Is this how it's gonna go? how many of you are infected?
Is this how it's gonna go? how many of you are infected?
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They discovered a vaccine within a few months, so no.
no, that virus had a death rate of like 30% in that movie
also, the governments acted more competently in the movie. it says a lot that even in this dystopian movies, a president as retarded as trump was just seen as unfathomable
>Is this how it's gonna go?
No, coronavirus is a meme.
imagine a virus as contagious as coronavirus and as deady as ebola would be a apocalypse tier scenario.
imagine airborne rabies
Name what he has done and what you wish he did, you politically obsessed faggot. I'm betting you're an NPC incapable of any reasoning behind 'republican bad'.
Yeah, that's why the disease is so deadly in the movie. I think the one guy who got it from goop they find on the bus was asymptomatic for like a week they say.
Not him but block travel to and from China back in January.
i wish he would not be a morbidly obese, dementing piece of garbage subhuman
i wish that he didn't use his twitter to tell his retarded drone followers like you that this virus is not as bad as the common flu or would disappear before easter
i wish that every single one of his mentally ill, jew-adoring, hamburger-munching subhuman garbage voters got this virus and died a slow, painful death
Sure. Though, I think America was one of the first to get a travel ban in place. I know Australia lagged weeks or more behind, and our retards kept letting Chinese students in because our unis depend on them.
You didn't really make a point in there, but you sure did seethe like a retard. Not a Trump fan, but I hate the people incapable of critical thought that don't assess an action on its merits because they're caught in ...what, a lefty echo chamber? I'd address the only coherent thing you said, that he downplayed the outbreak, but why would I spend time looking that up when you're incapable of a good faith argument?
They’re here in American universities too. First case in Arizona was an ASU Chinese student.
America was one of the first if I recall, at the beginning of February.
trump-tier deflecting baby
fuck you and fuck trump
stfu you stupid faggot that movie is like "the expendables" but for normies, also the virus was much deadlier.
t. Jew loving nigger
>that virus had a death rate of like 30% in that movie
Coronavirus is much more infectious than the movie virus
No it isn't. Corona has an r0 of 2-3. MEV-1 was like 4 before it mutated.
if virus evolves maybe. corona mortality rate is 0.2, not 25%
The reason Ebola isn’t world ending is because it kills too fast to spread like corona
Im not even a Trump-hater, but Trump dismantled the Taskforce protocols and funding that Obama had set in place in case an epidemic happened.
SEETHE harder
Trump actually consolidated a lot of the positions. Obama actually did dismantle several divisions though. But I guess you didn't realize that, being the low-IQ goldfish you are.
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary
It was 2 before the mutation, and then it jumped to something higher I can't recall.
Ah yup, I've just read up on it here, though the piece is pretty heavily slanted and one of the links they pretend is a source just goes to a guy's twitter. Thanks for the input.
Seems like substantial cuts and a lack of determined pandemic response structure.
Know where I can look up details of consolidation?
There's definitely some incorrect conflation of cutting Ebola programs overseas with pandemic response
That’s already what MERS is, which is a Coronavirus
Just recently rewatched this. I remember being underwhelmed by it the first time I watched it way back when, and I was underwhelmed this time as well. The first half is very good, showing the progression/spread and the start of societal breakdown. But then the second half ruins it for me because it just quickly glosses over all the secondary effects of entire countries shutting down due to a super-virus. The most we see of that is some grocery store looting for 30 seconds. Then we get Vaccine Ex Machina and suddenly everything is back to normal.
Agreed. It starts strong and then kind of falls flat glossing over everything. It's like it needed to be longer and a lot of shit was cut out.
>America on the brink of collapse
Imagine what us third worlders are gonna experience in the next few weeks when food runs out and most people get fired
This kill the anti-vaxxer
MERS doesn't spread between people anywhere near as well as Coronavirus or even Ebola. It's R0 is like 0.5
Exactly. And it's only 1:45 long, which is quite short by today's standards. Normally I'm a critic of the modern trend of every movie needing to be a 3 hour extravaganza, but this was definitely the type of movie where they could've added a little more time to properly flesh out the effects of a plague during/after. Especially if they also cut out some of the stuff that IMO wasn't really relevant, like Marion being a hostage in the chink fishing village or whatever the fuck.
>tfw taking a massive shit before working from home, don't have to hurry because my "office" is right here
It's kinda comfy I have to admit
>USA will have more infected than China and Italy today
LMAO but muh herd immunity
My job is essential (pharmacist) so I still have to drive to work every day, but the lockdown has made my drives along the interstate much more comfy. i-95 is practically dead during morning rush hour and I get to make it to work in half the time. It's been ridiculously busy over the past 2-3 weeks with everyone panic-buying all their meds, but this week we've finally reached a point where most people have their shit and are now too afraid to come in to the pharmacy, so it's finally chilled out. Hopefully things stay like this for a while.
