I think 30Rock is one of the best sitcoms of all time and hundred times more rewatchable than The Office

I think 30Rock is one of the best sitcoms of all time and hundred times more rewatchable than The Office.

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I want to ______ Tina Fey

I'd say it's as rewatchable -- early The Office, that is.

What are your thoughts on this

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werewolf marbitzbah
>spooky scary

>boys becoming men
>men becoming wolves

just shave it you hairlet


lots of the filler jokes are very dated and were about relevant politics at the time, but all the big jokes and plots are pretty solid


Does this show drop off like the office? I've always wanted to give it a try . To me office is good season 1-4 and 5-7 is okay and I've never watches 8 or 9

this show shits on the office

all sitcoms are shit so who cares

It’s not a sitcom you fucking delinquent

You are correct

>lots of the filler jokes are very dated and were about relevant politics at the time
Yeah, like all those jokes about super dated jokes about Weinstein, right?

No episode is less than a 6/10. No season is less than a 7/10. It does drop off, but there's still plenty to remain worthwhile.

seasons 6 and 7 are the best seasons. the show starts off rough but as they went on they got better and better at being funny. I don't rewatch the whole series. I mostly just watch episodes from the last two seasons

part of the reason is that, for most of the series, Jack's story arc for a season is a romantic one, like with Salma Hayek and Elizabeth Banks, and those suck. during season six, Banks is in North Korea, and during season seven he has no romantic arc

it is most definitely a sitcom

What makes it truely great, is how it approaches politics in an actually fair and balanced way. They shit on everyone, but also portray them as real people with their own strengths and virtues. Jack is a ruthless, heartless, capitalist, conservative caricature. But he's still a likable good guy. Lizz is an ineffectual, naggy, virtue signalling libtard. But she's also compassionate and accepting of people with different values than her. None of the characters feel like they are written to be mean or spiteful, they are just people with flaws.


what's good about this show is that it was ahead of its time.

100%. One of the most sophisticated and layered television shows ever crafted.

Also, lots about Bill Cosby

>why write jokes when we can just zoom in on peoples weird facial expressions?
The office is absolutely terrible.

Yeah honestly 30 Rock was solid

And it's essentially just a live action cartoon. It's kind of amazing what they accomplished with this show.

You don't know what that word means.

>seasons 6 and 7 are the best seasons. the show starts off rough but as they went on they got better and better at being funny. I don't rewatch the whole series. I mostly just watch episodes from the last two seasons
I can't imagine being this much of a pleb, it's the worst two seasons.

>Jack is a ruthless, heartless, capitalist, conservative caricature.
And he is always right.

>Lemons muppet walk
This show doesn't get the legacy it deserves

My only complain with 30 rock is that as an Eurofag a lot of the name dropping wooshed right by me , when they mentioned some american politicians or entertainers most of the time i didnt know whoe they were talking about.
Other than that i agree that its a thousand times more rewatchable than the office.

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>None of the characters feel like they are written to be mean or spiteful
this guy, maybe dennis

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Absolutely, it's fucking amazing. Sitcoms nowadays seem to fill some weird friendship function where people tune in, and it's comfy and cute and safe. Like Parks and Rec, which I still think is a good show, but it has none of the caustic elements that make 30 Rock so great.

I mean Jenna's whole character is being a narcisstic unlikable whore, and it's great.

Who's the best Liz's boyfriend and why is Dennis?

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>you know what Liz I should have known you wouldn’t be cool with this

yeah, like the guy who adopted a black kid is mean or spiteful

>Tfw named Dennis
I started calling my girlfriend a dummy as well, it just can't be helped.

stop shitposting dennis make some arcanite bars god

I don't play Classic.

>I can get any girl here. And not just the fatties and the butterfaces.

mb wrong dennis, keep on trucking

My favorite bit was in a preview for the upcoming show with Al Gore. He made an original joke in the commercial, but at that same segment during the show, he takes a stab at recycling jokes.

Blew my mind and something you can’t even pull off today.

thought instead of adopting he had his sperm with a black egg and his black husband with a white egg and then nether knew whose kid was whose?

but he tried to bring down the company just to ruin jack's legacy

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>that recent allstate commercial with Tina Fey


>black frasier

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That long running thread through out the show about Kenneth parcell being immortal is proof of the genius of this show desu


I think user was referring to Dennis and aBlack Dennis.

>Same people that would have you believe that my great-grandfather was a monkey. If he was a monkey, then why was he killed by a monkey?

>"It's not your fault Lemon, you're genetically predisposed to compete against other women for the attention of strong, powerful men like myself, or others similar to me like Hercules, the Highlander... or, uh, God."

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This is easily the best skit

objectively wrong

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I never thought how over the top this show was when I watched it back when. it really WAS a different time, I thought that's just something people say

Kek show is gold and there’s always more to find on each rewatch

i miss these little niggas like you wouldn't believe

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They were the TWO different families of Don Geiss, right? Always throwing super-fast jokes that you barely notice

I like the trope of characters talking about things that are orders of magnitude wackier than anything you see onscreen. it's obviously cheaper not to have to actually show the crazy stuff that characters describe, and I think it's usually funnier to describe something than to show it. I am unironically in favor of tell-don't-show in this context

his secret canadian family and his even more secret attic family. kathy slowly cranking her head in incredulity is my favorite part of that scene.

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>bust up your chifferobe
Even more funny after I read To Kill a Mockingbird

confederate monster: the tobias spurlock disaster

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>this guy
The Samsung joke might be the funniest line ever written.

The introduction of Kristen Schaal in the later seasons was it's only flaw. Not only was her character unfunny, but she is also hideous to look at. Genuinely repulsive. Literally the anti-Cerie.