Why the fuck does Seinfeld bully literally every guest of his show...

Why the fuck does Seinfeld bully literally every guest of his show? he unironically might be THE most smug and condescending person on this planet

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Because he's actually friends with his hosts and that's how friends treat eachother

>make a billion dollars in the 90s
>spend all your time fucking barely legal girls and collecting Porsches
>bring working comedians onto his show to kiss his ass


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Most of it is just banter but you can tell he doesnt like some of his guests and then it does sort of turn to mild bullying. Like that one annoying youtube bitch you could tell Jerry didnt like at all

nice catch

Don't watch how Jerry treats his guests. Watch what he says about the fans he encounters. Truly an ass.

He hasn't had a normal life in 30 years and went full mad

The episode with Colonel Lanza was kinda weird too. You could tell the German guy doesn't like coffee, cars or comedy. But he was still a trooper about it. At some point Jerry is like let's go to IHop and the Nazi's like "let's please not". Kek


I’m gonna blow your mind, but Seinfeld is jewish.

His comedy comes from being contemptuous, derisive, acerbic and sardonic. He's a smug condescending jerk, that's his whole ethos. I think it's exacerbated by the fact his only real success is from Seinfeld and he sort of got lucky with that because the supporting cast was like lightning in a bottle. So he's probably sensitive about that and treats people like shit as a result.

he can get away with it

seinfeld was a huge standup comic during the 80s when standup was at its peak

Autism and narcissism is one hell of a mix

This and Larry David's writing and creativity. Seinfeld probably resents Larry, Michael, Julia and Jason a ton.

You're now just getting this?

>implying you can be a good writer if you're a narcissist

He was probably big in the stand up community in New York but not really California at the time. But don't forget the whole concept of the Seinfeld show was that an unknown comic was trying to make it big by getting his show produced.

'Comedians in cars getting coffee' is the shittest most smug self congratulating title in all TV history. I HATE it

He doesn't bully he mogs them the only one who wasn't mogged was Eddie Murphy cause he's on the same level as Seinfeld.

Miranda Sings was an untalented hack. You could tell she even got on Jerry's show as a favor to Netflix and YouTube. And probably her grandmother was a friend of Jerry's aunt or something. It was Jewish background bullshit shenanigans. I'm glad Jerry gave no fucks about her.

Why is it that 99% of the successful people on Earth are products of nepotism but incels only cry about it when the magic Jews do it

He does look very unhappy when he meets fans on C,C and C. Don't get me wrong it's a comfy series but I get a bit exasperated at his obvious contempt for the rest of the human race. Like random people will just say in passing they liked his show and he looks pissed all the time. I hate celebrities like that

How dense are you??

Cause magic Jews do it 99 percent of the time. That's the point

I'm guessing every celebrity has contempt for their brain dead fans. There's just only a few that say it out loud.

And I’m pretty sure Jerry knew he had some kind of crazy anxiety thing going on. Dude looks like he’s about to lose it any seeding the entire time he’s on

Because he's miserable and Jewish, which are practically the same thing. His only friends are other unhappy comedians and he's too neurotic to quit working and just enjoy his billion dollars at the end of his life. Howard Stern is the same way.

Incels accuse that, doesn't make it true. CEO position of Disney just passed from a Jew to a non-Jew. That should be impossible if Yas Forums incel world view is true.

Holy shit he was jewish all along!

>Because he's miserable and high IQ, which are practically the same thing.


Said it before and I'll say it again. Seinfeld sucks and he can go suck a cock. Bob Saget has funnier stand up than this dude. The Seinfeld show fucking uses laughing tracks to instruct Americans to laugh. No one outside of America enjoys Seinfeld.

His comedy is more like moderately above average IQ, I'm guessing Jerry isn't exactly MENSA material

Yes, god forbid someone point out how retarded neonazis are on a site filled with neonazi shills. That's basically the same thing as claiming no Jewish person has ever done anything wrong.

I can tell you've never had friends because you don't understand banter

He is just a grumpy old white man

They'd call it banter if it were Mel Gibson. Since Seinfeld is Jewish all the 64 IQ armchair psychologists from Yas Forums are psychoanalyzing him.

Ah shut up. Entitled fans are so proud of themselves for their obvious attempts at flattery and freak out when the celebrity isn't giving them what they want. Having said that, Jerry IS a condescending ass


not him but... yes? you think being good at your craft = being a selfless person? such arrogance

Anyone who is a "fan" of a celebrity is a moron, so they don't have the awareness to realize their clever/adoring remark to their celebrity of choice is the 500th time it happened in the last week alone.

Not that anyone should feel bad for celebrities, but you can't expect all of them to embrace what is really insufferable, constant harassment.

Lol you don't see Iger's play here. Of course he passed CEO on to a non Jew. So all the blame when Disney goes bankrupt will shift off of him.

Silence, do not disrupt the Yas Forums narrative. We have to respect our lnigering refugees and their beliefs

watch his appearance on Steve Harvey's show.

that's his appeal, that's what his shtick was even in the seinfeld show

He just comes across as slightly introverted to me and that he hates people and what society has become.
1/2 the shit that happened in Seinfeld is now "offensive"

>instruct Americans to laugh
the laughtrack is just to have a crowd-of-friends simulator

>O-of course he d-did that! This doesn't disprove my entire world view at all because I can retroactively come up with some fiction to explain it away!

Were dinosaur bones also put here to test our faith? Fucking dogmatic shithead.

Part of why this board hates Seinfeld so much is that he's a Jew (among many) who vocally despises SJWs. His existence disproves everything Yas Forumsyps believe. Same exact reason they hate Ben Shapiro.

This. He's based. His only mistake is still living in America. In a 3rd world Asian country he'd be a fucking God.

This board doesn't hate Seinfeld at all you fucking Red*it jew tourist. Go fucking whine POL! like a little faggot somewhere else.

He was so succesful he tricked life and his peers into pretending he's an actually god tier comedian or you will be percieved as a jealous bitter cunt.

He's aware of the fact and dances on it. Reality is his bitch, he dabbed on art entirely with the power of money. He's corruption walking and he loves it.

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>. But don't forget the whole concept of the Seinfeld show was that an unknown comic was trying to make it big by getting his show produced.
I don't know about the WHOLE concept

jerry's a tit man so that's out of the question

>become a legend in the greatest countrt on earth
>bro but imagine he lived in a shithole

it's so obvious you're an American


How do we know you’re a simp with no friends?

Forgot one arrow point before the last one

>have your friend approach you with new hit interview show format, pretend you thought of it yourself and beat said friend in a lawsuit

Mormons do it every bit as often

Larry David wrote that

He’s had 30 years of gormless fucks shouting catch phrases at him at harassing him. I’m sure he’s being polite as he can be.

>oi just banter between the boys am I right
>boys will be boys wink wink
It's just passive aggressiveness because he's a little bitch afraid to be direct.

he's a miserable jew. This is their real personality.

You know for a fact that if Jerry lived in Bangladesh he could have daily walks stomping kids to death adn all the natives would do is quote the bassline and tell him how based Kramer was.

herro based department?

Mate it's just banter settle down aye

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