Predictive Programing
>US Initial Jobless Claims skyrocket to 3,283,000
This is REALLY fucking bad and it's only going to become worse. We're about to live real life apocalypse Kino.
You prepared?
>Coronavirus has an overall 1% chance to kill
>Pandemic in Contagion had an overall 25% chance to kill
The situation in the movie is barely comparable.
it's basically airborne hiv, that stays in your nervous system and gut bacteria until it resurfaces, again and again, each time making more damage. we're fucked, it's the endgame.
>Marion being a hostage in the chink fishing village or whatever the fuck.
honestly what was the point of that plotline. was it to reveal that chinks were covering up something? that could have been done in one scene.
I've tried to spread it as much as I can. Every dead boomer is a net positive for the world and the taxpayer's wallet
>I've tried to spread it as much as I can. Every dead boomer is a net positive for the world and the taxpayer's wallet
Watch that edge, man.
Nobody... nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired.
>honestly what was the point of that plotline.
People do desperate things during a pandemic?
The runners are wrecking my head , they are all over the place huffing and puffing,, We need to ban running and spewing virus everywhere
I know you're probably being ironic but this is very dangerous thinking. How serious do things have to get before you realize you're just a contrarian retard begging for attention?
Since im not from the US, its funny to see you guys bickering like this before your inevitable death. LMAO
Pick one.
>I'm incapable of a good faith argument.
American website
*coughs on you*
Kill yourself Trumptard
It's 1% because your healthcare system isn't over-saturated yet retard. Wait a month then tell me about the overall death rate, crime rate, interest rate, infection rate, birth rate, etc. Good riddance, stay the fuck in your country and never leave.
What the fuck was the point of Marion Cotillard in this movie. She had like two scenes.
>*coughs on you*
You know you're online and not really coughing on me, right?
Nor would you ever do that in IRL because you would be arrested for making terrorist threats.
i live in canada now, left when drumpf got elected unironically
Like 50 million died in US alone tho so....heyooooo
You ok sweetie? Need a little attention?
I mean, it's mutated twice before even leaving China, it could still mutate.
Good for you. Do you know what the rate of emigration from US to Canada is?
>They discovered a vaccine within a few months, so no.
Still took them nearly a year to produce it in sufficient quantities.
*licks your cutlery*
psssh...nothin personnel, kid
yeah it's not a great movie. you're right. the first half is pretty good then it loses steam. shouldn't have had a hollywood happy ending either.
>making a permanent decision because someone got elected for 4-8 years
>Orange man bad everytime
Can we just stay on topic for once and not bring him up? And before you sperg out he is hardly the most retarded politician out there
>*licks your cutlery*
>psssh...nothin personnel, kid
You've never done that and to even attempt it, you'd have to be inside my home. If you were, I'd shoot you as an intruder.
So again, why are you acting like what you say online is what you're doing IRL?
Are you really that much of a loser?
dunno dont csre plus youre a drumpftard
i can choose to come back when i want
>think coronavirus is a meme
>wash my hands more than often but not really fussed
>my gf's parents are infected
>my gf's grandfather has died
bros it ain't just a flu
>i can choose to come back when i want
But Trump's policies will still be in place long after he's gone. He's gotten 2 supreme court appointments and will probably get a third by the time he's done.
You'll be living in Trump's America.
Federally based.
are you actually autistic?
>Can we just stay on topic for once and not bring him up?
He is the President of the country? How can anyone not bring him up in this kind of a situation.
>And before you sperg out he is hardly the most retarded politician out there
US is the strongest Nation of the world. How can the world's most powerful country have a barely competent guy for a President?
thats why i wont come back even tho i can
the USA is a dying nation
>are you actually autistic?
I'm not the one larping as an edgelord.
Not him but
>international travel ban
>domestic travel ban for specific hotspots
>more funding for relief efforts compared to the stock market
>mandatory work and school shutdowns in areas that are heavily affected
>not talking about “going back to normal” barely two weeks into quarantine
>the USA is a dying nation
It's cute how you think that should the USA collapse it won't take Canada down with it.
it won't, kid
>Horde of zombies coming to eat you alive
>Ah well least i'm vaccinated that'll show those skeptics
China already has the vaccine. That's why they kicked out the American reporters because they didn't want them to find out.
Oy vey
>it won't, kid
Gosh, it's almost like the media is intentionally overblowing the problems as an attempt to damage Trump.