So someone forced an AI to watch 1,000 hours of Batman films and this is the script it wrote
So someone forced an AI to watch 1,000 hours of Batman films and this is the script it wrote
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>an explosion explodes
more like some retard played batman mad libs and pretended it was done by AI
Why must you lie?
That's hardly the craziest thing in this script user
How the fuck is this not Alfred's official title?
Learn what Deep Learning is retards
>Batman opens the present since he's a good guy. It contains a coupon for new parents, but is expired. This is a Joker joke.
absolutely fucking D E V I L I S H
Retards will fall for this
no computer generated this, too many puns and nonsense that wouldn't come up for the training sets of these algorithms
had a laugh tho, good job
Fake and gay.
>you drink water, I drink anarchy
>Two-Face flips Alfred like a coin
>alltimes orphan
This is clearly written by a human. RNN and LSTM have very unique mistakes. Like when you see a deep dream image and can immediately tell it’s a deep dream image
There are plenty of mistakes though, batker instead of buttler, moral ennemies instead of mortal ennemies
It's real, deal with it nolan
The expired coupon for new parents is comedy gold
OMG this again?
I dont buy that the AI would mispell master of mattress. why would mattress be in the input data at all?
I thought the moral enemies was intentional
>I have never followed a rule.That is my rule. Do you follow? I don't.
>1,000 hours of Batman films
Lying sack of shit. If you took all Batman films you'd never get that many hours.
The machine has to watch them several times
>Alfred, give birth to Robin.
idc if it's fake or not, I had a few good chuckles
seems more likely to be based off the 60s tv show
>man and attorney
These the mistakes an A.I. Would make dumbass. There human mistakes and machine mistake, they are very different and obvious.
I'm thinking it was meant to say 'Call Robin'
theres animated movies user tons not to mention japanese batman and many more maybe je threw in some animated series as well
These are not the mistakes an A.I. Would make *
Batler Bat-ler come on user it was a pun
>Two face flips Alfred like a coin
>Alfred lands heads up which means two face goes home
We're reaching IQ levels that shouldn't be possible
This is clearly written by a human but it's still very funny.
>You drink water
>I drink anarchy
this was obviously written by a cringe irony twitter account like dril and played off as AI
This sounds like a Devil May Cry interaction.
Reddit shit, go kill yourself
AI cant do this shit. This is some made up stuff made by some basedboy for instagram likes
rent free
>He's sometimes Bruce Wayne sometimes Batman. Alltimes orphan.
>Batman looks around for his parents, but they are still dead.
>Batman opens the present since he's a good guy. It contains a coupon for new parents, but is expired. This is a Joker joke.
Give me one good reason to believe this was done by a machine learning algorithm and not by some geek culture "journalist" who wanted to get shares, likes and subscribes.
>Bat versus clown. Moral enemies.
Strangely soulful.
It reads like machine translated Japanese.
this my favorite part
its not real a comedian wrote it
>coupon for new parents, but is expired
Doubt, this is what actual AI writing looks like
1 sentence in and i can tell a redditor wrote this for upvotes
give me a good reason to distinguish... we are all just computers made of meat tubes.
No, I don't know about you but I have a soul
>watch and understand footage
it was fed the script at best
This reads like thirty H's, but slightly less edgy.
AI can do this very easily if a human selects what should be kept.
Go here
and type in something from which the algorithm should generate a story. The trick is to keep generating until the text fits your parameters. You could do this line by line. Eventually something gets generated that makes sense and you keep that and move on to the next line.
Use the website I posted, type in a few words to start off a story and keep generating for the same piece of text until you get something interesting.
If you like you can even use the same text prompt that I used. You'll quickly see that the program is able to use characters from the Batman universe that you didn't even mention in your text prompt because the database is fed with literature in which the word "Batman" is mentioned. It then tries to create text in the style of that literature.
bullshit, total bullshit
I use AI writing all the time, it's nothing like that
go fuck yourself
I imagine the differences exist due to the learning resource being two different mediums.
What an ending!
'Alfred lands heads up which means Two-Face goes home' is not a sentence current AI would ever, ever write
someone may have used AI to help them but shit like 'I am such a freak. Society is bad.' is obviously human writing, and unfunny writing at that
sure, and santa watches if your naughty or not.
We are monkeys on a ball of dirt. Get over yourself.
>I've written for @NewYorker @Marvel @TheOnion @ComedyCentral @McSweeneys, and perform at @UCBTNY
>You may remember me from the previous sentence.
>I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Trump Coronavirus Press Conferences and then asked it to write its own Trump Coronavirus Press Conference. Here is the first page.
>I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of TikTok videos and then asked it to write TikTok videos of its own. Here is the first page.
I'm not sure he even meant for you to believe a bot did this garbage, it's just a bit