Tiger King

Why is he so based?

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he just wanted to make kino

Because he's a nihilist who burned his life's work. On another topic, I know I'youtube.com/watch?v=NlLj5eaPOukd seen those weiner dogs before:

wait so why did joe commit arson
to destroy the videos?

Ego, meth, paranoia, destroying evidence, oh and Joe didn't set the fire.

That's the most likely theory. The cameras were basically rolling 24/7 so they caught Joe and the staff doing not very legal stuff. He was already in deep shit with Carole, he didn't want more.

just got to the point where **it's revealed travis and the other dude aren't actually gay WTF**

who set the fire then

we didn't

Destroying evidence 100%
When he's threatened off the Zoo LITERALLY ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS HE DOES is set up a pit fire and start burning computers and paperwork.
Oh gee I wonder who the mystery arsonist was last time computers and paperwork were set on fire.

What's really disheartening though is the alligators that died in the arson. I wonder when Joe became so detached from the animals. That ending clip of that old news report when he was young and had just opened the zoo was so joyful.

was joe's political assistant gay

he kinda gives off that vibe

Nigga please. He was taking advantage of the situation just like everyone else.

Yes, he is.

It feels like gays and trans actively recruit people into their ranks by gaslighting them like that all the time

He didn't want Carol doing a subpoena to get any of the thousands of hours of footage on him

Which would have been better?

A potentially kino reality show the likes of which we have never seen.

Or this documentary?

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hellow beasd deopartnent we have a cleanup on aisle based

travis gave off school shooter vibes sometimes

This documentary was the best possible result. The reality show likely would have just focused exclusively on Joe and co.'s wacky antics exaggerated a bit. This show gave us those, AND an entire drama with twists and turns at every corner to boot.
Truth IS stranger than fiction.

still don't know what to think of Jeff

>he got away with all of it

>here kitty kitty

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he was definitely involved in shady shit

Post best girls
>MOMMY prosecutor

Saff stayed loyal to the very end
so she is best girl

Doc Antle is a kino character. He's a Bond villain who knows he's a Bond villain and doesn't care.

No he was just a libertarian

>every time he's clearly putting on an act and was reciting shit for the docu camera

the irony of him being caged up

explains the vaping

Saff was loyle to her capo

I'm convinced Jeff is just as bad as Carole
t. on last episode

The hitman's tv show is pretty kino:


alright Jeff definitely set him up

he just wanted his business

It was a televised GTA VI playthrough

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>Doc Antle is a kino character.
>Self proclaimed doctor
>Rides an elephant around his property
>Has a harem of brainwashed women
>Friends with a big time ex-drug smuggler
And he's the most sane one. How does he do it?

>doc antle
>most sane

>The head animal keeper guy who got all tore up on camera when describing Joe killing the tigers
>Obviously just really likes big cats and wants to work with them
>"I was the only one there to be with them and look them in the eye as they died."

Only person in the whole documentary I felt even an ounce of sympathy for.

the part where he rides around on an elephant thru a street was so chad
he's clearly sane, albeit manipulative of women cause he's a pimp chad

he's clearly more sane than some, but he was far from most sane

any photos of that thicc FBI agent qt?

Scarface guy was the most level

Carole literally did nothing wrong.

Hi roastie

>SARDINE OIL (laughs maniacally)

he's an informant and sets people up for CIA/FBI who will drag him if he doesn't. he's already been fucked, he's just also useful

Need more prosecutor.

only watched one episode so far and I already love this shit
better leave now before I read too much

Good documentary, though it was maybe a couple of episodes too long. I think most were around 45 minutes, could have just rounded up every one to an hour. Erik the head keeper was best person.

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Carole is a complete fucking hypocrite and quite literally the final boss of crazy cat ladies. She and Doc Antle probably deserve a series unto themselves.
We all need more prosecutor

Honestly I think she got Don's handyman to fuck up one of his planes since her whole alibi was he crashed. Plus the handyman knew where all his gold was, broke into Don's office and also said that Don "told him" he was going to pull of a slick exit. Sure, pal!

the guy without two legs missing seemed like the only one who was both intelligent and decent

I didn't know Phillip Seymour Hoffman was alive and transitioning

Bet she does JOI videos on the sly in her spare time.

>without two legs missing
So the guy with two legs?

if you don't think the prosecutor is at least an 8/10, then I got some bad news for your parents

They're going to be devastated to find out I'm heterosexual. Please don't tell them I'm white too.

user, traps are gay.

Guys wouldnt it be funny if I just blow my fucking brains out like right now like right in front of you ha ha like sploosh

>anime waifu obsessed

they may publicly say things like 'we love all of our children equally, no favorites'
but you know.

>be college freshman
>just wanna work with some cute tigers
>end up absentmindedly shooting yourself after you ended up with a death wish from meth dependance lack of freedom in your relationship with the one who was feeding it in the first place
Being Travis was suffering

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It's just a prank, bro

>tranny chasing cock drooler
>Nickelback fan
>Disneyland season pass holder

Take your meds and dilate