Have you ever met a celebrity in real life? What was he/she like?

Have you ever met a celebrity in real life? What was he/she like?

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Where did you find those pictures of me and Tom Holland?

Colin Mochrie
He was really nice, I shook his hand and told him my mum and I were huge fan of Whose Line
His (at the time) son went to camp at the time (she's mtf now)

Saw Ben Affleck as he was leaving a wing restaurant. I nodded my head at him, and he returned it so he's pretty cool.

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Lol i passed by this nigg 3 times before i realized who he was. As soon as i noticed him i went oh shit! jack black he just looked at me like i was retarded.

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Did it look like he was just going through the motions?

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he's aging pretty well

I was in a local healthy/expensive type supermarket here in College Station, Texas(we have a lot of those) and I'm in line to buy some ham at the deli there. The lady asked me what kind, and I said "I have no fucking idea what different kinds of ham there are lady" ENTIRELY to loudly and the guy behind me in line I hadn't noticed burst the hell up laughing.

I turn around. Steve Martin.

He kinda half leans around me and says "Honey glazed!" to the lady over the counter and I just kinda stare at him for a sec then smile and say thanks. I'm about to pay for it and he says "No way this one's on me" and pays the check for it right there. I was astounded, it was so awesome that I did the only thing I could think of ... The Three Amigos salute. Once again he cracks up and asked me if I had any idea how long it had been since someone did that. I said "a year?" he said "try ten".

We ended up having coffee at a place across the street. Turns out he bought a house in Monticeto, a really expensive residensial area in SB, and has been living there a while. We talked about everything that wasn't his career for about 45 minutes before he had to take off because his deli stuff was gonna go bad. I shook his hand and said he made my year today. He smiled and beat my head in with a tire iron. I looked up from the floor, my eyes covered in my own blood as I made out a blury image of an anvil being hoisted above his head. Through the ringing in my ears I couldn't hear his probably witty parting line before the anvil came crashing down, ending my life.

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Saw Littlefinger once.

Was he a big guy?

He's a notorious asshole

Maybe it's quarantine making me go crazy or maybe I'm a dumb normies but I scream laughed at this

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I wonder when celebrity obsession officially boils over into 'this is no longer podracing' territory and the restraining orders, identity theft and attempted murder begin.

Forgot to add the only reason he was butt hurt was that he was standing next to someone smoking a cig when i passed by twice. Couldn't see him till my friend pointed out that jack black was there. Not my fault he's short as fuck.

He made it


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He seemed pretty tired. This was only a month after Justice League wrapped up its reshoots.

That’s cute af


Probably giving away my age here, but a couple of friends and I ran into Kevin Nash back during the summer of '92. We asked him if he was who he was, but he denied it. It took a couple of tries, but we got it out of him once he loosened up.

After that, we all just kind of hung out and palled around a little. It was pretty cool at the time, because we were all black, and I know some wrestlers are a little racist behind the scenes (Hulkster comes to mind,) but Kevin was real relaxed. Just very laid back guy, definitely clear headed, didn't choke during some rough conversation or keep his mouth shut or anything.

Swell guy, really nice. Very fit too, like physically fit. Struck me as the type of guy to really bend over backwards for strangers.

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This is me btw

yes once she was very nice perfect

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electrical infetterence

take it how you will, as i'm just another random user, but i worked with Ben Affleck and he is the fucking worst. just a greasy, unrepentantly gross manchild. i have several friends who've also worked with him, or p.a.'d on sets he's been the "star" of. quick anecdote: ended up going for a ride with him on a film i was in (small role), because my friend - also a p.a. - had to drive him back to his house to find a shirt. we sat at his coffee table, covered in about 2409782374 ash trays and seven boxes of half eaten mike & ikes. what seems like an hour later of uncomfortable stillness he comes barreling out of his bedroom, a little sweaty, panting, and drops fuckin STACKS of vhs tapes on the table in front of us. we were both pretty confused at the point. he then pops one in his combo vhs/dvd player and it's him getting blown by some poor chick with really fuckin terrible roots, he then puts the shirt over his slovenly body, turns to my friend and says, "this good?" it is one of the most surreal, ridiculous moments of my life.

This story doesnt check out AT ALL

Tom Holland and Ty Simpkins and Jake Gylenhaal are relentlessly handsome.


I met Kevin Spacey once and asked him for a picture.

