage it did to the canon is unforgivable. Granted, shit like this was just a symptom and not the real issue

What damage did it do?

This scene was shit, who calls their mother by their name. The scene would have worked much better if Clark was more injured, to the point of being almost unconscious and murmured "save my mom" or "save my mother". It would have had the same effect on Bruce without the scene looking completely retarded.

My rolls have ended!

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Nothing they retconned in the next movie.

So are they real or what?

the idea that any ship (or object) with a warp drive can become a nuclear bomb capable of destroying a imperial fleet kind of takes the wind out of any star wars movie where they need to blow something up (which is basically all of them).
Death Star
Death Star II
Droid fleet control ship
Starkiller base
If you can blow up any of these with one ship, the stakes are completely flipped.

Um, it was a one in a million shot sweetie

Just turn your brain off and look at the pretty pictures, incel.

Based poosy poster

Look, even though it's a flawed movie I still defend the movie because the Ultimate Cut sort of redeemed it, and I prefer ir to Civil War, which came out on the same year. But come on, user, that scene was and still is utter shite.

D&D should have directed porn

Typical of a cis Male to try and degrade the accomplishments of a woke female character just because he has a small penis

Found the TRump supporter

It would work if Batman still had his no kill rule, he spends the whole movie basically dehumanizing Superman, calling him 'the alien' or 'the Kryptonian', and finally telling him in their fight that he's not even a man. It's like Batman thinks he's found a loophole in his on philosophy that's closed when Superman expresses fear of losing his mother, which is Batman's ultimate emotional weakness. Still, the movie would've worked better if they had just made it Lex vs Supes and given Luthor Batman's rational and methodical antagonism to Superman.

>Is it so hard to just leave stuff alone?
I'm with you on this. That retard Snyder should have left the franchise alone.

What is the context for this? Also why no pusy?

People have brightened the shit out of it

women showing their tits with an empowered begrudging look on their face is the most cringe thing in existence

post a brightened version please

They didn't direct that scene.

>doesn´t know the differnce between real n fake
Aren´t you wee bit young to be here lad ?

Anons projecting butthurt emotions that don't remotely reflect the actual scene is much worse.