What did you guys think about The Counselor by Sir Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy? I thought it sucked

What did you guys think about The Counselor by Sir Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy? I thought it sucked.

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it was awful

Why do people still pretend Cameron Diaz was hot in any movie other than The Mask?

I thought it was excellent.

But you just have to keep in mind you're watching a play, not a film.

For that reason as well, the script is better than the film.

But the film itself is excellent in my opinion.

Do you know the words of Machado?

I think Ridley Scott should fuck off before he ruins more things.

It cemented by decision to avoid everything south of the US border

Because I still have problem jacking it to Charlie's Angels, all three of them.

The movie was taking itself too seriously. Too many unnecessary dialogues that lead to nowhere. Its because of them the movie is hella stretched. Take away all the unnecessary long dialogues and you'll get a common criminal drama.

>that whiny fucking Sephardic jew somehow inserting muh shoah into it
It felt like it wandered too much. Like we get it, your fiance died horribly.

Meh, pic related was the superior "girls kick ass" movie, not only was it sexier but it had better action too.

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Cormac can do no wrong.
Ridley Scott can, and does, do wrong all the time.

Bolito was the only good part

DOA came out like 5 years later. And I don't care about girls kicking ass, I care about how wankable they are. But yeah, prime Pressly is extremely hot.

there was far too much waxing philosophical about sex in the script, which is even weirder when you think about who is writing all of it

Just because Cormac is a good writer doesn't mean that he knows how to write a screenplay.

A huge pleb filter

I care too, and Jamie Pressly, Sarah Carter and Holly Valance are hotter than Cam Diaz or Butterface Drew Barrymore could ever hope to be. You had Lucy Liu pulling all the weight in the fap department

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God I've always had a fantasy about standing in front of the two of them laying there like that just jacking it while they watch.

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There's not a single actress in Hollywood that I find as disgusting as Cameron Diaz. Even in Vanilla Sky, I wanted to punch her face.

is there a 3some scene in this movie?

Pleb filter

I really enjoyed it, but mostly because of the fantastic dialogue. Seems like most of the action happens offscreen and I thought that was an interesting approach. Also because of that fancy gadget that kills brad pittu's character

I really really wanted to see the DVD fassbender gets at the end

Every monologue besides the diamond one was pretty silly and over long

Any Given Sunday

The movie is forgettable and terrible except for that scene with brad pitt.

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Drew Barrymore is my waifu, say that to my face not online fucker see what happens

um hello, based department

Just skip any Cameron Diaz parts.


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>those tattoos

It's boring while you're watching it.
It's great when you start to think about it.

It's a smart script, but directed by a not so smart director. Ridley Scott is great with visuals, but this story needed someone like the Coens though.

penelope cruz is far hotter

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A sound decision

god those are some seriously seductive toesies. it's been a while since a pair just positively begging to be sucked and nibbled on

Gonna barf? Makes sense, Diaz looks disgusting here.

The philosopher cartel leader was the most cringe moment in kino history.

Watch the diamond-seller's monologue. Its a pretty interesting scene.

The philosophizing Mexican bartender was even more absurd.

Diaz was insufferable while Fassbender and Pitt gave great performances.

Care to link the scene?

like Jennifer Aniston, milf are overrated

Because she was you incel.

Sadly, the script reads like a hack trying to copy Cormac McCarthy. That's common when writers begin to lose it - they start plagiarising themselves.

Having said that, it's not terrible; it just suffered from absurdly high expectations. Given its pedigree people were hoping for a 9/10 so when it was only a 6/10 it got called a 3/10.

Not them, but nah. Even before she became a prune face in like her mid-30s she was always vastly overrated


MILFs are only good if they are the tits and ass type, skinny girls are only good if they're under 30

that scene where she covers the windscreen with pussy juice made me hard.

she is but she also sounds like a duck.

the wire across the highway scene and diaz rubbing her pussy on the windshield are memorable too

She has bad skin so she gains enormously from makeup and/or post-production wizardry. But she's still very attractive. All the people in this thread spouting variations on "2/10, would not bang" just sound silly.

Shit fucking movie but I still enjoyed it. I love those type of dialogue filled films with random brutal violence.

I can't stand her because she's SO SO SO self-satisfied. It just shines through: every role she plays, every second she's on screen. If you gave her a sheet of paper and a pencil and told her to draw the first thing that came into her head she would write her name in big letters with hearts and flowers all round the outside.

it's great. equally good to No Country for Old Men

kys tripfag go back to Yas Forums with your faggot brother supahotfaggot


suck my dick

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She honestly looks really weird to me, and I've thought this ever since I was a horny teenager who jacked it to almost anything. It's something about the proportions of her face, her lips are too large or her eyes are in slightly the wrong place or something, it's the uncanny valley effect. I know most cases of "2/10 would not bang" are just people saying shit on the internet, but in this case I unironically have no desire to bang her, she just seems weird and off-putting to me.

I agree, she was great in Pirates when she was preggers.

i thought that was rebecca black on the right

Cameron Diaz in The Mask is the hottest woman ever.

It is a true pleb filter


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lol No