>hitler is bad
Oh wow so brave and groundbreaking
cringe and reddit tier
You recognize the great dictator came out in 1940 right? You know, a year before the Nazis starting exterminating people?
We live in a period
Yes leftypol we know you're mad that your raids are recognized.
>Kumbaya my lord, let's all hold hands and get along
And to think my college humanities showed the class this as an example of a great speech lmao
I guess at the time it wasn't as played out as it is today
punch this goddamn nazi in the face
reminder this was panned as being maudlin horseshit when it was released
am i wrong in assuming anyone who uses lmao regularly are genuinely seething? it's just the reading i get
Pretty sure the "peace good, war bad" shtick had already been played out at least a thousand years before Hitler
>We shouldn't aspire to peace
Cynicism is the cancer that is killing western democracy.
It's just a generic way to end a post that's making fun of something, you're just reading into it what you want to read into it.
I'm pretty sure you're a retard to think this works.
Glad the normalfags aren't jacking themselves off over this meme speech anymore.
>generic way
Only to tourists from Reddit.
Who are you quoting?
Fair point, but naiveté isn't much better.
I was responding to a different comment though
and I don't see what's wrong with that message either since despite being played out even for the time there was the biggest war ever fought going on as the movie was being made
Youre right, it's someone trying to sound nonchalant.
I was on Yas Forums when your dad was still fucking cheerleaders
Not him, but think what works?
>people are shit so why do anything but also be shit
Oh so much wisdom
No wonder they built swimming pools and movie theaters for jews
no leftypol its not naive to want peace
They didn’t, those were for the guards you imbecile Nazi fuck
They're not mutually exclusive. In fact I'd say most partisans at this point are naive cynics who don't know how anything works, but simply assume it's in the worst way possible and therefore should be blown up.
Being obtuse isn't clever.
It's not the message that's the problem, it's just that it isn't a very great speech. It's okay, I guess. However it's not remarkable even compared to movie speeches from other movies around the same time period
>Not him
This doesn't work either.
Every NPC's favorite speech.
>Being obtuse isn't clever.
Neither is putting words in someone's mouth to appear morally superior.
Yeah, you can't possibly be talking to more than one person on an anonymous messageboard. Eat shit.
>dumb enough to admit these are demoralization raids
Good one idiot.
I would agree, but I would also point out that nowadays not that many people would call it a great speech and that it is a very good movie and even ballsy at times regardless
I'm not you dumb rading faggot. You are recognizable, using multiple ips doesn't fool anyone.
That's it little man, use all your energy on me. You'll be too weak and bitter to get up off your couch and vote for blumph again. This is why we always win and you'll always lose.
Good thing that didn't happen.
I heard he liked snowwhite
Legit cringe response
don't get me wrong I think it's Chaplin's best film, but the only thing anyone talks about is the fucking speech that feels completely out of place like Chaplin going "stop laughing and listen to meeeeee!"
You literally misquoted and misinterpreted my post, so yes it did
Stop samefagging.
>it...it’s fake!
holy fallacy leftypol
I never hear nobody talk abouot the speech when talking about the movie. the most talked about scene is him dancing and playing with the globe. I've never seen it shared nor quoted, not even when there is some kind of celebration to remember victims of the shoah. maybe we just have different experience and are exposed to different kind of people
also it is good but far from his best
No leftypol using lies to dismiss the holocaust doesn't work.
Why were they so gay?
>how does he feel about israeli boots on palestinian throats?
he's dead so hard to tell
tranny porn apparently
I suppose I like it the most because I just prefer talkies over silent films
the best part is you retards increase sympathy for jews and ensure their untouchable status
this was years before israel, Yas Forumstard
check out monsieur verdoux and limelight. both talkies. both great
>you're a nazi!
>you're a tranny!
>you're an arab!
Keep flailing about, flinging shit everywhere Benji.
Literally what slavs look like.
to be fair he was alive to witness the six day war and its aftermath so it would be fair to question his beliefs on that
problem is I don't remember him being jewish
people should be nice to each other and stuff.... but not to palestinians
>Trashes nazism and fascism
>is a communist
>communism killed fuckloads more than nazism did