>movies big mystery is a front facing shot and various lights
>movies big mystery is a front facing shot and various lights
That's hardly a mystery. What did you want? A shot into the fucking light?
What was the light?
Name five (5) movies where this happens
Turn a light on and look straight into it.
Probably a bunch of horror movies
>Prometheus steals fire
>Is punished
What's to get?
literal retards like you shouldn't watch movies
>What was the light?
holy fuck dude, its almost as if you were meant to think about just that question
Pulp Fiction
So we've got 4 though I don't think interstellar really counts.
What's to think about
Either it's something or it's nothing
>It could be anything you imagine it to be VIEWER!
Well I imagined that there was a better script in there
no its not "anything you imagine it to be VIEWER!" my god do you even try to engage with the media that is presented to you? there are details throughout the entire movie that are meant to aid with your interpretation of what the light is, the fact that he dies upon looking at it is just another one of those details, another being what is referring to.
What details?
The light drove the other guy lantern man mad before thomas
Current lightman likes to get drunk and watch it
Hes also an octopus I guess or that was a hallucination
The light is either a nothing burger because muh madness
Or it's something to do with Poseidon
there you go, you now have two more questions to work out, have fun thinking the movie over, welcome to the actually stimulating aspect of art
Truth is...it doesn't matter.
This reminded me of the scene from The House That Jack Built, the negative light.
>What was the light?
Literally just light. Are you fucking retarded?
Or more along the lines of I'm not going to care, probably write the movie off as being garbage, never think about it again and consume something else
Movies aren't some well crafted book, or some high art video game where I can lay down in bed and ponder away all night
It's literally consume popcorn media where even the highest iq movie barely scratches that puzzle and ponder itch
fucking hot watching him "fist" the light and throw his head back in pleasure.
Prove it.
>Or some high art video game where I can lay down in bed and ponder away all night
>High art video games
Kek. Maybe name some of these non existent vidya?
Persona 2
Dark souls the entire series
Silent Hill 3
Final fantasy 4 and 9
Also deadly preminition
>"babies first real games" tier vidya
What about Dark souls would make you "ponder"?
oh my god... watch more movies, have you seen anything by:
just to name a few super entry level artsy directors
reminder that this movie is about what happens when a coomer finally snaps
Mother 3
FF tactics
World ends with you
Front mission 3
Every Japanese porn game from the 90s
Anything made by alicesoft
Am I cool now?
Nothing. He was experiencing the ecstasy of being next to the light, believing he had achieved a great goal and elevated his status, which was all for naught because he was in the end still a mortal. Death can come at any instant and wipe it all away. If there's any greater single message in the film, that is it. All the worship and toil and guilt of religion does not change man.
>my god do you even try to engage with the media that is presented to you?
imagine being this pathetic. get a fucking job and a wife you fucking loser
>Am I cool now?
No user. It's laughable how shit and contrived your taste in vidya is. And to think cinema is just "consume popcorn media" when your best example of artistic vidya is a twin peaks rip off and Final Fantasy
holy shit, you're shit... it's genuinely CoomerKino.
I hate the French
Romance is boring
I can't say anything I really like Solaris
>Hanky panky
Baby's first "this is what my teacher told me to watch"
Eh fine
That being said none of these movies I care a lot for
Honestly I just hate the median of movies
Thats a different movie
I am surprised no one has tried putting one of those "stroke" pictures into a movie yet. It'd be a good way to portray incomprehensibility.
user, what are these "stroke" pictures you speak of?
SWERY said that he never watched it
Its literally just a coincidence
And what's wrong with final fantasy?
Shit is kino
name 5 movies
>big mystery
It's just a fucking light. He was drunk, stupid and deranged and he burned his hand. I think I'm more tired of people thinking way too deep about the simplest fucking things in movies.
fuck bros I can't do it..!
Call of duty 4 - black ops 1 were really fun you get to commit mass killing
Too be on serious nier automata make u think if you get to the third playthrough which I havent completed because the enemies are damage sponges and 2b is dead
I'm not the only one who thinks he was fisting the light at the end... right?
the movie is explicitly made for multiple explanations you dunce
yeah what's up with the autism ITT
>It's just a fucking light. He was drunk, stupid and deranged and he burned his hand.
This. The director/writer said the movie is really just about two guys going crazy on an island. All the symbolism and mermaid shit is just what "Younger" is hallucinating or fantasizing about.
Not the poster you're replying to.
But it is just light. He coveted the light because the old man worshiped it, and he fell to his death because he was clumsy and had an injured leg.
This entire movie is a dark satire about religion, told in a condensed lifetime. Wake is an insane person who made this light out to be something to be obtained, laid down a bunch of laws and moral edicts for Winslow to follow, asked Winslow for constant love and validation, and judged him mercilessly. This is every religion. It's a crazy man selling the idea that he knows God, and Winslow is every person who decides to buy into that delusion.
What does being in control of the light bring? Nothing. Winslow dies pathetically just as every other sorry asshole in the world. This is a stupid, pointless endeavor that has been repeated billions of times.
This is not a senseless movie, it's just about senselessness.
OP is a dumb Yas Forumstard that thinks his video games are art but can't even grasp the meaning of ending in this movie
>The porn lad
Why didn't he lose his mind over the light
There are pictures that are supposed to replicate what a stroke affecting your visual cortex would look like. They all are filled with things you can almost make sense of but if you look closely its just jumbles of nothing.
that's the face of a fucker Coomer, you can't tell me otherwise. You Just Know he fucking painted that light with his jizz, he glazed it with fucking come.
I would love a picture or a link user. Indulge me?
Why didn't he won the oscar?
The farts maybe. That, or the lack of a scene consisting of him railing Winslow.
and angel/ radiactive being who came down to blow him
nobody likes coomers
u really didnt understand shit if the question what in the light was, was of any significance for you.