Time to apologise, Yas Forums.
Time to apologise, Yas Forums
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>Apologize for the fuck up we've made in the first place
Holy tiananmen square, the nerve of this country.
Hello, Based Department?
fuck chinks they're ruining this country
We are sorry for not nuking you much sooner
maybe once they stop shoving literally any fucking thing in their mouths
Diversity is our strength
this fucking Jennifer Zhang account - avoid the it if you want to stay on top of actual events. This bitch(?) tweets whatever, to make mainland china look bad - which is not a bad intention but like, make sure you have your grain of salt. Videos of dark Office buildings at night and saying it's apartments and everybody died, all kind of misleading fake shit
why are black people so racist
>the balls on these slants
Your english skills are suspicious Ching. T. Winnie the Pooh, Tianamen Square.
They're not white so they "don't have privilege" so they're allowed to be as racist as they want.
chinese posturing and 'saving face' is a big cultural difference that western people don't understand
a chinese person will straight up lie to save face even when everyone is aware it is a lie
nothing is set in stone for the chinese. when you read chinese history, there's warlords that might switch sides two or three times in one battle and no one really thinks much of it
>nigs are more based than our libs faggots
what a sad world.
>chinese people cover their noses around black people
>demand an international apology when it's coming back their way
The chinks are going to non-ironically, non-memeing pay for this when this is done
Fuck China. They dont care about anybody and hate everyone that isn't them.
thought that was Denethor on the right
nothing will happen user chinks will rule this world soon.
When this is all said and done the economy will be in the toilet and China will be the new world superpower. The USA will have to act fast and start a war with China in order to enter wartime economy and be the worlds economic and military superpower again
Screenshot this
god I hope this happens we need another world war too many liberals are in the west.
It's already basically over for them, meanwhile the west is getting fucked.
You're not in charge anymore.
Will never happen, China is a nuclear power.
I'm sorry
This. At first we thought the disease was manufactured to reduce the Chinese population. Now we see that their goal is to wipe out the rest of the world.
screenshot your trash yourself fag
Shame a billion of them weren't "sacrificed".
Wasn't this guy charged with a hate crime for this? Lol
>soulless chinks eat animals alive
>they lie about the virus for the first two months allowing it to spread all over the world
>now they blame everyone else for spreading the virus
This is the future. A lying evil soulless chinks ruling the earth. Expect more pandemics, faster extinction rate of most animals and total pollution of the earth in near future.
200 years and human race goes extinct if the chinks take over.
>create virus that infects most of the civilized world
>refuse to help infected countrymen
>fudge numbers so it looks like things are getting better
>demands apology
Nuke China.
Based Jamal
fucking chinks ruining everything
>It's already basically over for them
Imagine believing this. I don’t know if you’ve noticed mate, but China and the US are in a race to see who can restart their economy first. It doesn’t mean that coronavirus has been solved in China.
hey now, calling them out for things they did is racism
The only thing America should apologize for is joining the wrong side in WWII. We could have helped the based Japanese eradicate the chinks.
What? He's black.
Too bad "real" Italians are fucking cucks singing from their balconies thanking China.
We're sorry you fuckers can't stop eating bats
I want to see what that sign reads. I can make out "justice" and need a good cringe.
Did she hide all the tweets saying that's not even the correct translation to what that news reporter is saying?
Oh wait, it doesn't matter. Just posting fake news everywhere.
? ? ?
Japan declared war on the Allied powers because they wanted their territories in SEA
When they attacked Pearl Harbor they also attacked the Philippines and Hong Kong
America never had a say in which side they were on
Oddly enough most of the racist attacks on Chinese people since this whole thing started have been by black people. Pretty much every video of an asian person being attacked/harassed over the virus thing has had black attackers.
chinese hate is literally a jewish position
Damn she cute
>facebuuk com/pg/jenniferzeng97/about/
>Falun Gong
You realize the Japanese also wanted the Philippines, Guam, and Hawaii right?
>tfw we did not let japs end it
and hating both is a based position
japan attacked pearl harbour becauser it was inevitable they would have to attack america's navy to get the oil supplies they needed. the attakc on pearl harbour was the most damaging attack they could do since those on hawaii were not prepared even though some top american officials had intel that it would happen but thought it was ridiculous
seriously though what the fuck is wrong with the chinese? why are they so evil?
Black people and Asians fucking despise each other. Black/white tensions get a lot of attention but all the Asians I've met are condescending at least to blacks, most hate them, and blacks fucking hate Asians too.
But at least black people have personalities
asian version of the chosen peoples
Asians and niggers don’t really get along. Most of the stores that were looted and burned in the LA riots were korean.
You acting like all Black and Asian people hate each other.
Ok maybe just 98% I'll give you that
she is not cute
there was a story in Melbourne of a 'racist' corner store owner putting up a sign in the front saying 'no blacks' because 'african youths' kept coming in and stealing shit and it turned out the store owner was chinese and the media struggled to spin the story to blame whites and just dropped it
the one on the left you imbecile
>dude just side with the subhuman bugmen who attacked you first
weebs will hang alongside the chink apologists
>becauser it was inevitable they would have to attack america's navy to get the oil supplies they needed
Well they could have always just stopped slaughtering Chinese people. It's annoying when people act like Japan had no choice, like America put them in some impossible position where they needed that oil/rubber to survive. All they had to do was just settle for "only" controlling Manchuria/Taiwan and the embargo would have been lifted.
>some top american officials had intel that it would happen but thought it was ridiculous
The American officials assumed the attack would be on the Philippines, which couldn't really be defended anyway. And they were right, the Japs just hit the Philippines *and* Hawaii.
How is that odd at all?
>Well they could have always just stopped slaughtering Chinese people
That's where we disagree
Odd because the official line is that Trump is goading white people into attacking asians
i'm not justifying their attack on pearl harbour, just that they themselves believed that it was their best option for securing oil without stopping their onslaught
it's only true if a blue checkmark posted it on twitter