Funny because it panders to me
Funny because it panders to me
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Thats alot of comedy bro.
>George Lopez- Haha life as a "latino"
>Jerry Seinfeld- oh jeeze life as a neurotic New York jew
>Russell Peters- lets talk about being BROWN and Indian my fellow brown people
>It's funny because it's true
seinfeld is about a liiiiiiittle bit more than being a jew user
not true, he roasted his fanbase, he roasted everyone, but because he roasted you he is a pariah
Having a budget made them a lot less funny
I'm speaking of his standup which is from his viewpoint, not the show. That said the cast is like 90% jewish.
>his recent celebrity imagine parody video
had me laughing out loud for the first time in ages
Yeah it’s about being a Jew in MEW YORK
literally 90% of "comedies" that are benign made right now.
At least sam pandered to people who are usually not pandered to so his jokes were new ground.
This, Sam fully believes in and acts out real comedy, wich means that everybody has the right to be discriminated against.
oh yeah there's the parts about being a kike too
Post it
HAHAHA LE NAZI HAS ARRIVED PLEASE LAUGH hahahahahaahahhhaahaa funny funny funny he said nigger oh FUCK THATS TOO GOOD
Fun fact: I cannot take trannies seriously because of the long-standing tradition of men in drag being a part of comedy.
MDE was never funny. Not even a little. It was just pathetic race baiting for edgy white male losers who LARP as Christians but never go to Church. A garbage show for white supremacists that can't get laid and are afraid of marijuana and think that they have some exclusive access to "the truth" so they can be euphoric.
Dave Chappell says nigger all the time, calm down.
Dave Chappell is a nigger.
The fact that they actually aired "jews rock" still blows my mind
George Lopez was never funny. Not even a little. He was just pathetic race baiting for ovey sensitive Mexican losers who LARP as "Latinos" but never go to Mexico. A garbage comic for la raza wannabes that can't get enough validation and are afraid of the police and think that they have some exclusive access to "being real Americanos" so they can be the future majority.
sam's vertical videos were funnier than anything on world peace.
This post isn't funny or insightful. Not liking MDE doesn't mean you like Lopez, that dude is a hack as well.
MDE is peak reddit
it was supposed to be jews rule but he made it hit lighter so his jewy adult swim bosses wouldn't fire him, see how well that worked out for him.
Nigger I could insert any other comedian into your stupid framework argument.
Actually this video is really funny.
funny how much butthurt sam is generating years after world peace
seems like there's a nigger with a grudge against hyde. Can't have one comfy thread without this schizo showing up
Anyone have the pedo hunter video of him
Reddit is unbelievably racist and sexist. It is a hub of white nationalism and supremacy. They have enormous love for MDE.
That fact is not very fun at all.
Check this out:
Fun fact: The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
Get rekt
>Any female comedian ever - lol I'm a woman lol being a woman is funny lol
>mannequin doing roman salute
lol never noticed this before
That was cringe.
MDE was funny because it makea fun if the world that white peoole inhabit and not the artificial self pity hell world that Jews have created for 80 IQ women and nonwhites.
post it you nigger
this is essentially correct
Sam is living proof of how Yas Forumstards have absolutely no sense of humour. Practically none of his shit is actually funny but because he's "redpilled" that's enough to convince a horde of gullible incels that he's hilarious. Watching Sam Hyde is almost as bad, if not exactly as bad as watching the average feminist stand up comic. There's no jokes, nothing is funny, it's just whinging and moaning and other perpetually triggered cunts in the audience clapping along because she said a thing that confirmed their batshit insane ideological biases. If you're not drinking the koolaid, it's just going to be fucking bizarre to watch, not to mention more than a little irritating. To paraphrase an actual comedian, you don't think it's funny, but you agree the fuck out of it. Faggots.
Utter retards. The jews aren't responsible for your problems. That's all you. Have sex and get a sense of humor.
It's literally post-irony, it's not political
Its behind a paywall unfortunately
On point. Sam isn't funny at all. I'd like to see him try stand up but actually do material that isn't complaining about blacks or fags or Jews. All he ever did was play it safe by telling a very niche audience what they wanted to hear.
some sketches yeah, not all.
I've shown MDE videos to pretty left wing people and they're still funny.
Murdoch Murdoch is way more "I clapped because I agree!" tier of garbage comedy.
>still doesnt post it
Fucking kike
its udder you stupid fuck
It's not post irony. It's an ugly pube faced faggot hiding the sheer shittiness of his material and his own lack of talent behind a million layers of ultimately transparent irony in an attempt to get edgy teenagers clicking his youtube videos.
He has never complained about any of those things for comedy, his humor is mostly edgy irony
Yep, I don't know how anyone watches murdoch murdoch, it's just a cringey stream of far right internet memes like who gives a shit
It's not that funny. Triggering retarded people isn't a bottomless well of entertainment.
Ok, Boomer
>Sam hyde- Hahaha life as a virgin
World Peace was hilarious but not as funny as the eternal seethe Sam Hyde's mention gets out of people like
Just post it nigger holy fuck
agreed, murdoch murdoch is pure cringe
That's not their point. Most comedies nowadays are from a Jewish perspective as they are written and performed by Jews. The Chosen have their own distinct cultural history from traditionally Christian whites.
Sam is peak boomer.
You are completely mentally ill. You do know that right?
>I'm telling ya, those goddamn joos
>Jason Alexander
>Julia Louis-Dreyfus
one quarter or maybe less
>Michael Richards
So it’s more like half
>if you don't find my wojak rick and morties funny you're a gay fuentes shill! we can save the white race, we just need more vaporwave statue images!
MM is quite literally chapo trap house for cringe righties except the latter at least show on camera they're fat losers instead of hiding behind rage faces
>this thread
It's basically just pol jokes animated. It was funny 6 years ago, not now. May as well make "where's the beef" jokes.
>these are the people calling you bad optics
>spic kid in his bedroom
>pollack 56 percenter community college drop out in his mid 30's
>based boy posting pictures of nintendo games on his twitter timeline also in his mid 30's
>pollack 56 percenter
This is the gay shit I'm talking about. The meme-speak jargon you faggots get up to just expecting everyone to follow along is so cringey. Talk like a normal human being for once instead of a degenerated irony man.
Despite only being 2% of the population Jews account for half of the Seinfeld cast.
>C-cringe! But you know what's based? Using Yas Forums jargon and talking about catboys but only IRONICALLY
This image is retarded and hasn’t gotten less retarded in the last 10,000 times you incels have posted it. Your similarity to SJWs isn’t in the superficial content of your beliefs, but rather how you arrive at those beliefs (with feelings and angry biases instead of logic) and your behavior. Yas Forums is just the right wing version of SJW.
still seething and making assumptions. I made my own opinion on MM after I watched an episode, and shockingly, it was cringeworthy and unwatchable. Even the 3 frame giant lip mouths are enough to make you want to vomit
I’m a lifetime lib and I think it’s the smartest sketch comedy show since Chapelle
Why did Virgil Texas open this up, what is the context of this stand up?
I enjoy Murdoch Murdoch and Steven universe simultaneously
I'm no defending catboys or MDE or Sam. I'm saying Murdock Murdock isn't funny. Even as someone who spends a ton of time on pol it's not original. It's just the same old jokes dating back to early Yas Forums. Niggers stealing bikes is funny, but it's not worth watching some drawn out wojack animation.
>Y-you're seething! Cringe!
michael richards is jewish as fuck look at that nose
sup /r/MDEfugee