The Hunt

This is an official declaration of Betty Gilpin as my wafiu, all other claims are hearby null and void.

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does she do the thing where she acts drunk and upset and cries? she's really good at that

i thought she was like 45 but she's younger than me

Fuck you, user!

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I really noticed her long face in this but it's still good

I was going to say you could have her until I saw those milkies. Please tell me she's gone topless?

She has both good tits and ass. Extremely rare

>Please tell me she's gone topless?
Yes, and it's glorious. I won't post it though because I just recovered from a ban.

10/10 body but face of a 45 yr old.

Multiple times

You say it like it's a negative.

She's quite something in this. I like her country portrayal. Pretty good actually from someone who grew up in Manhattan, and I saw that as someone who's Appallachian on my mom's side and they talk and carry themselves like her.

That's her whole appeal - she's attractive in a milfy way.

Hot but has face and hairline of a middle aged man.

What went wrong?

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Attached: Betty Gilpin 'Crystal' in 'The Hunt'.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Attached: Betty Gilpin The Hunt 2020 [1.10.55-1.11.07].webm (450x800, 2.57M)

Attached: Betty Gilpin The Hunt 2020 [1.23.22-1.23.34].webm (1920x800, 3M)

Betty Milfin

The fight at the end with that other slut was so hot.

Attached: Betty Gilpin The Hunt 2020 [28.52-29.01].webm (1000x800, 2.94M)

she has already been officially claimed you faggot you ain't got shit

Attached: Betty GIlpin The Hunt 2020 [29.43-29.50].webm (1250x800, 2.99M)

Attached: Betty Gilpin The Hunt 2020 [32.47-32.58].webm (1920x800, 3M)

Attached: Betty Gilpin The Hunt 2020 [55.06-55.11].webm (1920x800, 2.9M)

She looks like that lady that got her face de-gloved.

Attached: Betty Gilpin The Hunt 2020 [55.31-55.37].webm (1920x800, 2.78M)

Justin Hartley is relentlessly handsome.

I love how the rich progressives were just totally the villains in this. Like the movie was obviously produced by people of that social class of course but there's enough awareness by now of just how cretinous and lame they are that it's really fun and gratifying not to mention hilarious doing a movie where they get shown to be a bunch of psychotic petty neurotics while the rednecks are more human and sympathetic. Just like real life!

I only watched it for her and she didn't disappoint. Underrated actress.

those dirty Chucks make her look trashy in a good way

People who saw her in American Gods have known this for a while.

fück, she's married, the fuck?

literally the only good part of this movie

The whole movie was good stop getting triggered tranny

to me :)

give me titles

woah, when did she look like this? I first saw her in elementary like 2 years ago and even then she was uggo

>damon lindelof
lol I bet you hated HBO's Watchmen

cause she's a milf

Written by Damon Lindelof

tits are fake

5/10 thot

Betty is amazing!

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why don't you just google her name + nude retard-kun

>when did she look like this?
Like back in 2011

You're shitting me, she's got at least be in her 40s. How old then?

>tits are fake

Can anyone confirm??

She’s 33

just look at her tits dumbass

Oof! Poor girl.

I've seen her tits, normally I pick up on shit like that. Lemme check again.


45 yo milf is still lightyears better than what passes for a burger college student these days. Pic related and also trigglypuff.

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I loved her, she carried the whole damn thing by herself and it was pretty entertaining.

At least it's not a tranny. Count your blessings in current year.

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How the fuck is that a bad thing you absolute fag.

Its weird. Its like she hit the wall at 30 but simultaneously beat it.

lel. Another triggered ma'am.

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She was in American gods? The commercial lady?

Her ass is godlike so it doesn’t matter

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Attached: Betty Gilpin ass.webm (700x900, 3M)

i like her back

post more of her back