What movies do you remember seeing earliest?I remember seeing this movie at 4 years old

What movies do you remember seeing earliest?I remember seeing this movie at 4 years old

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Poor man's Home Alone.

Patrician's Home Alone.

That would be Baby's Day Out.

Tarzan. The Phil Collins one.

21st century schizoid man's Home Alone.

Fucking zoomer.

Slappy and the stinkers
Van Wilder

Rambo: Last Blood.

I honestly think it was the rugrats movie. I remember my mom taking me to the theater to see it.

Django Unchained
Hidden Figures
Empire of Dust

Oh fuck Slappy and the Stinkers! I thought I was the only one that watched that shit as a kid since it was a straight to video movie.

Dennis the Menace has been around much longer zoomer

Not the movie, boomerfag.

>Dennis the Menace is a 1993 American comedy film

>1993 was ~47 years ago

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I dont get it. Why does this movie have much better/clearer camera work they most other shows and movies at the time looked grainy and shitty?

This movie was really cute


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For some reason my parents didn't mind me watching Robocop when I was 4 years old.
Was my favourite movie till Jurassic Park came out.

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>Home Alone is a 1990 American comedy film

The first one I watched in the theater was Casper. That was when I wasn't even able to speak German cause I immigrated a few months prior to that but I was 4 years old and enjoyed every darn minute of it. To this day, it's one of my favourite comfy movies along with Home Alone 2 and Matilda.
I can remember tons of stuff from before that but those were mostly shows like TMNT or the Adam West Batman series

Hehe when my older sister and I were taking a bath last week I asked her if she wanted to get out yet and lifted up her hands and said "I'm not even wrinkly yet!". Instantly made me remember this move which I had totally forgotten about.


>Hehe when my older sister and I were taking a bath last week

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>Hehe when my older sister and I were taking a bath last week
Made me remember this.

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That fucking toilet scene gave me nightmares as a kid.

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Probably seeing Toy Story at a cinema. But my strongest early movie memory was watching Commando with my dad while my mother was away.

>"Two thumbs up."
Wow such distinguishing praise

why didn't they take a shower?

yeah, probably this for me too. Must've watched it a lot because I can remember some scenes better than any irl memories I had at the time.

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This gave me a fear of midgets.

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Dumbo on vhs, I think

I remember watching this movie the most as a kid

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>grainy shit
Are you from fucking twenty twenty or something with magical floating screens in 8k or some shit?

The Fox and the Hound

Twenty year old Mason Gamble was relentlessly handsome.

milo and otis
then my mom told me they abused animals in it and i cried

Oh yeah didn’t this have carrot top as a villain ? And why did the old neighbour look like saddam hussein ?

I’d assume because a lot of lesser known movies and shows from that time only really exist now as rips of vhs tapes that are like 30 years old.

I remember seeing Batman Returns when I was 5 at the local cinema, I guess my dad fought it was like Adam West's Batman which was the version he grew up with. The scene were the penguin bit that guys nose shocked me, but I enjoyed the movie, even if I didn't get most of the plot. I thought the car was cool and I got a toy one they gave you with a meal at KFC, I think. Like my dad I ended up becoming a batman fan after watching the 90's animated series.

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This is probably the movie I have the oldest memories of. That Large Marge scene scared the fuck out of me.

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The only movie that gave me nightmares and pediophobia for many years.

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Loved this movie.

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Sonic was my favorite movie as a kid.

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earliest in theaters? im not sure why but the first movie I can remember was Contact

For me, it's Tossing

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Kek I love how he just keeps repeating himself.

More like Benis :ddd

I read The Beano growing up, whose star character is a completely out of control homophobic bully named Dennis the Menace (not sure if he's still got teeth today, if The Beano's even still going, don't know), and I was about seven years old and had no idea there was also an American character called Dennis the Menace, so this movie really confused me.

I wanna see a live actionBeano Dennis the Menace movie with literal chaos, also featuring The Bash Street Kids.

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Saw this for the first time the other day, it was on a 4 movie set that I bought for The Goonies and Spacejam, had the OG Willy Wonka too.

Implying that Dennis wouldn't get his ass kicked by the local muslim gang.

Pluto Nash

That one movie where a guy dies and comes back as a girl and he (she) becomes an ice skater.

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jesus christ, this is more of a stroke than that guy who was getting his nervous system removed or some shit

The first movie that I can remember seeing at the theatre was American Tail. I was only three years old and though I'm thirty eight now just thinking about scene when Fievel gets seperate from his family on board the boat as ship begins to sink, still makes me sick to my stomach. Emotionally, it really did mess with me as a kid.

old yeller

Jurassic Park and Godzilla 98

>young aryan goy vs grumpy old mean-spirited jew
Patrician taste anons