Hey man sorry to do this uh gotta take off a little early today, my daughter's got a chinese virus

hey man sorry to do this uh gotta take off a little early today, my daughter's got a chinese virus

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MDE was never funny

>regurgitate far-right talking points with a straightface and "deadpan" delivery
>all of Yas Forums jizzes their pants and thinks its the epitome of clever "comedy"

And you guys laugh at people like john oliver for being "comedians" that do nothing but pander to their political audience. MDE is the same but infinitely worse.

Nothing is worse than John Oliver types

i miss hormelcoffee

what does this skit have to do with 'far-right talking points'

>reminder that this aired on national television

i dont even like mde but the handful of clips I saw of theirs posted on here had nothing to do with politics. One was about a guy's wife being tripped in a very brutal fashion, another was a guy going to jail for a long time. They were just kind of absurd/surreal

nick > charls > sam

nah. Nick > Sam > Charls.

At least Sam puts out content every month reliably. Charls literally just is a schizophrenic twitch streamer, really sad to see.

the other guys are funny, its same hyde who forces his political bs into it

I wonder if he ever met his flip fiancée IRL.

2070 Paradigm Shift is the best thing that's happened in comedy ever since smartphones became popular

he's just strange, he's not schizophrenic
stop making that a buzzword when we have plenty of schizophrenic posters thanks to /x/ and you can easily spot the difference

no. He's schizophrenic.

Their original humour wasn't so political and is what made them popular, but pandering too much to the Yas Forums audience made them keep increasing the political/racist unfunny shit til it literally ruined their careers. At least the other guys moved on, unlike Sam Hyde who just doubled down like the narcissist he is and just lives off retarded pay-pigs with content that has no effort at all.

Nah Bombstrap has way better vids than anything Sam Hyde has done post-World Peace. Charls being a twitch streamer is unironically better than Sam's humourless rants hidden behind a paywall.

I've seen the skit, but I don't get what is funny about it. Is it part of something else that I should know the characters for?

so how much are you spending per month

>I don't get what is funny about it
Wait until you get an office job. You won't be laughing.

No, he has schizophrenia. I've been using /x/ since 2008 and have known people irl who went nuts and chucks speech and mannerisms are the same.

really? he's hearing voices? he's hallucinating? he can't function?
if you've ever been around schizophrenic people you'd know the difference, it's not like 'haha that guy believes in crystals' they can't take care of themselves and their lives are a constant horrorshow
it turns previously normal people into complete wrecks. charles has obviously always been eccentric. taking zinc and rambling about the government doesn't mean you're schizophrenic
t. poster with schizophrenia on one side of the family, wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy


he's way way past the age to develop schizophrenia, dr. user

>speech and mannerisms are the same.
like what? any examples?


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mde is great, mde never dies

That's literally not true retard
The way charls acts is my example

great post, you showed them

>he just acts like it
based retard


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>I don't know what this looks like, can you explain it to me
>it looks like the person who we're discussing and you're familiar with
Yeah, you are

>his speech and mannerisms are the same
>he just acts like it ok?
based retard

I don't really care for MDE or any of the Sam Hyde behind the scenes drama, but this skit really spoke to me on a primordial, visceral level. It was haunting, yet weirdly funny.

unironically go outside sometime

charls just pretends to be an epic crazy man it's very obvious

>subscription cable
>national television

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gain IQ

but I am already not laughing

and you find this humorous?

that's the idea

it was supposed to be "Jews RULE!"

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Anything that's not praising trannies, illegals, or bashing white people constantly is a far right talking point.


uuhh.. n-no.. am i supposed to? or no? im not, right? sorry... no, its not funny.. its antisemitic...

I don’t care about anyone’s opinions, their skits were fucking fantastic, some were funny, others really disturbed me.

>others really disturbed me.
would you say they were bone chilling?

no of course not goldstein! sorry I'll get back to work

absolutely seething and rent free

Not really, they filled me with dread

MDE was and is great. Normalfag brainlets always hate their stuff.

even if it wasn't great, it's always nice to have alternate and slightly edgy humor. you're genuinely gay as fuck if you want to take it down

This one is severely underrated youtube.com/watch?v=cDY5_Yw7NqY

holy cow you are one dumb motherfucker.

I didn't know who Sam was until I saw some shitskin's video about him. I only know him as a complete loser and scam artist

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>it takes a high IQ to understand MDE
redditor confirmed (not that it wasn't obvious that Sam's fanbase is made up entirely of zoomer redditor faggots)

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what a shock Sam's neckbeard is spamming again

we're talking about him as a writer and actor, keep your reddit e-celeb drama out you underage retard

Why is Sam so jewish? The musicians for WP were paid at least.

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>>regurgitate far-right talking points with a straightface and "deadpan" delivery

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He's a right wing Hannah Gadsby

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>stop liking things I don't like

I agree with this

Sam and his greasy haired goons that promote him here are trash, but that isn't true.

nah he's done plenty of funny stuff. his ted talk is spectacular

kys ricky

Sam's penis says otherwise

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how many dicks do you have saved to your computer?