Rewatching Daredevil. On S1E3 currently. Why couldn't all Marvel live action movies/tv shows be this kino?
Rewatching Daredevil. On S1E3 currently. Why couldn't all Marvel live action movies/tv shows be this kino?
Because they didn't have Frank Miller's source material to pull from.
Skip season 2 and go directly to the Poindexter incel kino.
hard pass
Never read Frank Miller comic kino outside of Dark Knight Returns. Should probably check out his DD shit.
I've already seen all the Netflix seasons. Can't wait until the Poindexter kino on this current watch through.
Pirate it then. If you like it, then think about supporting the artists. Drunk atm and don't have any qualms about folks pirating shit. But if you're missing out on kino because of the platform it's produced on then you're the simpest simp to have ever simped
>Punisher is kino in season 2 of DD
>the Punisher live action show is garbage
You’ve watched the best episodes already. It only gets worse from there.
>Poindexter incel kino
Forgot how much fun that was even if his backstory was ridiculous
>killed a man with a fastball at the age of 12
With that kind of arm strength he could have signed a $500 million contract with any pro baseball team
>you're a simp because you don't watch capeshit produced by a front for the CIA
> Should probably check out his DD shit
I need to guide you a little. Miller starts of as an artist and only gains control over the book slowly, so if you start reading Daredevil right from the moment his name first appears on it, you'll be disappointed.
Also, after his actual run ends he came back later for another batch of issues to tell a story called Born Again.
And then he came back much later to do Man Without Fear, a six issue miniseries re-telling DD's origins.
I recommend you start with Man Without Fear.
You can watch the first half of season 2. Pic related makes it well worth it. The electra plotline is the part of the season that falls flat on its face.
Rage cannot stay inside, it needs to go somewhere, or it becomes a poison. When I find this pain cannot be held within for another second, a PRIMAL SCREAM is the only satisfying release.
>So a blind lawyer walks into the bar. Ouch.
>I'm here all week
Bros...I need your help. I've already seen season 1 and 2 when it came out. I've never seen 3. Is it worth watching if I skip Defenders? I have no interest in Jessica Jones or Luke Cage or Iron Fist or whatever the fuck. I just want Daredevil. Can I skip to season 3 as it is? Does plot elements that were in Defenders come into play in season 3? And likewise, does Defenders continue from plot elements of previous seasons of Daredevil? What I mean is, is there DD stuff in Defenders that I shouldn't skip? Thanks.
Watch season 3, it's the best one. I never watched the Defenders, Jessica Jones or the nigger show.
>Never read Frank Miller comic kino outside of Dark Knight Returns. Should probably check out his DD shit.
Well, Dark Knight Returns is a copy of what he did in DD. Born again is amazing
yes. DD dies but he doesn't die. saved by mom
the end
Private Pyle as Kingping is probably one of my favorite parts of the show. No one does 'unhinged antisocial psycopath'' quite like Vincent D'Onofrio.
What about the cliffhanger at the end of season 2? Does it get addressed in 3?
I don't mind spoilers. I'd rather know something ends good beforehand than not knowing how it ends and therefore wasting my time on it.
>Does it get addressed in 3?
Not really, there's no Elektra in season 3.
based. born again is the best comic of all time
Yes watch it. None of the other shows are worth it to watch to understand DD S3. Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were fun in my opinion. Iron Fist constantly shit the bed. They really should have hired someone who actually knows Kung Fu, or really, any martial art to play Danny Rand. That said, I would actually recommend watching LC and JJ. As far as IF is concerned, just watch the first episode. That's the only episode with anything interesting (concerning plot and martial arts) going on.
I mean the one with Karen finding out Matt is DD
Do you know comic books well? I'm a french frog in quarantine, what are the best DC/Marvel comic books that I could buy to pass the time during the next two months? They need to be popular enough so I could buy them here.
Netflix greatly overestimated Frank Miller's source material by making it focus of Defenders and Iron Fist. And completely fucked over Elektra's characterization. I wish public perception of it wasn't tainted because of them, what worked in the comics in the 80's still works and can work on screen.
Daredevil/Matt disappears and has to hide at the beginning of season 3, the focus isn't on his identity but more on how he's going to rebuild his damaged body.
Not that user but I really enjoyed the Court of Owls and Death of the Family Batman arcs in Nu52. As far as somewhat recent comics go.
>Do you know comic books well?
Extremely well.
