Who whacked him?

Who whacked him?

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Patsy and Carlo.

Paulie Walnuts

No one. He rots in jail. The theory that he dies is fucking stupid, cause there's no one to order his death left.

Chase said in an interview with Matt Zoller Seitz he was killed.

i dont care what chase said, the plot he wrote doesnt lead to tony's death. makes no sense in the actual series. yes it's heavily hinted at with the camera work but i dont give a fuck about that forced ending if the plot makes no sense that way.
chase is a pretentious hack

>there's no one to order his death left.

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and what indication was there that little carmine was even remotely antagonistic towards tony?
he says multiple times that he has given up the business and doesnt want to take over the family.
Now you could obviously say "he's lying", but there's never any indication of this. Never any suspicious action, never anything. It's a literal ass pull.
It holds as much value as saying AJ ordered Tony's killing because he wanted to take over.

holy fuck thanks for spoiler, asshole

>i dont care what chase said

Daily reminder that all his retardations were an act. He played everybody.


Watch the final season again, his death is ordered at the same time as all off his top Captains.

this poster is so dumb he probably votes for Bernie

Whacked him off*

jamal ginsberg punched his lights out

the vipers


He had a heart attack

The whole point is that it could have been countless people. The most obvious answer is that it was NY who brokered a separate peace behind Tony’s back or something they were compelled to do because of Phil’s inexcusably gruesome death.
But it also could have been a random person from NY of NJ like Bevilaqua and the other guy.
Most importantly though, it could have been the Interior Decorator, the sporting goods guy whose life Tony had a hand on ruining, or any relative of any of the hundreds of deaths and bankruptcies he’s associated with
Tony consistently acted as an influence in the ruination of people’s lives for like 35 years, the list of people who might want him dead is endless

This is just obvious bait I think

Butchie it's so obvious he had the means and motive

Most people can't hire hitmen

Patsy got over his brother. They spoon-feed this multiple times in a single episode.
Paulie loves T like a younger brother.
And a Chase has stated in interviews that Tony didn’t get whacked. Supposedly it’s the viewer getting whacked.


I had always hoped that he swung on Tony in his own house and got knocked the fuck out.

Deno "snake eyes"

Imagine taking things at such face value.

What if Pizza said in an interview 10 years after the fact that Rust and Marty were closeted lovers, would you buy that too?

>pretending to be a retard for ~40-odd years to become a mafia boss in your early '50s
Worth it?

Retcon is different from what was obviously his intention at the time. The flashback at the end of Blue Comet isn’t subtle and actually pushes the limits of good taste in how far he could go to hammer the point home.

Butchie, because Phil's head was crushed after the hit. T, was pretty fucked after Carlo flipped anyway.

the cia

Yeah it could have been retribution for making Phil’s daughter and grandkids watch his head explode (which could be why they make it a point to do it in front of his family) and a precaution because he was obviously going down.
They make it a point to show Tony reminding Carmella families aren’t supposed to be touched at the beginning of the war and to show Phil pointing out how Tony has never done any real jail time.

Well Butchie tacitly sanctioned the hit, which implied that Phil would have to be popped in front of his family, as he was on the lam with them. I think the head crush put it over the top. So when people laugh at the black comedy of Phil's head getting crushed (partially his wife's fault also), they're seeing the incident that led to Tony's death in front of his family, IMO.


Yeah, although I don’t think he lambchopped it with them. I think he was visiting with the Grandkids and left wherever he was hiding to meet them and the wife so I don’t think it was a given that they’d be witnesses


It wasn't Tony who got whacked it was his daughter, the guy who walked in after her tried to kill the blacks and the black shot back and one bullet hits her.

that fuckin zip?

and the total and final answer to your question of what happened to the main character of The Sopranos in the final moment of the series is [ ]

>Nearly 2 hours later
>Spoiler thread still up
inb4 complaining about moderation, fuck yourselves you fucking faggots.

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There a number of possibilities
>Little Carmine Butchie and the rest of NY would be mad that Phil got whacked in such a gruesome way in front of his family Anything involving family is a big no no That's why Tony's assassination in front of his family would be justified
>Patsy in a preemptive strike against Tony as Patsys son got wrapped up in drugs and he could flip exactly like Carlo and Patsy with the nod from Paulie could set up Tony's death The guy at the counter had a Members Only jacket like Eugene so definitely there could be a connection
>Eugene's wife knew Tony caused the suicide of her husband and with the money from Eugene's aunt could easily buy a high profile assassination
Personally I think it was a combination of NY being pissed off and Patsy and Paulie making a secret agreement to take Tony out

The last encounter between Paulie and Tony was strange, seemed something was off. I don't doubt Paulie and Patsy conspired to get Tony wacked.

