Why does it feel so badly written?
Why does it feel so badly written?
It doesn't
because the writing team ran out of ideas 2 seasons ago and are just rehashing BB concepts at this point since they have literally nothing else going for them
that's a question only you can answer, user.
ive always thought BB and BCS in general had terrible dialogue. The only character who managed to transcend the shitty dialogue and sound normal was Jesse
Because you’re a simpleton?
It’s OK user, not everyone has an IQ over 75
Yeah science
Just want to say, i fucking hate the ironic NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES insert after the opening title, it clearly doesnt fit, and no thought was put into it. Original my ass
because you're used to epic quips and nonsensical action. Stick to Supergirl.
Sub-90 IQ watch for the cartel/Mike scenes
91-119 IQ don't watch because "it's shit nothing happens"
120+ IQ watch for the Jimmy/Kim scenes
And 150+ IQ watch for Nacho and Lalo
Because literally nothing happens the show has been spinning it's wheels since episode one. The ENTIRE plot of the ENTIRE show up to this point has been:
Jimmy has a chance to go straight! But can he do it....? No! He just loves shucking and jiving and slippin' too much! Oh Jimmy! WE FU CKING GET IT! FIVE! FUCKING! SEASONS! NOTHING! HAS! HAPPENED!
Sounds like a projection
>Jimmy has a chance to go straight! But can he do it....?
This hasn't been the plot in 3 seasons. Imagine being this much of a brainlet. Either you are room temperature IQ or you need to lay off staring at your phone.
because kim does several heelturns that make no sense and only exist to induce fake drama
190 IQ watches for Pryce and his baseball cards
Name some shows with good writing. I'll be interested in your answers.
He's gonna scream this at Howard next week isn't he?
Because you're a braindead zoomer who can't identify good writing
Are they really gonna have more seasons? I was really waiting for this to be the final season, this show desperately needs to end. Not only because of the already stretched plot (Lalo is literally bulllshit), but because the actors are genuinely aging... Even Kim is notoriously under way too much make-up, and Mike I will not even say anything of the obvious.
I love the show, but one should know when good things need to come to an end before it's too late.
BCS is probably the best show currently airing on TV, zoom zoom.
>Are they really gonna have more seasons? I was really waiting for this to be the final season, this show desperately needs to end. Not only because of the already stretched plot
One more season which will undoubtedly be delayed by the virus. I love the show too, and the writing is good, but it has been drawn out too long. 6 seasons could have been a tighter, more effective 4 seasons.
i agree but that's a low bar given the competition. and the writing is bad compared to earlier seasons, mostly because of
>he can't suspend his disbelief over superficial shit like people looking a little bit older.
Season 6 is the end anyway, with 13 episodes. (17 episodes left in the whole series).
I'm not ready for how hard Saul's gonna destroy Howard, bros...
>Bob Odenkirk doesn't see Saul and Kim staying together into the BrBa timeline
>Rhea Seahorn does
Discuss. Who was in the wrong here?
Why is he so likable IRL? Based Howard really does feel so natural for him
That black hooker last episode has some amazing thighs going on.
odenkirk. he doesnt get just how determined and loyal kim is
Because Kim is not changing my diapers.
black girls have better looking shoulders and legs than white girls, on average. i think it's because they look glossier
>plebs still can't grasp that BCS is a take on Waiting for Godot in the BrBa universe
>that make no sense
Is Rian Johnson gonna return to direct any episodes? I fucking loved the fly episode.
>Waiting for Godot
Find a flaw.
Waiting for Godot is great though. It's one of the hardest plays to fuck up, even for a small shitty theatre troupe.
Nigger, it was the Fly episode before the Fly episode.
Its a montage show
S'all about the montage
Oh you're right, sorry, I forgot you had his brother who thinks he's allergic to electricity saying "YOU CAN'T GO STRAIGHT YOURE SLIPPIN JIMMY!" for 3 seasons, on top of Jimmys internal "struggle" over being straight or slippin. What else you got?
And everyone agrees the Fly episode sucks and they literally only did it to save money
Howard has a peaky blinders detachable collar
I can't
He didn't deserve what's happened to him
I used to be an idiot that fell for the ‘nothing happens’ meme, however when you give the show time and patience you are rewarded for your efforts. The criticism still stands that the pacing is poor but overall it is a very fine show and probably the best ongoing ones on right now
because you have adhd and sit on your phone through half of it
How long until Howard realizes jimmy is pranking him ?
Howard goes nuclear when?
He believed in Jimmy and Jimmy hates that fact because chuck never believed in him at all
>it's a "Kim is so wet she just slams Jimmy against a wall and starts making out with him" scene
Hoo boy.
everyone agrees you're a faggot and your parents should've saved their money by not having you.
i had a dream where howard got fucked in the ass on a table in some law firm
Go on.
BCS is the best show I've seen in a while
Cause he has sex
Because you're a retarded zoomer with the attention span of a gold fish.
Because you've been used to shit writing so much that you don't know what good writing feels like
>Jimmy/Kim scenes
Wasted screen time .. better just show us Lalo smiling instead at least it wouldn't remind me how women are mindless
Give him a break, this guy thinks TWD is a masterpiece