>what are the best DC/Marvel comic books that I could buy to pass the time during the next two months?
Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore
Sandman by Neil Gaiman
Daredevil by Bendis & Maiev
Green Arrow - The Longbow Hunters (Mike Grell also has a long run of Green Arrow following this but those books aren't as easy to find)
Thor by Walt Simonson (this is a huge book, not sure if you're willing to spend a hundred euros)
I'm finding it a little difficult to recommend books since everything I like is always out of print. The best superhero comic of all time is James Robinson's Starman, good luck tracking it down though.
>they said I could bring a +1
>they said nothing about a -20 though
To add to what this user is saying, Man Without Fear is ok starting point but you'll get a different appreciation for it when knowing DD material prior more intimately.
In my opinion it's best to go through couple of Roger McKenzie stories from which Frank will build upon, they aren't bad, just average anyway.
So, the road to Daredevil should look like this.
>Daredevil #160-161
Essentially starting point to DD's relationship with Bullseye as we know it with Ben Urich investigating his past.
>Daredevil #163
More of Ben Urich and mediocre story of Matt facing Hulk as an opponent who is much physically stronger than he is.
>Daredevil #164
The final point of formation of what will become Frank Miller's run, Ben Urich discovering Matt's secret identity starting their iconic relationship.
>Daredevil #166
Gladiator stuff (the guy who made DD's suit in Netflix show). One of highlights of Frank Miller's run
>Daredevil #168-until you no longer see Frank Miller's name on the cover
Pretty self explanatory.
Then you can just jump to Born Again, unless you really want to know what happens to Heather Glenn in-between, but it's really not worth it.
>mfw he smashes that Russian's head in with his car door until it's little more than mush
Thanks guys. Will take a look at these.
Please elaborate, Satan. I am intrigued and drunk. Tell me more.
>Punisher's entire point is that he's on a nonsense crusade because of a random act of criminal violence where his one anchor to normal life was a collateral.
>Make it a CIA conspiracy
>Furthermore, CIA guy who made the hit had literally no reason to do it
>Furthermore, Billy Russo knew full well there's no reason to do it
>Furthermore, show doesn't even justify CIA's hit on Frank's family for fucking up his eye, not even as little as that, it's actually literal stupidity, not pettiness.
Alright thanks brehs, I will watch it. I just hope the continuity isn't ruined so bad. Does him being in hiding affect the overall plot in anyway, or does it not matter in the long run?
Also there's Punisher MAX by Garth Ennis
And Nick Fury: My War Gone By, also by Garth Ennis
Are Ennis's only worthwhile endeavors Punisher and Nick Fury? I've read his Crossed issues and always found other authors to be better at handling the story than him.
Let's start with Iron Fist, he was never "Sworn Enemy of Da Hand", K'un-Lun can't give less of a fuck about what happens on Earth unless it directly involves the actual city where it stands. Also uses Daredevil villain Bakuto as one of the antagonists with none of Bakuto's characterization (but to be honest, it's just a villain pulled out of Shadowland storyline that wasn't important in the first place, weird addition nonetheless, Jessica Jones stole much more important villains from Daredevil, like Purple Man (though, he's been JJ's main villain in the comics) and Nuke (now that's bullshit, he wasn't awful in the show, but they still did Frank dirty in my opinion)).
Black Sky nonsense is complete and utter bullshit writers of the shows pulled out of their asses. So is immortality bones dragons in New York. It's actual, literal gibberish. And they made it THE ENTIRE POINT OF ELEKTRA'S CHARACTER, on top of season 2's inability to juggle Hand storyline when they were jerking off to Punisher with their other hand.
Elektra was never Stick's "daughter" (if anything, that gives their relationship weird incest connotation, the writers of S2 are sick fucks) and he never betrayed Chaste for her, he immediately saw her for complete evil that she is. He abandoned Matt in the comics because he knew well that Matt will be attracted to that evil when he used skills given to him by Stick to get revenge for his father (Man Without Fear). Netflix show interestingly plays it out by making Elektra give man responsible for his dad's death to Matt on a silver platter, but doesn't really do anything with it, I think most people even forgot what scene I am talking about, I think it was Scott Glenn's nonsense test that didn't lead anywhere. The point why Stick abandoned Matt was not because he tempted him with edgelord shit, BUT BECAUSE HE KNOWS MATT WOULD BE TEMPTED TO BE EDGELORD AND ELEKTRA IS THAT EDGE, whereas Matt really should've been a villain with his origin.
