Oh long Johnson

Oh long Johnson

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what was that cats fucking problem??

it was a different time


Best thread in a while

>what was this cats problem??

long johnsons

Haha an absoloute classic :)

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that kino is based and redpilled

It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary!

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I miss when the internet used to be like this now all the same people who used to find shit like this funny are all the woke fags on twitter calling for someone else o be cancelled for saying no-no words

back when memes were actually funny and not just the same group of subhuman thirdworlders repeating sneed over and over again or greentexting your post and putting a soijack next to it. Fucking embarrassing what's happened to this forum we used to actually be funny and you zoomer fucks turned it into this. Moot would be ashamed of you people.

>back when memes were actually funny and not just the same group of subhuman thirdworlders repeating sneed over and over again or greentexting your post and putting a soijack next to it. Fucking embarrassing what's happened to this forum we used to actually be funny and you zoomer fucks turned it into this. Moot would be ashamed of you people.

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how does eric roberts do it

literally nobody:
not a single soul:
not even Keanu Reeves:
not even the aliens in Area 51
not even Big Chungus
not even Instagram Normies:
zoomer memes: *exist*
user: I’m about to end this man’s whole career
zoomers: wait, that’s illegal
Keanu Reeves: you’re breathtaking
Pewdiepie: and that’s a fact
Baby Yoda: Creeper, Aw Man
Elon Musk: because that’s what heroes do
Moot: ‘nuff said
*megalovania plays over credits*
Nick Fury in post credits scene: I’d like to talk to you about the avengers initiative

thanks for the gold kind stranger!

edit: omg this blew up!

edit 2: im literally in tears right now! free boops for everyone!

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You have become the very thing you set out to destroy

literally fucking who?



i rest my case

>i rest my case

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i rest my case

based rester

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> i rest my case

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how are those fish alive if he's crying out tears with salt in them retard. Christ you're so stupid its incredible, how do you even feed yourself you fucking braindead idiot


they're saltwater fishe

>this forum

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Imagine growing up dreaming to be a credible actor, and having to be on the cover of that travesty.


>and the voice of Eric Roberts

Someone give me a (You) and call me a samefag. I'm lonely.

uh oh woops I GOT EXPOSED... LOL im so fucking stupid haha

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The thread eater comes.

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inspect element

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absolute state of myself


seething samefag gets caught out and goes full damage control. hilarious

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stop talking to yourself you dumb faggot

Lol sorry, no.

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what the fuck this can't be real


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Inspect element

SEETHING when exposed, as always the samefag has no response but the automated one, he is completely exposed as i have real evidence.

didn't you know? Yas Forums is only one person talking to himself

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I've got a one way ticket b@ck to reddit with your name on it kiddo

samefag btw


>Oh long Johnson

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samefag btw

It is. They used wires to make his legs move like that. It's actually pretty cruel as the cat can get harmed with cuts and stuff if they move too fast.

Fags like you are annoying because you're clearly a newfag yourself. All those epic memes from the past you talk about became just as forced and overplayed as soijack is now. Take based for example, people used to bitch and whine like you're doing now when based became widespread.


Nigger can't cope because he got btfo

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samefag btw

kek, what a retard

nice, user. I just like supporting random anons kek. Didn't even read what you wrote

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Is this real?

Nice inspect element samefag

samefag inspect element


samefag detected

stop being so obvious samefag

inspect element samefag

why are you people doing this, I just wanted to talk about television and film


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best thread right now

>why are you people doing this, I just wanted to talk about television and film

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>best thread right now

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Why won't anyone greentext me? I just wanted to talk about long johnsons.

The girls in this movie were 10/10, and even the milf is hot.



Based is not old, though I'm now afraid to look up when it became commonplace because maybe I'm just old

Do you have Battletoads?

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My mom said I was based when I was in 8th grade so at least 2017

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what the fuck i was in 8th grade in 2017 that's cool dude

Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

>Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

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Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

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Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

>what the fuck i was in 8th grade in 2017 that's cool dude

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>Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

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i swear i saw this exact same thread with these exact same replies half a week ago



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Could we maybe get a mod in here I mean jesus fucking christ just look at the state of things

reported for low quality

Reported for announcing a reporting


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jesse cox is a child abusers that's why he left teaching

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dluac efbya qgfg doaf