Surprisingly deep quotes from unexpected sources

Surprisingly deep quotes from unexpected sources.

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wow that's deep billy bob

"Do you think God stays in heaven because he too, lives in fear of what he's created?"- Spy Kids 2

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Unironically deep. The more bound to reality you are the more empty your actual life becomes

I like Karl but this one is stupid.

>I'd rather be ugly among beautiful people than beautiful among ugly people

>unexpected sources
He won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, everyone and their mothers knows Billy Bob has culture

Exactly. Better view innit?

If you have a gf you will sleep better

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OP is a fag


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Not if it's in a twin bed which is all I have and all I can afford.

"Fucking Jews... Jews are responsible for all wars in the world." -- Mel Gibson

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Okay, I like her more now

Imagine looking like this, having shekels and still do drugs. Crazy.

I had one and she made me a cuck

this ones stupid because palaces are generally beautiful inside too



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Really astonishingly profound quote from Homer J. Simpson... Wow.

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It made sense in the context of the show, he was at the city of Petra where the facade was the main attraction and inside was like a cave, so you might as well be in the cave looking at the facade

this suddenly makes sense.

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do you seriously go to prison in the US for smoking weed? jesus

She cool

Not really. There is almost no one in prison purely for possession or consumption.

so it's just joe being a dumb meathead again

Hard cringe at the metal heads itt.

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This is a common myth faggots use to justify defending black people. Only way you would go to jail for weed possession is if you're either dealing high quantities, or you repeatedly violate probation. Seriously when you look into it, any time some nigger "is in jail for a weed charge," it's usually because he got caught with it which violated his felony probation for assault and robbery.

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you had me in the first half



She is so nice

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Based trump

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Holy bazoongles. And it's only a small portion.

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What do you listen to gaylord, indie rock?

If she burns down a church i might have to reconsider my opinion of her.

Basically, no.

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I don't get it.

it's not stupid

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No way this is real. That reads like something a kid who's smoked his brains away would say

Why the fuck does this nigger have a career?

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He is a rapist too, but he got away with it because black science man

Look up his 60 minutes interview, I think it was from the 80s? 90s? He was so calm and articulate when he was younger, which leads me to believe that his current "slow 3rd grader picked to read" manner of speech is some kind of ploy to appeal to the masses.

Only if you're black

This is the moron that tweets all the time that "calendars aren't even real durrr"


Mixing different classes of prescription sedatives without Doctor consultation will cure insomnia forever - Heath Ledger

We never actually confirmed who Varg’s daughter was


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Perhaps the film The Dark Knight should instead be called The Man Who Dressed as an Anthropomorphic Armored Bat.


Metal is extremely cringe but Varg is beyond based

Are you talking about the time he touched a girl’s arm and made a lame joke/pick up line or something else?

There's a theory that he uses OTC decongestants as a stimulant, which could also explain the rambling.

>famous Spanish explorers came from Italy
Really jogging my noggin

Didn't know she's cool

No, that one time he held down a grad student at knife point and raped her until she admitted birthdays don't have any meaning to the cosmos

>goodfellas is about degenerate wop cunts
>bad boys is about house niggers faking real street shit
How is he wrong?

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>only 190 in Batman
Christ he looked fuggin thick in that movie. How tall is this guy?

wtf i unironically love brie larson now

>How tall is this guy?
He's pretty big

simplistic. you get arrested for being part of the criminal supply chain and having something which the government has deemed bad for the populace. the muh plant argument is dumb. they should prove that the claims the government make as to why it is bad are false.

>people who think they're cool because they can claim the words "death" and "metal in their utterly shit music
You people wouldn't know what good music is even if it was wearing an "ok boomer" t-shirt

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i seriously hate this person more than anyone i actually know irl

I’m gonna have to do this next chance I get to do some nonconsent play.

if you're 16 and are a Yas Forums aficionado, maybe
nothing he says or does makes sense

Welcome to the cringe folder.

shut the fuck up.

Fuckin' BASED Trump.

spain is closer to america, so the ships got their quicker. what became italy had a good shipfaring culture and trade routes.

>italy valued stabbing each other in the back while the spanish valued stealing things, thats why latin america is a shithole. t. science nigger

You seem really hostile about something you clearly know nothing about and have no interest in. It’s really weird.

>I'd rather be a pauper than a prince

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kek that quote did unironically stick with me even though i've only ever thought of it in a funny frightful context

If the ethical thing would be to starve or be killed in your native land, would you do it you cuck?

>he wants to be ogled by ugly coomerchads waiting for the day society collapses so they can have their way with him
not that i'm projecting or anything