Anya Taylor-Joy In The Running To Replace Charlize Theron As FURIOSA In MAD MAX Spinoff

Good casting Yas Forums?

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who the fuck cares about furiosa? wasn't there enough of her in the movie already... and kinda too little opf max?

She would be utterly unconvincing as a bad-ass stronk womyn. They are really trying to fuck this up, aren't they?

i'd prefer Aya

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Wtf just bring Theron back if they’re gonna do another Furiosa story. Though I’d rather have more of Hardy as Max, preferably with more speaking and screen time.

Ayy lmao

Why do we need more of her story? I want a new Mad Max story set in that world. Not one without Max covering the same place as last time.

wasnt she sid the sloth in ice age?

Sounds like bouncy ayy lmao kino.


wtf i suddenly like Furiosa now?

its a prequel that takes place like 15 years before fury, so it makes sense to have a younger bitch play her

Her arc is done. She doesnt need a sequel/prequel.

This will bomb harder than Fury Road
Why the fuck are they making it a feminist movie?
Do the exects really think women will go watch this shite?

I wonder if the hair has to go

>We previously reported that Watchmen and Aquaman actor Yahya Abdul-Mateen II was being eyed for the male lead
>nigging up Mad Max

Why now woman of color?

How does this disgusting pig keep finding work at all?


Her teeth are shit

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If I had to make a guess, the story is gonna chronicle Furiosa as a slave, how she lost her arm while escaping her captors, freeing others slaves, but those slave are eventually caught and killed, thus a redemption arc as Furiosa tries to amend her mistake.

Everything in this sentence reflects the retarded thinking in hollywood of the past 20 years.
>This should have been another Hardy Mad Max film with a different adventure in a different town

>insufferable hyper-leftist bitch

>elf-fu that's frickin adorable in every way

Which to choose?


I thought Charlize was a real nigga, why doesn't she want to return?

>makes kino in your path

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What the fuck a prequel? It was already a miracle that they pulled it off with someone else aside from Mel Gibson.

Just carry on with Hardy he's been begging for it for a decade and he was great.

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She isn't badass yet. She probably gets raped on screen.

meanwhile max is a side character and the movie is about vaginas now. i mean the last one was also about vaginas.

I wouldn't mind if the next ones about Anya's vagina


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Name one kino shes been in.

The VVitch, Split, Thoroughbreds.

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Wait a mothefucking goddamn minute there, Tom Hardy isn't returning as Max? What the fuck i need my grunt kino been waiting years YEARS for it.

What is that happy feet motherfucker George Miller thinking?

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i dont care about these movies but i would cum deep inside her pussy

Hapa. She kinda has the same alien look of Anya but how is her bewb game?

these and she's going to be in the next Eggers kino

I like Furiosa but why? Her story is told. Move on to new things.

she isnt a hapa

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It wouldn't make sense for Max to return if the movies about Furiosa's origin.

Well she is british after all.


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George Miller is literaly 75 fucking years old, by the time this is ready to release he'll be at the very least 77 if corona even allows production to start in a timely fashion.

Wich means if he EVER gets to make another Mad Max movie he would be in his fucking 80s for it. Why in the fuck is he making his comeback with a fucking prequel/spinoff when it could easily be his last film ever let alone in the Mad Max franchise.

What the fuck is going on, after 5 fucking years of legal fuckery and delays he pulls shit bullshit?

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I've never agreed and disagreed with a post more in my life. It looks like a fucking terrible idea. But even Tom Hardy fought Miller on production during Fury Road. If anybody could pull out a surprise win, it might be him.

what a kino cast

None of those is even remotely good.



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They're too late it's gonna be another birds of prey.

why is there a spin off, who is asking for this shit?
we just want tom hardy grunting kino back

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What's wrong with the old Furiosa?

I have zero interest in that story, and I also hate prequels.

Don't think Max is gonna be in the next film.

too old

Oh, it's gonna be a prequel.

Imagine a Bane prequel set in the Nolan universe. I think Furiosa is gonna be something like that.

>Madden is eyed for Dementius, the man who lured Furiosa away from her community and sold her into slavery. He is described as "breathtakingly handsome, with a deep forehead wound stitched together with shiny chrome staples". Mateen would be a drifter seeking revenge against Dementius who crosses paths with Furiosa, and Hugh Keays-Byrne is also expected to reprise his role as Immortan Joe.

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"Solded into slavery"

Dude, I just called that shit here:

Stop posting threads involving Anya, they just make me depressed.

ANya is a WOC

WTF is that chink furio? WHAT THE FUCK


So, she will be rape right?