>I don't doubt Paulie and Patsy conspired to get Tony wacked.

Did Patsy also order himself to be shot at?

I never really thought Paulie was in on the planning; although NY may have been counting on him to act as someone to consolidate things around in NJ after Tony’s death since he was the last one alive. Sort of an Uncle Junior type figurehead.
It just seems like they went through that whole episode showing how Tony and the family is all Paulie has and nothing after that really adds any additional strain to their relationship.
Besides idk why Paulie would make a thing out of not taking the Cifaretto crew if Tony was going to die.

No one. That sound at the end was the black guys hitting the bell to get service, he instinctively turned his head in that direction due to the loud sound
>B-but the director said tha-
Death of the author

>cause there's no one to order his death left.
No, this is fucking stupid, and wrong.

Not him but whatever machinations (if any) on the NJ side of the river that led to Tonys death definitely happened after the end of The Blue Comet, with Silvio and Bobby already having been hit.
It also could have just been NY acting unilaterally without informing anyone in NJ in response to Phil’s theatrical death. They’re motive was also compounded by the indictment news that came after the “peace”

So? It's not a show about most people.

it's so obviously wrong that no one has actually been able to counter it.

that doesn't mean shit
Ridley Scott said that Deckard was a replicant but he was wrong

absolute braynlit

Mikeys Ghost.

>entire globe currently embracing democratic socialism because of the current pandemic including far right American republican government implementing left wing social welfare policies out of economic necessity
>"lol bernie so dumb"
this is some stage 4 metastasized cope

Idk why people act like they needed an interview for confirmation. Bobby says on camera what happens when you die and they flash back to it at the end of the penultimate episode. It’s not subtle.
If you don’t like it or think it’s impractical or unrealistic that’s fine but it’s ridiculous to say that the ending was designed to imply anything other than Tony’s death.

No he's right, Deckard was always a replicant

Calling anything currently happening democratic socialism is beyond cope and into complete delusion territory
Democratic socialism being complete delusion itself, it won't exactly surprise anybody that its proponents are nuts at best and completely braindead at worst.

The entire Soprano family was ordered to be wiped out all at the same time, when Bobby and Sil are shot, Tony is also on the list to be killed. It just doesn't happen in a quick succession. I don't know how people have trouble understanding this. When Tony goes to the meeting to squash everything with NY and put an end to the killings, NY simply lie to him to make him feel safe and wait for him to come back out in the open again.

When he dies in the restaurant, that was just NY waiting for him to be an easy kill.

nice fanfic

I think Tony died, but I don't care what the show creator said. If he wanted to make it clear that he died then he would have.

It was that black kid that washed Junior's car.

it makes no sense that all of Phil's capos would betray him and suddenly back Tony because Phil is supposedly not reasonable enough for them and Tony, of all people, would be?
Butch saw Tony squash some guy's head in front of him for fuck's sake

was the gabbagool to true villain?

>nice fanfic

It's literally what is shown in the show itself.

The real gabagool was the friends they whacked along the way

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how can you fucking possibly take that at face value??? answer for yourself

>death of the author
Fancy word for I am an arrogant brainlet and my special snowflake fanfic is better than whatever the author means to convey

The poor prick wears sneakers wrapped in duct tape.

The members only guy for his brothers death. Even though he’s insignificant, it’s supposed to prove that Tony was in danger all the time and could be killed by anyone

Nah I don’t think it was meaningless. If nothing else NY genuinely wanted Tony alive long enough for his people to kill Phil.
The circumstances of Phil’s death, and Tony’s indictment definitely play in.
It’s also weird that you simultaneously say people are dumb for not understanding what was right in front of them (the hit order from in NY) and then for not instantly assuming the five minute summit meeting scene was a fake out. Like you ridicule viewers for subtext in one scene and say it’s dumb to not look for it in another.

While it's likely that Paulie became the boss by default and the NJ family becomes a total puppet of New York, it was clear from his last scene with Tony that he didn't want power himself. The only time Paulie seemed interested in being boss was when Johnny Sack was bullshitting him in S4.

It's pretty retarded for people to think that only Tony's captain's were targeted and never Tony himself, and to think that Tony either didn't die, or was killed by someone else other than NY, yes.

He's lying through his teeth because he doesn't want Tony to suspect him.
Anyway, he would be the mediocre boss of a skeleton crew, puppet of a New York mafia which is only the shadow of what it was even a season ago with no real prospects of recovery
It's a actually the mafia getting whacked in the last scene, trapped in a perpetual circle of self-destructive violence, bravo chase