>Villain confronts the hero
>"We're not so different, you and i."
Villain confronts the hero
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Does anyone have the full video and context? Supposedly Dr. Phil Jr. was setting up bumfights, or something.
He actually had a good point and was shut down because Dr. Phil new that he's just a classier tv version of the other guy.
I'll never stop finding this funny. Fucking madman
He was making an infamous series of videos called Bumfights where he paid homeless people to beat the shit out of each other, or be beat up by the crew. Sold like hotcakes, shit was gold.
He was right but Dr. Phil only put him on the show to virtue signal so he could kick him off. Reminds me of this scene from Wire.
"I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game though."
>TFW Ty Beeson obviously didn't have enough time to grow out the 'tache and further BTFO Phil. Also he shaved too far down the sides.
>Why the fuck did this basedman even do this?
I don't think his original intent was to kick him off but when he came out dressed like Dr. Phil he got buttmad.
yeah phil realized what the guy was going for and got in front of it as much as he could. really funny no one in production realized what bumfights guy was doing.
>shit was gold.
Why? It sounds terrible.
Not any more terrible than Dr. Phil or any of those shows parading mentally ill people out in front of an audience and waiting for them to break down or fight each other.
I bet he shaved it in the dressing room
For me, it's their "Bumhunter" segments
I always forgot tom hardy played that guy
For me it's this guy.
>who do you think you are?
I'm you.
This video is pretty great and does a good job explaining the Bumfight phenomenon in chronological order. The mad lads made millions of abusing and trolling the homeless.
That's not Ty Beeson in the video, retard.
But better
Richard Spencer has kids?
He looks like the Dad character in the ARG on YT, well a younger version of him
Based and Fritzl Pilled.
Who the fuck is he then?
Just some jew actor.
>In June 2002, just a couple of months after the first DVD’s pressing, Wired reported that 250,000 copies of Bumfights had been sold for $22 each, and that “Internet users, some from as far away as Istanbul and as near as Andrews Air Force Base, are logging onto Bumfights.com to get one of their own [videos] — and picking up a T-shirt or hooded sweatshirt while they’re at it.”
>But by then, Indecline had sold the rights to Bumfights for a reported $1.5 million to two Las Vegas producers, who began promoting the film under the pseudonyms Ray Leticia and Ty Beeson. The original Indecline members could not reveal the buyers’ true names due to a non-disclosure agreement, and multiple reports on the pair — who did not respond to multiple interview requests for this story — concluded they were utilizing aliases in the media.
>Leticia and Beeson publicly claimed they were the original masterminds behind the project. They told Wired they wished to use Bumfights proceeds to one day fund a “legitimate” film, and BBC News noted they were marketing the video as an opportunity to witness “drunk bums beating each other silly.” McPherson and Slyman believe it was an associate of Leticia and Beeson’s who infamously appeared on Dr. Phil, posing as the Bumfights creator. After a pre-taped segment where he boasted about exploiting homeless people, the alleged associate arrived onstage dressed as the host, and Dr. Phil promptly threw the stand-in off set.
Definitely the best parts
It was like Jackass but with bums and drug addicts who were paid a few bucks to do some stunts and fight each other. My personal favorite is the bum hunter.
It doesn't seem to be on any video hosting sites, but I have it on VHS somewhere.
>He actually had a good point
No he didn't. The dickhead on the left exploits homeless people while Doctor Phil actually helps people in need by drawing attention to important issues and actually getting his guests professional help.
Now go be an edgy faggot someplace else, summerfag.
>Doctor Phil actually helps people
You're right he's totally helping mentally ill and abused people by parading them on national TV and making millions of dollars
He literally parades mentally ill people on TV for views and money. Get the fuck out of here pretending he actually helps them.
>Sold like hotcakes, shit was gold.
Says the summerfag. How does it feel know that you will die a virgin?
>No he didn't. The dickhead on the left exploits homeless people while Doctor Phil actually helps people in need by drawing attention to important issues and actually getting his guests professional help.
Dance puppet! Dance I say!
fuck tom hardy is ugly and gay
>incels are so asshurt that they take pleasure at watching homeless people be abused
>incels are so stupid they think a public figure like Dr. Phil who actually participates in philanthropic work is the same as some ugly faggot paying homeless people into fighting each other.
and the guy on the left actually PAYS his clients.
why do libtards also resort to strawmanning and using buzzwords like incel?
>i pay homeless people to pull their teeth out with pliers
>you host a somewhat exploitative talk show program
>we're the same
>even bums get payed more than jannies for their "work"
Goddamn, if it wasn't bad enough to be a janny already.
>Dr Phil knows he's fucked, this is an argument he can't win
>takes his ball and goes home
Man of culture.
The bum fight guys are worse than dr Phil because they literally kick people at their lowest, and make millions while throwing the bums scraps. Dr Phil is still a shithead because he figuratively kicks people at their lowest (under the guise of therapy when it’s really exploiting them for ratings and cash) and makes millions while throwing his guest scraps. You childish faggots don’t need to ignore one to admonish the other. Grow up retards
whats this hairstyle called
This will never not be funny
>Dr Phil
>Isn't actually a doctor
They were definitely going to throw him off regardless. If I remember right he was already on stage when they aired the video. So Phil knew he was getting mocked. No way he didn't know before the guy even got out of hair and make up. There also no way they didn't know what bum fights was or hadn't seen that video before hand.
>philanthropic work
I don't watch his show, so can you tell me how he helps people? All I've gathered from pop culture osmosis is he tells people they have a problem and they should cut it out.
The moment when Dr. Phil looked into a mirror and could not stand what he saw.
honestly the bumfights are probably more honorable than this other shit
Pretty much
>I think it's time for you to leave, Shinzon. You're not even a particularly large man.
>heh f-for you
>"stop the tape"
>they don't stop the tape
And how fortunate otherwise we'd never have witnessed the righteous and wise Dr Phil TOTALLY PWNING this silly sausage.
Now he funds anti-fascist videos
It sounds good in theory but I actually watched it and it was shit.