What acteur could portray the Doom Slayer?

What acteur could portray the Doom Slayer?

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one who can shut the fuck up, iow none

Agent Nelson from boardwalk empire

Idris Elba

Karl Urban or the guy from Hardcore Henry

Only one

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Nobody. He will be 100% CGI. You know this to be true.

Well he doesn't talk so it's all about physique, John Cena or Bautista?

Karl Urban

This give him another chance in a DOOM movie

A flat one

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Just bring back Karl Urban.

>John Cena
this. As long as he doesn't talk and just rips and tears

Idris Elba.

Tom Hardy

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this woman

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He's a manlet

The Icelandic guy who played The mountain

>Karl Urban
>Karl Urban
>Karl Urban

Whoever has the face and the muscles.
Doesn't have to be an actor at all. He doesn't say anything and wears a helmet.

Chance of a good doom movie ever is 0%. Hollywood fags keep shitting video game adaptations with celebrities and plotlines.

>Doom Slayer
You mean the Doom guy?

I can't even play other recent games anymore. Doom Eternal is just to good.
I'm fine with Doom I, II, Blood, Doom Eternal and Deus Ex.

Jessie Eisenberg



no way he would look right in a space suit

The dude that played Dredd in "Dredd".

Try to find a motherfucker that won't demand having the helmet removed for half the fucking movie. The only actor I can think of is Karl Urban, he did well in Dredd. Minimal dialogue, no removing the helmet.

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A muscular Karl Urban

wtf is this?!

That latino guy that did the Mandalorian, whoever he is.

>Chance of a good doom movie ever is 0%
make it a musical with tap dancing revenants and gunshots syncing with the soundtrack


This, dude literally has the same face

Nothing wrong with the Doom film with Karl Urban and The Rock.


A Jim Steinman-Meatloaf type rock opera could genuinely work. Have it be about the demons of hell retelling the legend of the Doom Slayer.

before doom eternal there was doom annihilation

He did fine what he did, but he's no Doomguy.

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No, he already played in Doom movie, there must be somebody else
He should play Ranger in Quake movie instead

So again, Hardy.

>Jim Steinman-Meatloaf type rock opera

Based, same big dick energy

Well, he is a big guy...

>those embarrassing slow motion shots
LMAO looks like a Von Trier joint

Tom hardy

And he only takes his helmet off once to say “Rip and tear”

Does it matter as long as she has huge tits

If we go by the comic, Jason Statham, and directed by Neveldine and Taylor.

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>how much money do we have?
>200 bucks
>ok, let's make a DOOM movie

His voice is wimpy

They could just have John Cena play Duke Nukem, Doomfaggot, BJ Faggotwits. They all look the same and would make people want to criticize the movies less hard.

Without Joking, Vinnie Jones, maybe Tom Hardy
I would also pick without hesitation for ressemblance John Cena as CJ Blazkowitz (whatever name that is)

Daniel Cudmore. Same dude who played Master Chief in Forward Unto Dawn.

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for you

>the Imps just throwing themselves into the lava

Needs to be a hot, masc guy or its a definite flop.

This, new games look like shit. Modded old doom is more satisfying.

I wonder if they will get him back for the movie.

Wait, they're finally making the movie? What is this? 2006? Next you're gonna tell me the Splinter Cell movie is out of developmental hell.

I thought he was some random marine

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Just put Jay Cutler or any other bodybuilder in the suit and have him say nothing.

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They are, Alex Garland is directing it.

No. It's a tv series. There will never be a Halo movie unless Gaylo Infinite is the new Fortnite.

he can run 40mph in the first two Doom games

>is the new Fortnite
God I hope so. I hate Fortnite so goddamn much. It's all kids play at my LAN center. And the EPIC launcher is the worst piece of shit I've had to deal with since EA's Origin. But at least Origin could actually patch games in a timely manner.

Karl Urban already was in a Doom movie.

Doomguy isn't a bodybuilder. He's got functional strength which means he has a bfp of above 10%.

Honestly they should make the halo series a cgi show a high budget one. The realistic mjolnir armors look kinda silly the same goes for the guns.

scott eastwood

Gerard Butler or Dave Bautista

Also a decent choice

I don't know but Warwick Davis should be the imps. Imagine a movie about Warwick eating tons of buckshot. It would win Oscars.

Play the Hitman games