I was there Gandalf, 2 weeks ago

>I was there Gandalf, 2 weeks ago.
>I was there when the strength of our supply chains failed

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Other urls found in this thread:


>T-The NAFTA deal was broken!

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Anyone else’s sense of time all fucked up at the moment? Weeks feel like months.


>hey! Ho! To the toilet I go
>to heal my ass and drown my hole
>stock may fall and market may blow,
>but there still be many miles to go

>sweet is the sound of the pouring stock,
>and the shit that falls from hill to plain.
>better than pain or rippling poop...
>is a mug of coom inside this cock!

Me but the opposite.
It feels like it's been 3 days but a whole week and a half just passed by.

>Isildur! Practice social distancing!

Attached: Isildur.gif (500x209, 1.94M)

>What is this new devilry
>A Wuflu— a virus of the ancient Wuhan
>This illness is beyond any vaccine… ISOLATE

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The year 2020 of the modern age...here follows the account of Broseph, Dude of Florida and the finding of the Coronavirus. It has come to me; all those who follow in my wake will be infected by it anyway so I will risk no self-isolation

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>Ride out and go to work with me.
>For death and glory?
>For the economy, for our 401k's.

Attached: ride out aragorn.jpg (1280x720, 57.59K)

Let Corona come! There is one Italian in Europe who still draws breath!

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Shares..... buy-ins.....

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*sees one last roll of toilet paper*

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This is a new one. Nice

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>What is it, what do you smell?

> small
> hairy
> loud
It fits


We have had 564 cases and 22 deaths. It is well under control. The stock market looks very good to me.

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It began with the allotment of the Great Shares. Three were given to the Elves, fiscally responsible and wisest of all investors. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mineral ores. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of men, who, above all else, desire owner's equity. But they were all of them overwritten, for another share as issued. In the land of Mordor, in the stock exchanges of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron allotted in secret a preference share, to control all others. And into this stock he poured his voting power, his unlimited liability and his will to dominate all market capital. One Shareholder to rule them all.

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the "weekend" is almost here for me, wfh is very strange

>buy in the the dip, yes, yes, buy in the dip

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>hobbit open air festival was canceled

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yes, same. i've noticed it really badly since this shit started.

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>Sam, do you know the chloroquine plant?
>Trumpsfoil, aye, it's a fishbowl cleaner
>It may help to slow the corona

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Oh boy, that's a good one

Glad you like it.

this disease does not belong to one man but all

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Corona... You fear to go into those cities. The chinese dined to greedily and too raw. You know what they awoke in the wet markets of Wuhan... Virus and Contagion

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>*sniffs on Elrond's neck*

Nine new cases. So be it. You shall be quarantined for three months.

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Wait... There are protrusions. It's some form of influenza.

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>Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled ICUs of Milano. Hand sanitizer, facial masks, respirators!

lmao based

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Why did the elves lose all will to fight against evil when they stood in mount doom and isildur said "no"?

>This is no hospital...It is a tomb

>for the rolls


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>The world economy will fall, all indices will be red.

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>What do you know about hygiene? NOTHING!


Well played

>Gandalf: "Ching chong chinamen and their bat eating chinky chinky chongy, slitty slanty Chinese diseases."
>Everyone: *rolls eyes and facepalms*
>Elrond: "Never before has any voice uttered such xenophobia here in Imladris!"
>Gandalf: "I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the chinky plague of Wuhan may yet be spread to every corner of the West!"

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>It is in Toilet Rolls that we must place our hope.
>Toilet Rolls? Toilet Rolls are weak. The fabric of the paper is all but spent, its strength and soaking capacity forgotten. It is because of Toilet Rolls the Diarrhea survives. I was there, Gandalf. I was there three thousand diseases ago. I was there the day the strength of Toilet Rolls failed.

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This scene has potential but this is just poor

Top kek.

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One can’t simply walk into ultra inflation. There are dollars and cents there they do not sleep.

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Well played sir



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>Coof it
>Spread it
>Say it's just the flu

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This is like some chinese cartoon where everyone is forced to become a jobless shut in like the MC and I have to say it's pretty kino so far. Here's to the year of the bat!

For bog rolls

A hoarder is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when the toilet paper is being refilled.

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Wuhan... you fear to go into that city. The chinks ate too greedily and too rawly. You know what they awoke in the darkness of the wet markets... fever and coughs!

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