What was he thinking?
What was he thinking?
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Same shit you were thinking when you were 14 years old, you cupcake faggot. Kid didn't know the cruel reality of this world yet.
5 years later and I still dont know what the fuck is wrong with her shoulders
Most likely fooled by hollywood movies at the time into believing that a scrawny nerd like him would just have to perform a grand gesture of love to "get the girl". No doubt he grew up to become a bitter incel.
Does anyone have the original video?
I think it was deleted
Does anyone know what happened to these kids?
What are your thoughts on this?
She became even hotter. Also, she survived a brutal shark attack.
the blonde is probably riding a new black dick every week while the guy posts on Yas Forums
this, so much this
I still cringe when I remember first time I asked a girl out when I was 13. She clearly wasn't interested in me but tried her best to turn me down as politely as possible. I sucked at reading girls like we all did at that age
looks like she has the same scapula deformity as joaquin
The girl, unironically, went on to date some chad jock at Duke.
He was thinking that he was getting paid a few hundred bucks no matter what went down.
Wasn’t the blonde girl dating a Chad football player?
Garret became a normie.
Garrett became a normie, the roastie has a gross stomach now, all fucked up.
Shark bite scar has made her even sexier
hot pits
Garrett has a titcow girlfriend.
HOLY FUCK i thought you were memeing. She did get bit by a shark.
Not really, she's dime a dozen blonde with an unfortunate potato face that will only bloat in coming years. I guess she's kinda attractive in US but that's hardly a complement.
>the virgin dancer vs. the chad shark
he made the mistake of going after a white woman
let the monkeys keep the white women
He's a chad now. The brapper no his GF is something else.
i was self aware enough to not talk to girls when i was 14
>elbows too pointy
Mega cope.
they weren't doing their facepulls
>yfw a shark got to touch your high school crush and you didn't
She's crouching down to be shorter than him
See? All those neets and incels that believe they have no hope need to see more shit like this. As long as you truly dedicate time in improving yourself, you can become a chad
I'm simply not a thirsty virgin. You'll get to that point eventually
the shark probably released her as soon as he got a taste of her blown out pussy
when i was 14 i didn't do a dance routine in front of my crush and have it filmed so it would live on forever in posterity.
that's love
It doesn't matter if they see it. They've made their own reality.
And now he's got a GF and has probably gotten laid too. Meanwhile, you neckbeards are just as hopeless as when that video first came out.
he is memeing. she had juvenile cancer i think they're radiation scars or something.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so either take the shot or remain an incel.
Nice ass
Whatever it takes for you to cope with being alone, user.
someone should send this girl the video of him doing the dance routine and see how quickly she dumps him
That's not a shark bite you newfags, that's from her cancer operation from childhood. She has shit genetics and Garret can do better.
You were doing okay with the dime a dozen bit, asides from the giant shark scar, then ya dun goofed edgelord.
She looks like she has a 28
No way thats a shark bite unless It swallowed her to the stomach and let her go, which no shark no earth would do.
>it's an "user acts like he wouldn't fuck a cute teenage girl with a nice body in an attempt to seem cool and aloof to online strangers" episode
They should stop airing these.
Even a shark got a taste of her instead of fedoraboy
>Shark bite
if that was a shark bite she'd have no bottom half
I have a cringe lord friend that hits on every girl he sees and consistently embarrasses myself and our other friends in public situations, and he has literally said this verbatim several times. Of our entire friend group he consistently does the worst with women.
I'm sorry mutt, but it's the truth. You people are so ugly that a 4/10 in Europe is 11/10 in US, it's pathetic.
never mind i didn't watch to the point with the retarded edit. my bad.
here's a better version
Like she hasn't seen it dickhead. He probably told her or showed her on their first date and laughed about it with her. I'm guessing she giggled a bit and complemented him on the effort and dance moves.
That vid made him world famous, of course he's going to mention it. Feel sorry for kids now, this is the sort of cringey childish shit that you should be able to leave behind you in life, same as you can leave behind a childhood criminal conviction, but the internet will make a laughing stock of people for all eternity.
>obvious surgical scar
>40 IQ retards instantly conclude that it must be a shark bite because it's le shaped like le jaw XD
>everyone believes this
Am I sharing a board with actual fucking retards?
he's only famous on Yas Forums. if you were him and there was a video of you publicly embarrassing yourself by doing a dance routine in front of some stacy would you show it to a girl you were interested in? i'd probably tell her i murdered somebody before showing her such a video.
Why would you assume I'm American? The USA is dedicated to beauty, and worships it. There are over 300m people there, you ever been there to actually judge? You sound like some cringey little Yas Forumsshart incel with your mutt meme bullshit.
>He's a chad now. The brapper no his GF is something else.
Such a chad, he has a longterm relationship with an average looking girl.
Surgeons don't cut circles around your stomach you dumb fuck, if it was a procedure then the scar would go downward from her sternum, and it would be clean and neatly tucked with stitches.
fairplay to the lad, I'm guessing the fedora thing just made him 180 on his cringey highschool persona
She was actually leos stuntdouble for revenant
>The USA is dedicated to beauty, and worships it
kekekeke, too easy, not gonna touch it
>There are over 300m people there, you ever been there to actually judge?
Yeah, never seen so many mexicans, niggers and white trash victims of HFCS before in my life.
this dude had a +7/10 face even as a kid and he only grew more handsome
Fucking sharks are vicious man, so it's pretty believable
Did you think that acting confident would make your retardation less wrong?