He threw a plastic fork at me and then told me to pick it up. I said no, after which he made this condescending snorting sound with a slight smile and said, ''Of course you won't,'' then walked away

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Being a celeb would be the worst. These crazies probably expect you to remember them too and think you owe them. Yikes.

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Sean Bean is a fucking prick. Saw him in a pub, not disclosing the place, but in the UK. He was with 2 friends and I see him and decide to buy a round and sit with them. When I sit down with drinks he just stops his conversation and stares at us as if I was wearing his mothers face as a skin mask. I started handing out the drinks and accidentally spilled one over Sean's friend (I'd had quite a few I'll admit) and Sean asked who the fuck I was and to go get a towel from the bar. At this point I'm taken aback at his attitude but make a joke which went something along the lines of 'you telling me what to do Sean? Do you want to die irl like you do in all your movies?!' Well he took it as a threat and stood out of his chair but banged his thigh on the table pretty hard, which made many people look over in our direction so he rightly sat back down. He then whispered whilst keeping stern eye contact with me 'Leave now, you've done enough, you dim-witted fool.' So I did...I got up, took all the drinks with me too. Don't remember the night after that but I woke up in my own piss.

based spacester

>in line at liquor store
>guy in front of me is taking forever picking out a top shelf whiskey
>his voice sounds like a higher pitched john malkovich as he tells me to go ahead of him
>get to counter next to him
>realize it's actually john malkovich
>put my head on his shoulder so it looks to the clerk like he has two heads
>"I'm also being John Malkovich"
>he pushes me away
>grab one of his whiskeys and whack him in the head with it
>it doesn't even break
>still end up with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon

dumbass, do you know what mtf means

Gave Robert Webb head in a storage room after he ran a drama workshop at my old school. Pretty nice guy, told me I had a cute penis. He only just came out a couple of years ago.


the chad sexual predator

i played rocket league with chloë and mclovin. they were both on twitch doing a promo for kickass 2. chloë was really nice and sweet but she was stuck in the corner most of the time and didn’t know how to play. mclovin was pretty good at the game.

forgot pic

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I met Andy Kaufman when I was backpacking through Europe on the 90's. He was kinda weird.

>in london for a few nights
>decide to go cruising to get some cheeky cock
>go to hampsted heath about 1 in the morning
>find a secluded clearing away from the path
>some guy in a hat is already there
>sit down on a large rock just away from him
>guy comes over to me, puts his hand on my leg and runs it up
>i get on my knees and pull down his trousers and pants
>massive cock
>go to town on it
>guy starts talking dirty to me
>wait, after a minute or so i realise i know that voice
>i-is that kevin spacey?
>starts throatfucking me as he talks dirty
>after 5 mins or so he spunks straight down my throat
>tells me i did good
>as he turns away, light catches his face
>definitely spacey

fucking based

someone i knew once accidentally tripped george lopez in germany

we know what it means user

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I got a blowjob from Lou Ferrigno, it would have been sometime in 1997.
He was nice.
100% true btw.

I stood next to Natalie Portman at a concert. She was pretty cool, talked about the city we were in between sets for a few minutes.

Also walked about 6 blocks alongside Clint Howard and talked about potholes.

This guy used to come into the restaurant I worked at all the time. guess he was filming something in the city. Always alone, always got the sirloin steak medium rare with a glass of red wine. Nice guy, always tipped pretty well. Didn't recognize him the first time because he wore glasses.

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What the fuck is SB? Why do americans always assume everyone knows their local town acronyms

Yes, it means they belong in gas chamber.

quit obsessing over americans you seething reject

I saw this guy irl in a club when he was age in pic related, he was a little brat shit bag shit that was on drugs and swearing at random boomers. pretty funny actually.

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goddamn look how small that controller looks in those meaty hands.

that guy is just a troll
he's some rich dude that would attend any event in NYC with Tom Holland since he actually lived there. He had no intent in actually meeting Tom Holland outside NYC and was just doing it so he could amass these weird photographs.

Why would you go to a club if you weren't on drugs?

I met Rob Pattinson.
He was sleeping in my car while I went out for lunch. True story.

I met Miley Cyrus twice. She remembered me the second time. Very sweet friendly girl.

It looks like Tom is getting more annoyed the in every panel

post the real version

Idk user. To me it sounds like you were acting like a retard.

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dude I can't stop laughing nice