Inglourious Basterds (2009)

In my view this was a great movie

What does Yas Forums think?

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That you're an idiot. And a pleb

Leftist polb8 thread.

tarantino's worst imo

from my point of view, the allies are evil

Why was the title misspelled, Yas Forums?

reminder the allies were the founders of modern terrorism

i didnt like the color scheme

I liked it

op thinks it makes him funny

No, you fucking idiot

Then you're a fucking idiot

I've thought about that. Maybe it's because he didn't want to displace The Inglorious Bastards (1978), the movie which he got that title from, in movie listings and databases. You know how Ghostbusters (2016) causes confusion by having the same title as the original Ghostbusters (1984).

I'm just guessing but maybe that's the reason.

Because Tarantino is almost illiterate.

>No, you fucking idiot
Yes it is you fucking idiot, stop acting like no one can tell.

The fact that you think it is shows how fucking stupid you are.

A movie about bravery.

Attached: nazibat-060409-1425724047.jpg (1200x900, 124.21K)

I like ww2 and nazis. I like taranfeeto

Excellent movie, dont care what you contrarian fags have to say

Tone deaf: the movie. Intense, serious first 20 minutes followed by slapstick comedy and wandering scenes. Proof that Tarantula has talent but desperately needs reigning in and a good editor.

I hate all movies made by Hackentino

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You are truly idiotic if that's what you take from the movie. You must have an IQ of less than 50.

The whole point of that scene is how idiotic the Nazis were. The fact that they blindly follow this moronic ideology, this moronic and twisted morality of theirs.

He follows the twisted Nazi morality and what does that get him? Beaten to a pulp by the Bear Jew. Humiliated. Beaten to jelly. Unceremoniously.

>lol, getting beaten to a pulp to own the libs XD

When does the strudel scene happen? Can't be in the first 20 minutes surely? Must be later. And of course there's the scene with Bridget von Hammersmark's shoe, which Landa has. That's an intense and serious scene too. And the underground bar scene turns serious too.

So no, you're wrong. Serious and comedic scenes appear throughout the movie. And I think that's what makes it such a great movie - it's filled with both serious, frightening, compelling scenes (mostly ones with Landa intimidating people, but also the underground bar scene), but also comedic scenes, like the ones with Aldo Raine.

If you post a thread out of the Bravery scene, the mods will delete it instantly.

Make of that with what you may.

This is Tarantino’s worst film.



the chad Inglourious Basterds vs the virgin X hunters

Your use of words fills me with such fury, honestly I’m not a stormfag but your vocabulary just reveals yourself as a proper cunt

Lmao, your butthurt is the funniest response.

>he’s still going


Loved it. Opening scene is amazing.

Movie was 0/10 trash, Brad Pitt was 10/10

Nazis are bad
End of story

>Bridget von Hammersmark's shoe
The facial expressions ruined it, it was practically comedic
>bar scene
Tarantula has a problem with managing his autism, he keeps hammering a point which should have lasted a brief moment. The 3 fingers is a fine example- how much fucking dialogue is dedicated to that one moment. The unrealistic reveal, the stupid reasoning, the officer's failure to just quietly leave and notify the gestapo. It was nonsesensical, almost as if he was padding the scene for time. Do you know Tarantula does that? He is keeping you engaged, or at least he is in his mind. In the end though it makes him a Michael Bay tier action director, using dialogue instead of motion to engross the viewer.

Why are they bad?

If you need someone to explain to you why nazis are bad then you're a lost cause sweetie
It's common sense


probably Tarantino's best. Deeper than people think. It's sort of a comedy about the terrifying power of propaganda. It's Jews laughing about how they control the media and how easy it is to demonize an entire group of people so badly that committing war crimes against them is a cheer worthy silver screen moment.

Attached: bear jew.jpg (1868x511, 91.57K)

>He follows the twisted Nazi morality
I know you're trolling but the guy was a Western Front Wehrmacht soldier.


you should delete this pic from your folder

the one who gave permission was an American soldier (Brad Pitt)

No leftypol its not da joos.


This cant be real, I feel like I saw this in the theatre a few years ago

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>In my view this was a great movie
only if the nazis would have won

Pic related was the only interesting character in the entire movie

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No leftypol copying dismissals doesn't work.

No leftypol you aren't undermining your stupid ass having no self awareness.

whats leftypol

Yes leftypol we know you're raiding still.

It's not working leftypol.

Based anons fighting transphobia

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what a loser

without him the movie would have been boring shit

Leftist confirmed.


Imagine believing the hall of cost happened I'm literally lmaoing at liberal sheep rn

Brad Pitt > Hans Landa.

Last response your leftist was i


take your meds schizo

>Entertainment bad
>Logic and reason good
Who's not managing his autism here lmao


Its not entertaining though, he substitutes organic action for bloated dialogue to keep the dullards mentally occupied
>people are saying things therefore stuff is happening
Hackertino is a conman.

Yes retard it is entertaining, no retard you aren't dismissing it.

you are giving that degenerate bastard too much credit, there is no hidden meaning behind the movie, it is what it is.