I'm gonna smoke a cigarette before I read all this because I'm drunk as fuck. brb.
His best work is Hitman.
And one more thing, Matt's morality is not as white as it's portrayed in S2 (specifically S2, to be honest). He doesn't like that Frank kills as indiscriminately as he does.
Matt has killed before. It's complete nonsense that he would never kill, he's a lawyer who respects people who put their lives on the line, like cops. Although he's not legally authorized to use deadly force, even though it would clash with his catholic sensibilities, it still wouldn't make sense to him to have a no kill code. He's a walking contradiction and you can pull his rope to each of the sides, but he's definitely among most not clear cut heroes out there. S1 got it pretty spot on where he could just throw a dude off a rooftop.
OP here. This entire series is just making me think of how amazing a Batman series made with the same dedication could be.
>inb4 Gotham
>inb4 you can't inb4
I know Batman is DC's most lucrative IP but not enough focus is spent on Superheroes taking down actual crime is spent. It's always focused on "SuperVillains" and their plots to destroy the city/world. Little focus is spent on the actual good these heroes bring to the city they reside in, outside world ending threats are concerned
Why can't we get a tv show that actually embraces the look and the costumes? We keep getting all these deconstructionist shit and muh realism but never the actual suit and stuff. I'm ok with keeping it grounded and with low level threats, as long as it makes for good television and episodes. I prefer that to world ending threats anyday, but I really wonder what's the point of making a batman show if all you're going to do it tease batman related lore and now show them? Heck, they're even making an alfred show I think. Is it so fucking hard to just get a decent budget single season story arc of a comic accurate batsuit and vehicles?
I think the Arkham trilogy is the best you're going to get
>I really wonder what's the point of making a batman show if all you're going to do it tease batman related lore and now show them?
I'm with you on that. My dream Bat series would be:
>treat him as a horror movie monster when taking out thugs
>treat him as the Dark Knight when dealing with cops
>treat him as the Great Detective when from his PoV
>roll all together into one when he's facing a super villain
And when he does finally face off against a super villain, blend all the previous storylines into one coherent plot by said super villain. For a shitty example
>gangs are getting increasingly more powerful tech, rivaling 1st world military
>Batman investigates, finds a common seller amongst the numerous streetgangs within Gotham
>B-man's investigation leads to confrontation with Oswald Cobblepot. Known arms dealer and collector in Gotham's black market
>existential threat isn't in and of itself related to Penguin's enterprise but rather a byproduct of it
For the BIG world ending plots, include the Justice League. Batman IS just a human being. Granted, a human at peak physical and mental capabilities, but still, just a man. For world ending shit, the Justice League needs to be involved.
I'd rather no Justice League desu. Just Batman. Leave JL to a separate show.
Again. I'm with you on that. Shouldn't need another show to tie things together unless it's an actual existential, world ending/changing threat. Like my shitty example stated before, or League of Assassins. For a proper Batman series it should be kept to street level or metro level threats. Much like BTAS. Batman still faces off against criminals who have incredible powers. Powers that could allow them to expand their ambitions far beyond Gotham, but for whatever reason they choose to focus on their immediate vicinity for their plots/crimes.
again, still drunk, but Batman has always been my favorite Superhero. Ninja Turtles come in as a close second and Batman Vs TMNT was a dream come true. Superman and Spiderman come in as damn near ties for 3rd
Did you even watch the show
I hope we get to see it someday. A well made tv miniseries could rival a two hour movie and possibly surpass it in its storytelling.
Agreed. Literally nothing better than Conroy Batman and Hamill Joker. I saw the Arkham series as a closer to the animated series. Before Joker is reborn in the Batman Beyond movie.
Well no, but that's not an argument against complaining about shit
>putting this much emphasis on closure
i mean everyone likes a solid ending but it shouldn't be their prime motivation. what babies
Agreed. But before that happens producers need to move beyond "Batman Vs Joker". Batman has one of the richest Rogues Gallery in the entirety of comic history. Rivaled only by Spiderman imho. If Hollywod can move beyond that, or even television. We could have Batman kino that surpasses the Timverse.
>skipping the punisher episodes
Hey Red I'mma ask you sum'n
How you gonna protect 'em Red?
>tfw Punisher season of DD was infinitely better than the Punisher series itself
What, I just detailed its actual plot. How does anything I said contradict the actual plot of the show?
You forgot to mention how CIA is a big guy for you.