What went wrong?

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Why does every one of these series need a "Wacky pet character XDDD!!!!!!"

Nothing, Paradise PD is great

Gina isn't sitting on my face



Bad Family Guy clones

They always try to make them a mix of Brian and Stewie from Family guy, too.

Family guy did it successfully (which doesn't necessarily mean well) so now everyone is desperate to recreate that success

why is the art style a ripoff of dennis?

I always used that same thing they used for the "paradise pd" in my school assignments

>swn kick you in the balls and taze you before sitting on your face

It's called a font

Word Art

kek it's not just the font, there was a window/menu for colorful text in ms word and one of them is exactly like that "paradise pd", including the blue and gold colors

Normal words but a dog guy

The token non human cast is an overused trope

>big guy with mustache
>token nigger
>hot blonde with a crazy streak
>comedy animal
>dopey idiot
>filler characters
Not a single original bone among these creators.

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Netflix has no standards when it comes to funding shows. Whenever someone approaches them with a show idea they don't think "is this good?" they think "we don't want our competitors to have a show that we don't" and show this tv equivalent of shovelware is created.

Board room executives following a formula.

And you can tell the token nigger always has the mildest character too so nobody gets offended.

dude let's make a CARTOON but for ADULTS so it's a comedy and has funny animals and slapstick but also DRUGS NUDITY SEX GUNS VIOLENCE because cartoons are for kids and don't have those things so if we add them haha holy shit this writes itself

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These shows are actually pretty funny. Not perfect or high quality or anything but they randomly have some great jokes.

the old homo is too offensive for Yas Forums

i don't know anything about either show except for i saw a gif of that blonde chick where her boobies got bigger

I bet you like Big Mouth and eating paste too.

America is suffering from Jew fatigue.

>Outrageous sexual degeneracy LOL!!
>Bro just destroy all your traditions LOL
>Everybody in the past were complete freaks like us man, history is whitewashed
>Dude caring about anythig is for losers!!
>Extreme sexual perversion LMAO

The black guy in the first one fucks old women and the one in the second one is an insane drug kingpin who has sex with a dolphin in front of the dolphin's other flipper children

They exist

Nevermind then. I underestimated the power or WACKY AND RANDEM XD.

Remember me?

Attached: moonbeam city.jpg (1040x1600, 788.42K)

>show about authorities
>fat white blonde conservative boss
>dumbass regular person white buttmonkey
>competent hot blonde who can become a psycho
>black sex god
>criminal agressive antropormophic pet
>fat faggot/dyke

Are these official posters? What the fucking hell is it supposed to be about? I literally cannot figure out why anyone would do this, they just lazily paused their sprites mid-animation and pasted it on their stock background (just the first fucking one, the second one doesn't even have jackshit)

I love the aesthetic of this but the jokes in the clips weren't funny and the timing is bad

I appreciate this show for being the only 80s/synthwave/whatever the fuck things I've seen to try and recreate the look of old salon product advertisements

nobody gives a fuck about some random ass american dad tier shit that tries so hard to be simpsons or family guy, they just have to deal with it that those two own the concept

American Dad tier would imply that it's significantly better than Famy Guy or the Simpsons though

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leave this site your opinion is too wrong

fuck you...you're wrong, bucko

He's right though, American Dad is way funnier than both of those shows in their modern state.

oh great, now the lil zoom squad have arrived

I really wish moonbeam city was actually good because it has a great aesthetic

Eh Moonbeam had a bad time slot and the first 2 episodes were a bit meh but after that it was pretty solid.
American Dad on TBS is pretty good tho

it's just more dumb formulaic seth macfarlane-esque garbage

american dad is fucking great

of course,these stupid shows are made for morons like you

Big mouth is retarded.
Admitting its dumb but thinking it's sometimes funny makes you a moron, got it. You must have a humungous brain.

>wacky pet character
>stocky nervous protagonist
>big titty blonde woman
>gruff moustached boss
>tall black guy side character

Didn't watch Brickleberry, but Paradise PD is great.

>YWN have Gina dress like a cat and tongue punch your fartbox till it shines.

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American Dad did it right at least.

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>wait, you came BACK from jew camp?

dubs for Dennis sex doll

Best Klaus moment coming through


Season 1 is great.
Season 2 on the other hand is all over the place and manages to be too random and stupid

>There's an old German saying: "Don't blame the fish!" There are other sayings, but they mostly involve genocide...

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Yucko will never be anything but a disgusting loser and his wife is never coming back, should have stuck to begging for stern show appearances

Yfw the person who makes this is literally Yuko the clown from Howard Stern Show

My friend recommended Paradise PD and watching the trailer, this is all I could think. Don't get me wrong, I have watched my share of adult cartoons, but idk, I guess when it seems like they're basing the show purely on "DUDE IT'S A CARTOON BUT SEX AND GORE AND PROFANITY LOL" it's just tiresome

Family guy did it.

>ballmasters 9009 isn't great tier
>fucking sealab is?

I thought squidbillies was good