What's west of Westeros?

>What's west of Westeros?

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Land of the Goblins


For a show that prides itself on historical authenticity, hard to believe they ignored the absolute historical truth that women and ships don't mix.

Imagine Aztecs but even more grimdark

Even though lord of the rings is a book about made up mythology for children even they have less retarded place names than game of thrones, Who cares about taxes, who the fuck is going to name their continent after which geographical direction it is in relation to otehr continents? Oh Europe? I think you mean Westrope. Africa? Southrica. It's like a child is coming up with these names and this retard is worried about taxes?

just... stuff. apparently the south western continent is an empire of bird-humanoids.

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you've clearly never read the books if you think that's true,

>continent lies in the Middle of flat Earth
>named Middle-earth

>land between Harad and Gondor
>named Harondor

>forest is old
>named Old Forest

>mountains are misty
>named Mist Mountains

Why didn't they just cast a more attractive Northerner

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>pic unrelated

>what are Norfolk, Suffolk, Wessex, Essex etc

The Resteros.
I hear they eat bat soup.

She was a cute little kid, no one could predict she would grow up to look like a squashed face goblina.

they have china in asoiaf it's called Ye Ti or something like that

I don't think you realize how retarded place names are in real life, you've just accepted them as "normal" and never studied the etymology.

>tfw there's probably an alternative universe where Maisie grew up like this

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same with bran. what the fuck happened to his face? why did puberty turn him into a monster?

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>tfw my country has a mountain called Shit Mountain

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It's called Anglo genes

they should have recasted them both once the bong genes started hitting

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lost the baby fat and his eyebrows became more distinctive. The hair style also doesn't work as well for an older guy, he looks fine IRL

you must be british. he does NOT look fine. he looks like a monster.

We’ve got “Titty Mountains” in another language.

he looks like a bionicle

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there is a street that was named "kind of herb" street but in modern Polish it means Nigger Street

'ate lotr
'ate GOT
luv' me sum Wheel of Time

Could have just asked Bran what is West, but have to act retarded and get killed because stupid reddit memes. They wrote this line just because stupid redditors were constantly asking what is West.
We have a fairly good idea of what's there, just a bunch of fucked up creatures living on islands and huge monsters in the water. If Arya sails there, she is dead.


the bongness must assert itself, in ill form or ill spirit

Really makes you think, yes it does.

This all could've been solved if they had included dragon dreams (had Aemon dream of Jon's parentage) and limited Bran's power to where there the heart trees are.

>North America

honestly i would like to see a colonial period spin-off where the whites start conquering these savages around the world

there is a blessed land where every man is king and every woman queen
based ironboi told us but no one listened

IRL he looks fine

he looks exactly the same irl


based. rand alone was a better character than anyone in got and lotr, and i enjoyed reading the aiel more than any fantasy race

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more like minorities of time

wtf indeed, what is this thread

Sounds like commie hogwash

bong genetics are merciless. Look at malfoy

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Everyone in the books is white though

it was said by Gylbert Farwynd at kings moot

Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya


>Everyone in the books is white though
why do white people just assume that white is the standard, and everything else has to be specifically mentioned and clarified? i'm still confused as to how some people read WoT, and were surprised to find out that Tuon is black


Hobbits live in Hobbiton

well most of the characters behave like white people.
Never read about any character rolling a joint or something in WoT

Hobbiton is only one town in the Shire neither the biggest nor the most important

Because most white people live in a white world where white is normal and not white is worth mentioning, especially cuz characters are often described with hair and eye colors other than black which basically means they aren’t black.

Furthermore, within GoT he has a really well developed anthropology and ethnology. Summer Islanders are Niggers, Lysenis are blondes, Valaryans have white hair and purple eyes, and Westerosi are normal white people (wildlings are scots, first men are dark celts, andals are fair germans)

then you never understood what Two Rivers tabac was. all my boys were all about that good tabac - even people who never lived in Andor recognized that dank shit immediately
also, nynaeve was very clearly an angry black woman from her very first appearance

>well developed
>everyone in Westeros speaks the same language

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How the fuck did this become such a dubs thread?

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